安徽省淮南市2014高考英语一轮 单项选择文章训练(5)

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1、安徽省淮南市2014高考英语一轮单项选择及文章训练(5)及答案31. I came here _ to ask for your instruction, not for other purpose. A. entirely B. particularly C. especially D. specially32. None of us will ever forget that exciting evening. The underlined word probably means _. A. at any timeB. onceC. neverD. from time to time33.

2、 - Im sorry to have put you into so much trouble. - It doesnt matter. A. extremely B. extensively C. too D. much34. I am _ sure that I have told you that before. A. fairlyB. farC. ratherD. pretty35. She is _ being pleased about it; she is very angry.A. frequentB. quite C. far from D. rather36. - Wha

3、t do you think of the town _?- Oh, it is very beautiful.A. so far B. by far C. too far D. far and away37. Stop! If you go any _, you will be in danger.A. far B. farther C. further D. far away38. If you ask how_ away a place is, you are asking how great a distance away it is.A. wide B. far C. remote

4、D. long39. There are hurricanes here frequently in summer. The underlined part means _.A. often B. recently C. sometimes D. seldom40. She was reading the newspaper attentively, but she looked _ the newspaper when she heard them talking about her. A. away fromB. out forC. up awayD. up from41. Mosquit

5、oes breed in swampy areas. A. always B. rarely C. never D. generally42. I cant get my boots _. They are too tight. A. off B. down C. away D. up43. How are you getting _ with each other? A. onB. backC. inD. through44. The soldier gave _ the secret when they punished him. A. up B. back C. out D. away4

6、5. If the wind doesnt _ before three oclock, we will not be able to take off today. A. do upB. go downC. go byD. go out46. Oh, you cant go out now. It is raining very _. Youd better stay here for a while. A. largely B. bigly C. greatlyD. heavily 47. Id like to go with you. , I have to finish the rep

7、ort now. A. However B. But C. And D. So48. I will ask my father to telephone you _ he comes back.A. hardly B. suddenly C. quickly D. immediately49. - Does he study very hard at school? - Yes, he studies _. A. very indeed hardB. hard very indeedC. very hard indeedD. indeed very hard50. The lazy boy g

8、ot up very late and went to school in a hurry. When he arrived at school, he found that he had put his socks on _. A. outside B. inside out C. side out D. back out参考答案3135DBAAC3640ACBAA4145DAADB4650DADCB*结束.单项填空1(2012福建湖雷中学月考)This morning traffic was_by an accident outside the town hall.Aheld offBhe

9、ld upCheld on Dheld over解析:选B。考查动词短语。hold off“不接近”“拖延”;hold up“举起”“支撑”“继续下去”“阻挡”“拦截”;hold on“继续”“不挂断”;hold over“延缓”“推迟”。2The government work report by Premier Wen covers a variety of issues,and social justice_.Ain common Bin generalCin particular Din practice解析:选C。考查词组辨析。句意为:温总理的政府工作报告包含各种问题,尤其是社会公平

10、。结合a variety of issues与social justice可知表示强调,in particular意为“尤其是”。3Surely it doesnt matter where the student associations get their money from;what_is what they do with it.Acounts BappliesCstresses Dfunctions解析:选A。count在句中的含义为“有价值,有意义”。句意为:“毫无疑问,学生会从哪儿弄到这些钱无关紧要,真正的价值是他们用这些钱来做什么。”4I cant say which win

11、e is bestits a(n)_of personal taste.Aaffair BeventCmatter Dvariety解析:选C。affair指要做的事或已经发生的事,常用复数;event指具有重大意义的事件,也可指日常生活中较重要的事或比赛项目;matter为需要认真考虑的事情或问题;variety“多样性”,名词。Its a matter of.意为“是的问题”,根据句意选matter。5(2012北京海淀监测)It has been reported that some government leaders_their authority and position to g

12、et illegal profits for themselves.Aemploy BabandonCabuse Doverlook解析:选C。employ“雇用”;abandon“遗弃;离开”;abuse“滥用;妄用;虐待”;overlook“俯瞰;俯视;未看到”。这句话的意思是:据报道,一些政府领导滥用职权为自己获取非法利益。6A great performance was held on the campus of Beijing University on the night of May 4 and was given coverage by the CCTV.Aalive Bliv

13、elyClife Dlive解析:选D。句意:5月4号晚上在北京大学的校园举办了大型表演,并由中央电视台进行了现场直播。alive是表语形容词,意为“活的,活着的”;lively既可作表语,又可作定语,意为“活泼的,有生气的”;life是名词,意为“生活”;live可作定语,意为“活的;现场直播的”。由句意可知,此处用live表示现场直播。7The coach asked his staff to_the large group of journalists waiting for him to announce his training plans.Aadapt to Battend toCrefer to Dappeal to解析:选B。adapt to“适应”;attend to“照顾,关照”;refer to“谈到;提到;指的是;参考”;appeal to“呼吁”。这句话的意思是:教练让他的手下关照一下那一群等着他宣布训练计划的记者。8Do you think it wise for Chinese mothers to try to do everything for their children?No,thats_theyre mistaken.Awhere BwhenCso


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