(新课标)2016高考英语一轮复习 知识排查突破 book8 unit1 a land of diversity 新人教版

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1、unit1 a land of diversity重点识记词汇1.take in包括;吸收2.back to back背靠背3occur vi.发生;出现 4.live on继续存在;继续生存5apply for申请;请示得到 6.hire vt.& n租用;雇用7a great/good many许多;很多 8.nowhere adv.无处;到处都无9applicant n申请人 10.percentage n百分比;百分率11keep up 坚持;维持;沿袭(风俗、传统等) 12.make a life习惯于新的生活方式、工作等13authority n权威;权力;(pl) 当局;官方 1

2、4.slip vi.滑动;滑行;滑跤 n滑动;滑倒15thoughtful adj.关切的;体贴的;深思的 16.team up with与合作或一起工作17mark out用线画出范围;标出界线 18.grasp vt.& n抓住;抓紧;掌握;领会19reform vt.& vi.改;新 n改;改造;改良 20.thankful adj.感激的;感谢的thank n& v感谢21racial adj.人种的;种族的race n种族 22.adventurer n冒险家adventure v& n冒险23punishment n处罚;惩罚punish vt.惩罚 24.justice n正义;

3、公平just adj.公平的;公正的25customs n海关;关税;进口税customer n顾客26elect vt.选择;决定做某事;选举某人election n选举27boom n(人口、贸易的)繁荣 vi.处于经济迅速发展时期28means n手段;方法by means of.用办法;借助29majority n大多数;大半minority n(反义词)少数派;少数民族30distinct adj.清晰的;明显的;明确的distinction n差别;区分;卓著31immigrate vi.移入(外国定居)immigration n移民;移居入境32crossing n横渡;横越;十

4、字路口;人行横道cross vi.横过33apparent adj.显而易见的;显然的;表面上的apparently adv.显然地;显而易见地34socialist n社会主义者;社会党人 adj.社会主义者的socialism n社会主义social adj.社会的;社交的 35indicate vt.指出;指示;表明;暗示indicator n指示者;指示器indication n指示;指标36fascinating adj.迷人的;吸引人的fascinated adj.着迷的;被深深吸引的fascinate vi.入迷 vt.使着迷,使神魂颠倒fascination n魅力;魔力;入迷

5、必背经典句式1.However,it is likely that Native Americans were living in California at least fifteen thousand years ago.然而,土著美国人有可能在一万五千年前就在加州生活着。2That is why today over 40% of Californians speak Spanish as a first or second language.这就是今天有超过40%的加利福尼亚人把西班牙语作为第一或第二语言的原因。3It is believed that before long the

6、mix of nationalities will be so great that there will be no distinct major racial or cultural groups,but simply a mixture of many races and cultures.人们相信过不了多久国籍间相混的程度将如此大以至于不再有明显的种族或文化团体,而仅仅是一个许多种族和文化的混合体。4By the time California elected to become the thirtyfirst federal state of the USA in 1850,it w

7、as already a multicultural society.到1850年加利福尼亚成为美国第三十一个联邦州的时候,它已经是一个有着多元文化的社会了。构词记忆commercial /kml/ adj.商业的;营利性的financial /faInnl/ adj.财政的;金融的potential /ptenl/ adj.可能的;潜在的racial /reIl/ adj.种族的;人种的.词汇与派生A语境填词1The teacher asked us to read the text carefully so as to grasp(掌握)its main idea.2Increasing

8、numbers of people elect(选择)to work at home nowadays.3She had looked everywhere for her children,but they were nowhere(无处)to be found,which made her very worried.4Clean water supply and hand washing are practical means(方法)of preventing disease.5It occurred(产生想法)to me that I had left the door unlocked

9、.6Theres a camping shop in town that has tents for hire(租用)at 10 a week.7The economy is beginning to boom(繁荣)in China.8She is seeing her baggage through customs(海关)at the airport.9The government is proposing tougher punishment(惩罚)for corruption.10The dictionary is an authority(权威)on the meanings of

10、words.B用所给词的适当形式填空11Apparently,she took no notice of the apparent mistakes in the accident.(apparent)12All the applicants can apply in person or by letter and at the same time should hand in their applications before May 5th.(apply)13It is bad news for the immigrants that the UK made new laws to res

11、trict immigration.Those who want to immigrate to the UK must fulfill more requirement.(immigrate)14He had always been against racial discrimination(歧视),but in his country the white race and Blacks didnt have the equal rights and racism remained a touchy issue.(race)15He indicated that I should give

12、him some indications of how I did in the test.(indicate)16Mr.Liu is a supporter of socialism;he is totally a socialist.(social).短语运用A用方框内所给动词短语的适当形式填空live on,make a life,keep up,mix.with.,team up with,mark out,take in,apply for,declare war on,occur to17The problem is how they made a life in the last

13、 few years.18Dont be taken in by products promising to make you lose weight quickly.19More students are applying for aid,and more families expect to get student loans.20A volleyball court had been marked out on the grass.21They teamed up with another family to rent a house for the last summer.22Were

14、 having difficulty keeping up our mortgage payments.23She is vegetarian,so she lives on vegetable and fruit.24It didnt occur to him that the Netherlands won the champion in the World Cup.25We have declared war on students cheating on exams.26I dont like to mix business with pleasure.B用方框内所给短语填空27He

15、has extracted a great many examples from the grammar book.28He entered the room by means of the tree near the window.29Stand back to back and well see which of you is taller.30A majority of doctors agree that smoking is extremely harmful to health.31In addition,daily travel allowance is 50 each.经典句式32Tom was ill.That was why he came late for the meeting.汤姆病了,那就是他开会迟到的原因。33It is most likely that the environmentalists will come to the area to investigate t



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