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1、西班牙人完成环球航行时占领了很多的土地,官方提出命令,以西班牙语取代非洲本土方言。由于积累资本的需要,西班牙人以非洲中西部为根据,逐渐利用当地资源,改善本国状况。像这种方法在现在来看事实上是很不道德的。但在这个过程中,语言扮演一个重要角色,他们频繁而流利地使用西班牙语,并将其拼写方法,词语惯用法,和表达方式传遍非洲东南部和西北部。现在你乘出租车走在非洲街区,在某些地点仍能辨认出西班牙语,甚至有些学校仍要求学生学习西班牙语。When Spanish completed world vovage , they conquered lots of lands. The official came u

2、p commands that using Spanish replacing African native dialect. Because of the necessary of capital accumulation .Spanish based on Midwestern African , Making use of local resources gradually and enriching themselves. Such as this method is immoral at present actually. But in this process, the langu

3、age plays an important part, they frequently and fluently used Spanish and spread its spelling method, and word usage, and expression way throughout southeastern and northwestern African .Now you walk on African blocks by cabs and some locations can still recognize Spanish.Even some schools still re

4、quest students to learn Spanish.汤姆在准备毕业前的最后旅行,他看到杂志上介绍骑自行车旅行费用低同时没有什么不便之处。汤姆的父母知道后,对此事感到忧虑,但他们知道无法说服固执的汤姆改变主意。汤姆为旅行安排时间同时组织了一些可靠的喜爱自然的朋友。他们的口号是态度决定高度,并下决心去寻找最美的风景。虽然预测有暴风雨,但他们不会屈服,在雨中他们弯着腰背着小包缓慢行进却热情不减。在午夜他们到达一个庙宇,休息后第二天他们照常前进。When Tom was preparing for the finally journey before graduating, he saw

5、the journal introduce cycling trip costs low fares and no disadvantages. Toms parents worried about it, but they know they can not persuade the stubborn Tom to change his mind. Tom scheduled travelling and organized some friends who were fond of nature and reliable. Their slogan was your attitude de

6、termined your altitude and decided to find the most beautiful views. Although a forecast told there would be a storm , but they wont give in. They bended with carrying parcels and paced slowly but the flame was high in the storm .They arrived at a temple at midnight , after the break the next day th

7、ey will be going forward as usual.地震突然爆发,仿佛地球的终结之日。河道和水井里充满污垢,水坝被严重破坏,矿工被埋在井下,轨道也严重受损,数以百万的房屋破败不堪。幸存者经历极度的令人恐惧的苦难后,身心俱损。如此令人震惊的灾难事件令国家援救工作陷入困境,许多记者表达真挚的的同情。第二天无效的援救成为报刊的大字标题。The earthquake burst out suddenly, as if the earth would at an end. The canals and Wells were filled with dirt, dam were damag

8、ed, miners were buried, tracks were badly destroyed and millions of houses were ruined. Survivors experienced extreme frightening suffering, body and mind all the injured. So shocking disaster events that led the rescue into trap of nation.A number of reporters expressed sincerely sympathy. The next

9、 day useless rescue was the headlines of the newspaper.纳尔逊.曼德拉是位无私的总统,他的一生都致力于人类和平。他曾是位受过良好教育的,胸怀希望的南非共和国领导人。他在青年时就活跃于政治舞台,并且成为一名律师。他在非洲人民会议上通过选举而上台,他未用暴力去攻击反黑人组织而是用和平手段去争取平等权利。他自愿将自己处于危险之中并不求助任何人。他被判入狱后没有丧失信心,在这期间恐怖分子残忍杀害了他的亲属。当他被释放,政府没因为他的作为给予任何奖赏,他用一生去建立一个新的南非原则。Nelson Mandela is a selfless Presi

10、dent and devotes his life to the mankind peace. He was a good educated and hopeful president of the republic of South Africa. He was active in the political stage in youth and became a lawyer. He voted and came to power in ANC. He did not use violence to attack the anti-black organization but with t

11、he peaceful ways to fight for equal rights. He was willing to make himself in danger and did not turn to anyone for help. He was sentenced to prison without lossing confidence, during which the terrorists killed his relatives cruelly. When he was released, the government didnt give him any reward fo

12、r his work, he used his life to set up a new principle in South Africa .在招待大厅里,一个装饰着珠宝的奇特花瓶使在场的每个人都激动起来。人们都给予这件文化的奇迹高度的评价。它以明朝一种罕有的风格设计,曾经是国王城堡的拥有物。但是在国家处于战争期间,敌人点燃了国王的城堡,还把所有的木制家具都拆开来搜查财宝,只剩下了成吨的石头,它是怎么存留下来的呢?从前在当地的城堡中,所有的门都是木制的,能很容易搬开。里面装饰着很多风格不同的绘画。这些被挑出来的画构思奇特,很有价值。那些艺术家很受器重。上个月这里遭了贼,目击证人的证据使受怀疑

13、的人进了监狱。在审讯敌人之后,调查此事的人找到的证据证明,有位女仆装扮成水手,秘密地将花瓶藏了起来。他的看法解开了大家的疑问。人们正在考虑赠予这位勇敢的女仆一面镜子作为回报她的礼物。A fancy vase with jewel in the reception hall heated everyone. People thought highly of this cultural wonder. Designed in a rare style in Ming Dynasty, it used to belong to the Kings castle. But when the state

14、 was at war, the enemy lit the castle and took all woodenfurniture apart in search of treasure. Only tons of stones remained. How did it survive?Former in local castle, all the doors are wooden, can easily remove. It is decorated with different style of paintings. The design of selecting paintings i

15、s fancy and valuable. People are think highly of these artists . The thief was here last month, the evidence of witness made doubted people into the prison. After the trial of the enemy, the person looking into it found evidence to prove that a maid, pretending as a sailor, secretly hid the vase. Hi

16、s opinion removed everyones doubt.People are considering giving the brave maid a mirror as a gift in return.不像古代诚实的(参赛)奴隶那样,一些现代的运动员们常常在参加比赛时作弊。他们这样做的根源与他们想要获取奖品的强烈欲望有关,金牌和银牌似乎有着促使运动员作弊的魔力。因此,在一场体育场外举行的航行比赛之前,主办方在一组海报上登广告承诺,每名参赛者都将在体育馆里一个一个地接受面谈和身体检查。参赛者如果不诚实,那是很愚蠢的,因为他们将不被允许参赛。这将是一场公平的比赛。希腊是雅典奥运会的东道主,主管人员有责任对运动员进行常规的身体检查,当他们陆续到达体育场为荣誉和勋章而竞赛,他们值得称为英雄。Unlike the ancient honest slaves, some modern athletes cheat when



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