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1、1.more than one : 不止一个语义上是复数,但作主语时,谓语动词用单数 More than one reads this English newspaper in the class.more. than.与其说倒不如说;比多,比更He has more books than me. 他的书比我多。She was more sad than angry when her son lied. 当她的儿子撒谎时,与其说她生气倒不如说她伤心。注意:(1)more than数词,表示“超过,多于”。More than one person has made this suggestion

2、. 不止一人提过这个建议(2)more than名词,表示“不仅是,不只是”。Jason is more than a lecturer; he is a writer, too. 杰森不仅仅是一名讲师,他也是一名作家。 (3)more than形容词/副词,表示“非常,十分”,与very同义。In class,he is more than attentive. 在课堂上,他听讲十分认真。(4)no more thanonly意为“只有,仅仅”;not more than常用于数词之前,意为“至多,不超过”,其意义相当于at(the)mostI am no more than a worke

3、r. 我仅仅是个工人。 . Ill stay here not more than three days. 我将待在这里最多不超过三天。 2. role:play an important role/part in/as在中起重要作用 ; 在中扮演角色play the leading role 起带头作用play the role of sb. 在(剧中)扮演(某人的)角色Deng Xiaoping played an important part in developing the economy in China.邓小平在中国经济的发展过程中起着重要作用。3. because of =th

4、anks to(幸亏) 因为,由于的缘故(because of 是复合介词,其后接名词、代词、动名词、what 从句)Mother was angry because of what the boy did at school yesterday.Liu Xiang gave up the competition because of his injury. 刘翔因伤放弃了比赛。Because连词,后接状语从句,表示原因。I didnt buy it because it was too expensive. 我没有买是因为它太贵了。注:thanks to只能用作状语,可以表达正面意思It w

5、as a great success,thanks to a lot of hard work.由于尽心竭力才获得了巨大的成功。例:1.Did you return Freds call? I didnt need to_Ill see him tomorrow. Athough Bunless Cwhen Dbecause 选D。句意:你给Fred回电话了吗?我没必要,因为明天我要去见他。though“虽然”;unless“除非”;when“当时”;because“因为”。2. The openair celebration has been put off_the bad weather.

6、 Ain case of Bin spite of Cinstead of Dbecause of 解析:选D。句意:户外庆典由于恶劣天气被推迟了。in case of“万一”;in spite of“尽管”;instead of“代替”;because of “因为”。4. make use of 利用,使用make full use of 充分利用 ;make good use of 好好利用We must make full use of our natural resources. 我们要充分利用我们的自然资源。The manager of the company told us th

7、at very little_was made of the waste material in the past. Acost Bvalue Cuse Dmatter 解析:选C。注意make use of 的被动形式:use be made of;be made use of。The money collected should be made good use_the people who suffered a lot in this terrible earthquake. Aof helping Bto help Cto helping Dof to help 解析:选D。make

8、good use of sth.好好利用,后边用不定式表示目的:make good use of to do。5. come up走近;上来;发芽;发生;被提出;(太阳、月亮等)升起 1). The little came up to the stranger and showed him how to get to the police station. 小男孩向陌生人走去,并告诉他去警察局的路。3). It is certain that the question will come up at the meeting. 这个问题在会议上一定会被提出来的。come up with 想出;提

9、出 She came up with a new idea for increasing sales. 她想出了增加销售量的新主意。come about 发生How did it come about you were late for two hours? 你迟到两小时是怎么回事?come across 穿过(路、桥);偶遇;I came across an old friend yesterday.我昨天碰见一位老朋友。 come along 一道来;一起去; He came along with us.他与我们一起来的。come back 回来;记起 She came back two

10、hours later. 她两小时后回来了。come on到来;(演员)出场;快点;进展Youd better go now, and Ill come on later.你最好现在就去,我随后就来。How are things coming on?情况进展的怎么样?come out 出版;结果是;开花;The stars came out as soon as it was dark. 天一黑,星星就出来了。When did that book come out? 那本书什么时候出版的?The game came out as we had expected(期望,预料).比赛的结果正如我们

11、所预料的。1.)They thought about it for a long time,but still couldnt_ a solution. Acome over Bget along with Ccome out Dcome up with 解析:选D。come up with“想出 (计划,主意等)”;come over“走近,拜访”;get along with“相处,进展”;come out“结果是,出版”。2). A famous writers new book My New Life will _ next month. Acome across Bcome out

12、Ccome along Dcome up 解析:选B。come out“出版”,符合句意。come across“发生”;come along“一道来,一起来”;come up“走近,被提出”。6. even if = even though 即使,尽管 引导让步状语从句even if/even though,引导的从句中不用将来时I dont want to miss any lessons even if I have got a cold. 即使我感冒了,我也不愿意缺课。 Many of them turned a deaf ear(充耳不闻) to his advice,_they k

13、new it to be valuable. Aas if B now that Ceven though Dso that解析:选C。此题考查状语从句。as if“犹如,好像”;now that“由于,既然”;even though“即使,纵然”;so that“为的是,以便”,结合句意,应选C。Allow children the space to voice their opinions,_they are different from your own. Auntil Beven if Cunless Das though 解析:选B。句意:给予孩子们足够的空间提意见,尽管他们的不同于

14、你自己的。故应选even if。7. command n.& v. 命令;指令;掌握command sb. to do sth 命令某人做某事 be under the command of 由指挥,由控制be in command of 控制 be at ones command 听任某人支配command sb.to do sth.命令某人做某事提醒 command后接that从句时要用虚拟语气The mayor commanded that work on the building (should)be stopped.市长下令那栋大楼必须停建。The general commanded his men to fight bravely. 这位将军命令他的手下英勇作战Im at your commandwhat would you like me to do? 我听从你的吩咐你要我做什么?1)In order to have a good_of English,he resigned辞职and went abroad. Acommand Bneed Cmaster Ddirection



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