2013版高考英语 专题辅导与训练精练精析(sdzy) 专题强化测评(一)名词和冠词

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《2013版高考英语 专题辅导与训练精练精析(sdzy) 专题强化测评(一)名词和冠词》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2013版高考英语 专题辅导与训练精练精析(sdzy) 专题强化测评(一)名词和冠词(9页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2013版英语高考专题辅导与训练精练精析(SDZY):专题强化测评(一)名词和冠词(限时30分钟). 单项填空1. With _ science and technology developing rapidly, its likely that the robot will take _ place of human beings in many ways. A. /;/B. the; aC. /;theD. the; the2.2011济宁模拟Johnson had made up his mind to give it up, but on _ second thought he det

2、ermined to try _ third time. A. /; aB. /; /C. a; aD. the; a 3. Of all the subjects, I like _ physics best because it gives us _ useful knowledge of things in science. And I long to turn _ scientist in the future. A. the; a; aB. /; an; /C. /; a; /D. the; /; /4. _ Shenzhen is a beautiful modern city.

3、But _ Shenzhen before the year 1979 was a fishing village. A. The; theB. /; /C. /; theD. The; /5. 2011北京模拟We believe _ Shenzhen well see in _ year 2012 will be quite _ different city from what it is now. A. /; the; /B. the; the; aC. the; the; theD. /; /; / 6. All these changes will lead to _ stronge

4、r and more powerful China, _ country that can surprise and enrich our planet. A. a; aB. a; theC. the; aD. a; / 7. _ loves them dearly. She spares no money and makes great efforts to have them well educated. A. Marys and Kates motherB. Mother of Marys and KatesC. Mary and Kates motherD. Mother of Mar

5、y and Kate8. Being Lifes _ only black photographer put him in _ unusual position when Parks set out to cover the civil rights movement. A. the; anB. /; theC. the; theD. /; an9. The boy, who lived on _ second floor, was so clever that everybody thought he was _ second Einstein. A. a; aB. the; aC. the

6、; theD. a; the10. Jack, you have been admitted to _ famous school you have been looking forward to attending! Really? Its _ honor to me! A. a; the B. /; anC. the; anD. the; the11. Do you think an advertisement is _ help when you look for a new job? Well, it all depends. Anyway, it gives me more of _

7、 chance to try. A. a; aB. /; /C. the; theD. a; the12. 2011宜春模拟Everybody present at the meeting agreed to stick to the _ that everyone should be treated fairly. A. purposeB. ambitionC. principle D. level13. 2011天津模拟You should have seen the look of _ when he heard the news that his mother, who used to

8、 be healthy, was seriously ill. A. shockB. calmnessC. angerD. scare14. There is an obvious _ between the cultures of the West and the East. A. contractB. contrastC. contentD. contact15. 2011哈尔滨模拟Life is a _, meet it! Life is a dream, realize it! Life is a game, play it! A. challengeB. disasterC. har

9、dshipD. stage16. Ritas husband is away for the week, so I think I should go round and keep her _. A. friendB. pairC. partnerD. company17. When we visited the mountain village, my father took a picture of me with the mountain in the _. A. occasionB. case C. situationD. background18. Even though there

10、 were so many hardship cases, Wang Shuo, a DV lover, felt a great _ of satisfaction when the video was completed successfully. A. sourceB. senseC. favourD. value19. You are really very kind. Ill never forget the _ you have done for me. A. favourB. deedC. helpD. good20. Linda gave us a vivid _ of her

11、 trip to Mount Lu after her return. A. accountB. explanationC. imaginationD. idea. 阅读理解(A)Do you ever wonder why the English have one word for some animals and a different one for their meat? Why do they use pig and pork, cow and beef, and sheep and mutton? To find out, we have to go back to 1066. I

12、n that year, the Norman French invaded England and put a French king on the English throne. The French not only changed the government but they also changed the language. French became the language of the upper classes of society. And it remained that way for 300 years. Only these high society peopl

13、e could afford to eat meat. As a result, French words like porc (pork) and beouf (beef) came into the English language. However, poor English farmers raised the animals. So, he English language retained the words pig and cow from the native Anglo-Saxon. The Norman French added about 10, 000 French w

14、ords to the English language. Seventy-five percent of them are still in use today. Language experts estimate that English speakers who have never studied French already know 15, 000 French words! Between one-third and two-thirds of all English words have French origins. Some words such as possible and avenue are the same in French and English; only the pronunciation changes. Other words such as ballet or la carte retain their French pronunciati



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