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1、Unit 1 What is a wonder of the world?Teaching modelListening and speakingTeaching methodCommunicative approachTeaching aimsKey vocabulary: ancient, club, composition, pupil, pyramid, call, reviewKey structures: Thats news to me! Whats it about? Listen up, everyone. Anyone else? Thats a fantastic ide

2、a listen up Teaching aidsTape recorder, PPT, picturesTeaching StepsStep1 Warming-up 1.Talk about your summer holiday(Activity 5): Q1: What did you do in the summer holiday?Q2: What was your last composition about?Q3: What bands or movies did you see or would you like to see?2. Look at some pictures

3、of the wonders of the world. 3. Talk about the picture. Learn some new words with the help of the teacher.Step 2 Free talking Look at the picture of a new band. What do you think? Give your comments as many as possible, you can use the words in Part 1.Step 3 Listening 1.To know more about the band,

4、lets listen to the tape and answer:( ) Whats the name of the band? 1.Friday.2.Dance club.3.About 4,500 years ago.4.Australia.5.300 words.2. (Close the books) Listen to the tape carefully and answer:Q: What are they mainly talking about at the meeting? ( ) A. The school concert. B. The school magazin

5、e. C. The television interview with Becky Wang.3. Play the tape and have them read and follow.4. Ask the students to read through the conversation individually and do exercises.Step 4 Do ExercisesChoose the best answer in Activity 4.1) What are they mainly talking about at the meeting?a) The school

6、concert.b) The school magazine.c) The television interview with Becky Wang.2) What is Daming doing when the others arrive?a) Writing a composition.b) Doing some reviews.c) Watching TV.3) What was Becky Wang?a) A singer with the band Crazy Feet.b) A pupil at their school.c) Linglings favourite singer

7、.来源:学#科#网Z#X#X#K4) What does Betty suggest including in the school magazine?a) Homework Help.b) A school diary.c) Music reviews.5) What is Damings homework?a) Writing ideas on how to get good grades.b) Reading a book.c) Writing a composition.Step5 Explain the important and difficult points 1 Thats n

8、ews to me! 我一点儿都不知道! Thats/Its news to me. (口语)表示“没听说过的事”.如: Theres no class tomorrow? Thats news to me! 明天不上课?我一点儿都不知道! 2 Well write a diary of school events, and tell everyone about the school concert and the dance club.我们要记录下学校每天发生的事,还要告诉大家学校音乐会以及舞蹈俱乐部的事情.diary 意思是、“记事簿,日记簿”.如: According to my di

9、ary, Ive got two meetings on Monday.根据我在记事簿上的记录,周一我要开两个会.3 Ill do some reviews about our favourite bands and movies!我要就我们喜爱的乐队的电影写一些评论. And Ill do an interview with Becky Wang! 我要采访贝基.王! do some reviews 表示“对.做评论”;do an interview表示“采访.”.其中,do.可以和许多名词搭配,组成不同的词组.同学们在平时的学习中要学会积累这些词组.再如: I should do more

10、 exercise.我应该多锻炼. Hes on honest; we like to do business with him.他是一个诚实的人,我们愿意与他做生意.4. Listen up! 注意听好了!eat up吃光/ drink up喝光/ clean up彻底清除干净/tidy up彻底整干净/use up用完5.Why dont we/ doesnt heWhy not + do sthHow / What about + doing sth6. write down some ideas/ write some ideas down/ write them down来源:学科网

11、ZXXK7. an ancient pyramid/ an ancient townStep 6 Fill in the table and make a similar dialogue School Magazine来源:学科网Title _column1.School events/diary: school concert,_,_,2.Review: bands,_3.Homework help:_staffBetty : write the articleTony: _Lingling: do interviewsDaming : _Step 7 Everyday EnglishStep 8 Pronunciation and speaking1. Listen to the sentences.2. Listen and repeat.3. Say the sentences aloud.Step 9 HomeworkFinish the exercises in the workbook Ex. 1, 2, 3&4来源:学|科|网Z|X|X|K


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