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1、小学升外国语学校英语完型填空专项 50-47AThese days men and women, young and old are 1 the same kind of 2 , and a lot of 3 have long hair. We often cant 4 whether(是否)they are boys or girls, men or women. 5 old man often goes to walk in the park. He is sitting on a chair now. A young person is 6 7 him.“Oh, goodness!”

2、the old man says to the other one. “ Do you 8 that person with long hair? Is it a boy or a girl? ” “A boy.” says the other one. “He is my son.” “Oh,” says the old man, “please 9 me. I dont know you are his 10 .” “Im not his mother. Im his father. ” says the other one.( )1.A. putting onB. wearingC. p

3、uttingD. buying( )2.A. clothesB. treesC. picturesD. bags( )3.A. meB. yourC. themD. their( )4.A. talkB. teachC. sayD. know( )5.A. AB. AnC. TheD. /( )6.A. runningB. flyingC. standingD. driving( )7.A. onB. besideC. inD. at( )8.A. seeB. watchC. lookD. read( )9.A. helpB. excuseC. teachD. ask( )10.A. baby

4、B. sisterC. fatherD. mother【解析】1. B A选项意为“穿上”,C选项意为“放”,D选项意为“买”,均强调动作,意思表达不太准确。而B选项意为“穿着”,强调状态且符合整体表意,故应选择B。【解析】2. A A选项与wearing 对应,意为“穿衣服”,B、C、D选项不能与wearing连用,故选择A选项。【解析】3. C 空前of为介词,此处应用宾格them与a lot of连用构成主语,意为“他们中的许多人”。故本题选择C选项。【解析】4. D 本题A、B、C三选项不能与whether引导的宾语从句连用,且与句意不符;而D选项know后可以加whether引导的宾

5、语从句,且符合句意“我们常常不能知道他们是男是女”。故本题选择D选项。【解析】5. B 此处“old man为第一次提到且并非特指,故应用不定冠词a或an;又因old为元音音素开头,故应用an, 即B选项。【解析】6. C 此两空出现在同一句中,与上句“他正坐在一张椅子上”对应,此处应是“一个年轻人站在他旁边”。第6题,第7题B选项符合此意。【解析】7. B beside表示“在旁边”。【解析】8. A A选项see主要强调结果,意为“看见”;B选项watch主要强调动作,意为“注视”,常用于watch TV, watch matches;C选项look主要强调动作,且后加宾语时需加介词at;

6、D选项read意为“阅读”,常与书籍连用。此句意为:你看见那个长头发的人了吗?A选项符合句意和语法,故本题选择A选项。【解析】9. B 因后紧跟一问句,此处应表“劳驾,麻烦了,原谅”之意,故应用excuse,即B选项。【解析】10. D 本题主要考查对上下文的理解和文章整体意思的把握,从下文一句“我不是他妈妈,我是他爸爸”,可以确定前句意为:我不知道你是她妈妈,故此处应用mother,即D选项。BMr. Hu 1 us English this term. He is nice . He 2 wearing a white shirt and black trousers. He 3 very

7、 good English . He often 4 with us. We all like him very much.Mr. Hu 5 two little sons. Theyre twin brothers. They are only five. They often 6 the same clothes. 7 Betty goes to Mr. Hus home. She loves to 8 the twins and play with 9 . Mr. Hu 10 his sons, Bao Bao and Bei Bei.( )1.A. tellsB. teachesC.

8、speaksD. works( )2.A. isB. likesC. wantD. does( )3.A. speaksB. saysC. tellsD. teaches( )4.A. saysB. speaksC. talksD. tells( )5.A. wantsB. hasC. looks afterD. teaches( )6.A. wearB. put onC. haveD. in( )7.A. ButB. AndC. ThenD. Sometimes( )8.A. lookB. thinkC. takeD. see( )9.A. twinsB. onesC. theyD. the

9、m( )10.A. callsB. nameC. thinksD. think【解析】1. B 句型teach sb sth意为“教某人”【解析】2. A 此空填is补全现在进行时结构:主语+be+动词ing的形式。【解析】3. A 说某种语言用speak.【解析】4. C talk with sb表示“和某人交谈”。【解析】5. B 表示某人有某物,主语是第三人称单数时,谓语动词用has.【解析】6. A wear = be in表示“穿着”、“戴着”,强调状态。【解析】7. D Sometimes意为“有时”,本句意思是贝蒂有时去胡先生的家。【解析】8. D 此处see sb表示看望某人。【解析】9. D with为介词后面要用代词的宾格形式。【解析】10. A 此处call表示“称呼、叫”


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