广西贵港市2016高考英语二轮复习 七选五类摸底选练(6)

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《广西贵港市2016高考英语二轮复习 七选五类摸底选练(6)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《广西贵港市2016高考英语二轮复习 七选五类摸底选练(6)(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、广西贵港市2016高考英语七选五类摸底选练(6)信息匹配(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 阅读下列应用文及相关信息,并按照要求匹配信息。请在答题卡上将对应题号的相应选项字母涂黑。首先,阅读下面某所大学的六个学科介绍:AThe focus of the Bachelor of Agricultural Economics degree is on the development of analytical and communication skills with an academic emphasis on agricultural and natural resource issues

2、. Your studies may involve applied agribusiness management, marketing, agricultural and resource policy. It addresses the most challenging current issues of the day, such as food security, climate change, and the environment.BThe Bachelor of Animal and Veterinary Bioscience is a flexible applied sci

3、ence course focusing on the specific field of animal science. The four-year course develops skills in applied animal health and diseases as well as nutrition and feed technology. You will also undertake practical experience with relevant animals or animal-related enterprises throughout your degree a

4、nd during university holidays.CThe Bachelor of Applied Science (Exercise and Sport Science) prepares graduates for practice as exercise scientists. The course offers training and career options integrating exercise and physical activities with disease prevention, and sports performance. Students wil

5、l learn how to integrate exercise and physical activities with health, sports performance and disease prevention.DThe Bachelor of Arts (Media and Communications) degree offers you an exciting combination of academic excellence and professional training in media and communications. Our degree links p

6、ractical training with media writing, online media production and media relations. You will graduate with the skills required for entry into areas such as print, broadcast and online journalism, media regulation and media and public relations.EThe Master of Architecture at the University of Sydney b

7、uilds on the skills acquired in your undergraduate degree and prepares you for registration as an architect. Student work is defined byindustry practice and surveys the social and aesthetic needs of the brief when you work within the larger context of architectural theory and philosophy. You will de

8、velop expertise in design, technology and theory.FThe Applied Linguistics program trains you to apply your knowledge of language to a diverse range of contexts. Our degree is also suitable for people involved in teaching English to speakers of other languages (TESOL), second language teaching (SLT),

9、 and the teaching of modern languages. We teach via both traditional face-to-face and computer assisted methodologies. 请阅读以下人物信息,然后匹配人物最可能选择的学科:46. Tim loves animals very much and he makes friends with many of them. He wants to learn more about how to understand and take care of animals. He hopes to

10、 open a professional hospital for animals.47. Jane is an English-lover. She can speak fluent English and she likes everything about English. Also, she finds it interesting and rewarding to teach kids English. To be an excellent English teacher is her dream.48. Jim has been interested in plants and c

11、rops since he spent some time in a village. Having witnessed the hardship of the farmers, he decides to help them with modern farming. There are also many problems in the safety of food. Therefore, he wishes to grow safe and healthy crops for people in the future.49. Lily is fond of communicating wi

12、th others and listening to their stories. She also plays an active role in the media club in her school. She wants to be a popular journalist and work for a world-famous newspaper. 50. As a child, David used to take his toys apart and put them together. He is always curious about how things are buil

13、t and the structure of some special buildings. He says he wants to be an architect who designs and builds beautiful buildings.【参考答案】46-50 BFADE【广东省揭阳市2014模拟】信息匹配(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下列应用文及相关信息,并按照要求匹配信息。首先请阅读相关书籍的信息。A. The Wild Girl (Hardcover) by Chris WormellList price: $17.00 Price now: $13.2 You

14、save: $3.8 (22%) In the great wide wilderness(荒野), a little girl and her dog live alone in a cave high up on the mountainside. They are happy surviving on their own, until one day in the bitter cold of winter, they see bear tracks in the snow that lead right up to their cave . Charming illustrations

15、 bring life to this sweet story of courage and compassion (同情), written and illustrated by award-winning author and illustrator Chris Wormell. B. Ocean (Hardcover) by Fabien CousteauList price: $50.00Price now: $31.50You save: $18.50 (37%)List price: $21.95Price now: $14.93You save: $7.02 (32%)Colle

16、ge students (more than 115,000 of them) reveal (透漏) what life is really like at the nations top schools. This must-have guide gives you college rankings and covers all the essentials from academics to social life to financial aid, and everything in between. We also provide you with all the basics: admissions criteria, deadlines, phone numbers, e-mail ad


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