2013年四年级英语上册 unit 1测试卷(无答案) 冀教版

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1、四年级英语(上)Unit 1 测试卷一、补全单词并写出相应的汉语。(20分)1 c_ p _ 2 sh_ _ ts _3 c_ _t _ 4 s_ _ks _5 sk_ _t _6 t_day _7 sw_ _ter _ 8 trsers _9 w_ _k _10 dr_ ss _二 按要求完成下列各题。(12分)1 a green sweater (翻译)_2 on Sunday (翻译) _3 a birthday gift (翻译) _ 4 Kimcap (翻译) _5 new (反义词) _6 this (复数形式) _三 读一读,选一选 。(20分)( )1 She_ wearing

2、 a red dress .A. is B. are C. am( )2._day is today?its Monday.A. How B. How many C. What ( )3. Is this _ hat? you B. your C. she ( )4. These _ new shorts.5.is this her dress?A. yes, it is. B. yes, it isnt. C. No, it is.6.what _ is it? Its yellow.7.are these your shoes?_,theey arent.A. Yes B. No( )8.

3、 this is _ old sweater.9.Is it new _ old?A. and B. or C. an10. These _ new trousers.A. are B. is C. am 四、连词成句,注意标点符号。(8分)Is, wearing,she,green,sweater,a ( .)_.Like, your ,skirt,I .( .)_.( )4. he,is ,wearing,what ( ?)_五小小翻译家。(10分)1.what day is it?_2.are these your gloves?_3.hes wearing a sweater toda

4、y._4. I like yours trousers._5. this is an old sweater._六、情景交际。(10分)1.当你想知道今天是星期几,你可以这样问:( )A. What day is today? B. What is it? 2.你想知道他正穿着社么,可以这样问:( )What does he wear? B. what is he wearing?3.当对方夸我们的衣服好看时,我们应该这样说:( )A.OK. B. Thanks.4.你想对同伴“我打算去参加一个聚会”时,你可以这样说:( )A. I am going to the party. B. I go

5、 to the party.5.当你想问对方“它是新的还是旧的”时,应该这样说:( )A. Is it new or old? B. It is new or old.七、选择正确的译文。(10分)( )1. a blue coat A.一件白色的毛衣( ) 2. a green dress B.一件蓝色的大衣( ) 3. a yellow hat C.一星期中的天数( ) 4.days of the week D.一件绿色的连衣裙( ) 5.a white sweater E.一顶黄色的帽子八、阅读大观园,判断正()误()(10分)We wear slippers(拖鞋) at home.

6、Usually (通常的)we do not wear boots at home. We wear housecoats at home, as when we but we wear shirts, jeans, sweatert or coats when we go outside.we wear pajamas(睡衣) when we sleep.( )1.We wear boots at home.( )2 We wear housecoat when we sleep.( )3.We can wear pajamas when we sleep.( )4.We wear slippers at home.( )5.We wear jeans when we ssleep.


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