2019年中考英语写作备考 地点介绍课件

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《2019年中考英语写作备考 地点介绍课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019年中考英语写作备考 地点介绍课件(17页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、写作指导,地点介绍基础篇,【话题解读】 地点介绍类的写作对象涉及公园、博物馆等具体的场所,也包括城市、国家等。对一般性的场所进行介绍,首先要注意安排好介绍顺序。空间顺序使用居多,常用的有:从外到内,从左到右,由远及近,由高到低,从整体到局部等。也可以以参观者的行踪为顺序进行介绍。而对于城市、国家等,介绍层面通常包括位置、历史、名胜古迹、今昔变化等。不论是哪种类型,最后在结尾处通常都需要作者发表一下个人观点或意见。,【实例讲解】 假如下图是你学校的平面建筑示意图。请你根据所给提示,以“My School” 为题,写一篇80词左右的英语短文,介绍你学校的建筑布局情况并谈谈你对学校的看法。,注意:

2、1. 短文中不能出现真实的学校名称和考生姓名; 2. 短文开头已给出,不计入总词数。 My School This is a map of my school. _,【分析】 该写作任务要求介绍学校的建筑布局,属于地点介绍类的说明文。写作前先确定介绍顺序,可以从校门开始,按照从前到后、从左到右的顺序依次介绍。谈谈对学校的看法是写作任务中明确要求的,可以表达自己的喜爱之情,也可以表达不满或意见等。,【标准范文】 My School This is a map of my school. Walking into the school gate, you can see a big playgro

3、und in the middle of the school. Behind it is the teaching building. On the left side of the playground, you can see the office building. A stadium is to the north of it.,In the northwest corner is the dining hall. On the right side of the playground, there is the science building. And the library i

4、s located in the northeast corner. I love my school. Its the best school I have ever seen.,提高篇,【高分突破】 My School This is a map of my school. The school gate faces the south. Two lines of big tall trees stand on each side of the gate, welcoming every student. Right in front of the gate is a big playgr

5、ound. It is a center for fun. Behind the playground is the teaching building where I study. On the left side of the playground, you can see the office building.,And a stadium is to the north of it. In the northwest corner stands the dining hall. Now lets turn to the right side of the playground. As

6、you can see, there are two buildings. The science building is near the school gate and the library is located in the northeast corner. I love my school. It is not only a place for learning, but also a place for fun.,【高分揭秘】 1. 习作按照从前到后、从左到右的顺序依次介 绍了学校的建筑布局,结构紧凑,层次合 理。 2. 习作中用了不同的词语来描写位置关系,避 免了单调和重复,如

7、in front of, behind, to the north, in the northwest corner, near the school gate等。,3. 习作不仅介绍了建筑布局,也穿插了一些 个性化的、情感化的表达,使习作生动有 趣,如welcoming every student, a center for fun等。,【素材积累】 1. 词汇 位置:on the right / left, in front of, behind, at the foot of, on the top of, near, next to, close to, inside, outside

8、, across, through 存在:be, lie, stand, locate 特征:large, small, huge, deep, long, modern, ancient, popular, attractive,2. 句子 I like my school very much and I am proud that I belong to it. My favorite thing about my city is the fact that it has so many wonderful parks. The museum is just like a huge book to tell you the history of China., My hometown has left many soft and sweet memories in my heart. Its beauty is beyond words. I really hope you could get a chance to come and experience it for yourself.,


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