2013届高考英语二轮总复习 第13讲 词语知识考查限时训练讲义 新课标(湖南专用)

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《2013届高考英语二轮总复习 第13讲 词语知识考查限时训练讲义 新课标(湖南专用)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2013届高考英语二轮总复习 第13讲 词语知识考查限时训练讲义 新课标(湖南专用)(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第十三讲词语知识考查(1)(8 min.)(原创)Rodd was chosen to go and see Santa Claus himself up at the North Pole. Everything he _1_ was never in his wildest dreams and he excitedly waited to see that loveable _2_ figure who had spent so many years bringing him gifts every Christmas.Suddenly, Santa Claus appeared, an

2、d the large desk became covered with all the _3_ he had ever wanted. How _4_! Rodd went over to the bicycle he had _5_ dreamed of having. But Santa was only there for a few seconds and disappeared before Rodd had even looked at him. Rodd felt like hed _6_ his great good fortune. He cried and complai

3、ned.From that day on, every time Rodd saw a toy, he would instantly look around to see what else of _7_ he was missing. And in this way he came to see the sad eyes of the lonely, the _8_ of children whose greatest gift would be a piece of bread, or the suffering of others who had gone for years with

4、out _9_ “I love you”. And, unlike that night at the North Pole, when he hadnt known how to choose, Rodd learned to help those who had nothing, give love to those who almost never received it, and put _10_ on the faces of the unhappy.All by himself, he managed to change the atmosphere of his town, an

5、d no one could know him without being _11_ to him. And, one Christmas, while he was _12_, he felt someone touching his leg. Rodd opened his eyes and saw the long white beard and the soft red suit. 1. A. came acrossB. came throughC. got across D. got through 2. A. white B. redC. black D. blue 3. A. b

6、read B. fortuneC. toys D. bicycles 4. A. annoying B. frighteningC. surprising D. exciting 5. A. still B. always C. ever D. never 6. A. wasted B. passedC. lacked D. spent 7. A. interest B. necessityC. importance D. usage 8. A. coldness B. excitementC. happiness D. poverty 9. A. understanding B. speak

7、ingC. hearing D. reading10. A. smiles B. tearsC. doubt D. glare11. A. cheerful B. gratefulC. delighted D. satisfied12. A. walking B. sleepingC. playing D. laughing(2)(8 min.)(2012雅礼月考四)Rain in My Old HomeWritten by Tang in 1933Spring in the south is known to be rainy. During this season, it _1_ rain

8、s there but it remains wet for seven or eight days on end. Dwellers in Shanghai, who usually do not feel the need for rain, will be _2_ with having to confine themselves in their close quarters when outside it is gloomy with rain. While in the open, seeing no mountains, nor lakes, nor raindrenched s

9、oft green leaves, youll find nothing comparable to a fine day. Sometimes, _3_, a rich mans car flashing past may splash you all over with _4_.I remember when I first came to Shanghai to _5_ school six or seven years ago, I used to be so very busy with my homework that I often had to sit up _6_ into

10、the night. As it happened to be a rainy year, I was often disturbed by the pitterpatter of rain beating down _7_ the window and roof. Indeed, I dislike rain very much.But thats something which can be experienced in Shanghai only. Ill never forget the days when I _8_ the spring rain in my native plac

11、e as a small child. One spring, together with two companions, I _9_ a small boat to a town ten li away to see a village opera. At midnight, after the _10_ was over, we _11_ in a rain on the way home. The rain beating on the awning(雨篷) gave off a _12_ sound, as if with musical rhythm and cadence(节拍).

12、 My companions began to sing, to the accompaniment of the dripdrop, the local folk song, In a Boat by a Bridge on a Rainy Night. It was truly fascinating. 1. A. never B. usuallyC. always D. constantly 2. A. pleased B. disappointedC. bored D. angry 3. A. however B. worse stillC. meanwhile D. as a res

13、ult 4. A. pleasure B. mudC. purpose D. wheels 5. A. attend B. goC. live in D. apply to 6. A. deeply B. latelyC. farther D. late 7. A. over B. besideC. through D. against 8. A. enjoyed B. watchedC. caught D. welcomed 9. A. laded B. rowedC. pulled D. waited10. A. sleep B. classC. performance D. scene1

14、1. A. were lost B. were blockedC. got wet D. got caught12. A. loud B. noisyC. pleasant D. familiar(3)(8 min.)(2012长郡一模)One day, an expert in timemanagement was speaking to a group of business students. To make the point _1_, he used an illustration.As he stood in front of the group, he said, “Okay,

15、time for a quiz.” He then pulled out a widemouth jar and set it on the table. Then he carefully placed about a dozen fistsized rocks, one by one, into the jar.When the jar was filled to the _2_ and no more rocks would fit inside, he asked, “Is this jar _3_?” Everyone in the class said, “Yes.”“Really?” Then he reached under the table and pulled out a bucket of gravel(沙砾,石子), dumped some in and _4_ the jar, causing pieces of gravel to work themselves down into the space between the big rocks. Then he asked the group the same question. “Proba


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