2013年七年级英语下册 unit8-10单元复习练习(无答案) 人教新目标版

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《2013年七年级英语下册 unit8-10单元复习练习(无答案) 人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2013年七年级英语下册 unit8-10单元复习练习(无答案) 人教新目标版(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2013年七年级英语下册 Unit8-10单元复习练习(无答案) 人教新目标版一 翻译下列词组1.在对面_ 2.隔壁_ 3.在与之间_ 4.在前面_ 5.打扰一下_ 6. 非常感谢你_ 7. 沿着走_ 8. 向左转_9.度过时光_ 10.时间过得快_ 11.不太远_ 12.看见Tom打游戏_ 13.看起来像_14.长直发_ 15.中等身高_16.戴眼镜_ 17.在我的左边_ 18.散步_ 19.在邮局后面_ 20.大眼睛_21.有点晚_ 22.待会见_ 23.牛肉面_ 24.许愿_25.世界各地_ 26.学生的数量_ 27.多大尺码_ 28.一大碗羊肉汤_二单项选择( )1. Can you

2、swim _ the river? A. near B. between C. from D. across( )2._ , where is the park? A. Hi B. Hello C. Excuse me D. Excuse( )3.The hotel is _ the bank. A. across B. from C. across form D. next ( )4.-Thank you very much. -_A. Youre welcome. B. Really? C. Nice to meet you. D. Thank you, too.( )5.-Is ther

3、e a library in your school?( ) -_.A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isnt. C. Yes, there is. D. No, there arent.( )6. Tom enjoys _the guitar in the park every morning. A.play B.plays C.playing D.to play( )7. Go _this street and then turn right. A.From B.to C.down D.on( )8. There _ some water in the glass. A.i

4、s B.are C.be D.has( )9 Alice spends too much time _computer games. A.play B.plays C.to play D.playing( )10. Julia _a bus to work this morning, A. by B. buy C. took D. takes( )11. Dale likes _ very much. A. tomato B. tomatoes C. tomatos D. tomatoing( )12. What would you like _ breakfast? A. for B. on

5、 C. at D. to( )13. 1. Grace doesnt like green tea, onions _ dumplings A. but B. and C. or D. so ( )14. - _ rice would you like? - Small, please. A. What kind of B. What size C. What size bowl of D. What kinds of( )15. - _ is your favorite teacher like? -She is very friendly.A. How B. What C. Who D.

6、Why三用所给词的适当形式填空1. The children enjoy _(play)soccer after class. 2. She _(go)home at five every afternoon.3. I spend much time _(speak) English every morning, 4. I can find the hotel _(easy).5. You should turn right at the _ crossing(two). 6. I think money _(be not)everything.7. I love to watch monke

7、ys _(climb) trees. 8. There _(be) a pen and two pencils in the box.9. Its 7 oclock, the children_(play) games in the park. 10. I am good at _(draw)11. Tom helped me _(practice) the guitar yesterday. 12.There are some kites _(fly) in the sky.13.I saw some boys _(swim) in the river just now. 14. He _(

8、write) a letter to his mother last night四译展身手1. 沿着大桥街走,在新公园向左转。_ _ Bridge Street and _ _ at New Park.2. 请在第三个十字路口处向右拐。Please _ _ at the first _3. Lily紧挨着Liu Mei坐。 Lily sits _ _ Liu Mei.4. 这附近有银行吗? _ _ a bank near here?5. 餐馆就在你的右边。The restaurant is _ _ _.6.他的爸爸高个子长头发。 His father _ tall _ hair.7.Amy小时

9、候总是戴着一副有趣的眼镜。 Amy always _ a pair of funny _ when he was a child.8.桌子上有20个杯子。 _ _ _ the cups on the desk _ twenty.9.我有点饿了,我想吃碗牛肉面。 I am _ _ hungry, Id _ a large bowl _ beef noodles10.我们这里有各式各样的面条。 I have all _ _ noodles.11.Sally是长头发还是短头发? Does Sally have _ _ _?12.听,他们在谈论哈利波特。 Listen! They _ _ _ Harr

10、y Potter. 13.我们的老师在学习上对我们要求很严格。Our teachers are always _ _us _our studies.14.留着长黑发的那个女生是我的表妹。The girl_ _ _ _is my cousin.15.农场里有一些绵羊。 There _ some _ _ the farm.五完形填空These days, people love to be cool. Men and women, young and old are 1 the same kind of clothes, and a lot of them have long hair. We c

11、ant tell if 2 are boys or girls, men or women. One day, a young man with long hair 3 on a chair in the park. Then 4 old man, Peter, came over and looked at him. Peter 5 very puzzled(疑惑的), so he 6 another man next to him. “Do you 7 the girl?” “Yes, but he is a 8 . He is my son.” said the man. Peter said “ 9 , I dont know you are his 10 .” “Im not his mother. Im his father,” said the man.( )1.A. playingB. wearingC. puttingD. watching( )2.A. meB. yourC. theyD. their( )3.A. sit B. sitting C. sat D. sits ( )4. A. aB. anC. the D. /( )5. A. was B. isC. were D. are( )6.A. talkedB. asked C. listene


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