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1、U2M4 期末复习小测试一、重点单词汉译英 1. 大陆n. _2. 重要意义 n. _3. 未婚的adj. _4. 奖牌, 勋章n. _5. 光辉的, 荣耀的 adj. _6. 设施, 设备 n. _7. 国际的 adj. _8. 对手, 竞争者n. _9. 分支, 分部n. _10. 先前的, 早先的 adj. _11. 活动n. _12. 维持, 保持v. _13. 支持者, 拥护者 n. _14. 保证v. _15. 去掉, 移开 vt. _16. 协会 n. _17. 单独的, 分开的 adj. _18. 重新开始v. _19. 退休, 退役 v. _20. 缺席, 不在场 n. _二

2、、重点短语英汉互译 1. 并肩地_2. 开幕式_3. 简言之_4. 向表示敬意_5. 有史以来的_6. 给让路_7. 对.有信心_8. 与相似_9. 被允许做_10. 通过; 完成_11. 在中发挥作用_12. 应用_13. 应该做_14. 为让路_15. 有用的_16. 每四年_17. 控制住_18. 打破记录_19. 满足要求_20. 引起某人的注意_21. 对做出贡献_22. 旅游胜地_23. enter into_24. be involved in_25. to ones delight _三、完形填空 Table tennis, also called ping-pong, is

3、played throughout the world and is an Olympic sport. 1 is played on a table that is 2.74 meters by 1.525 meters and stands 76 centimeters from the ground. The net stretches 2 the center of the table and is 15.25 centimeters 3 . It is very similar to 4 tennis on a court.The exact origin of table tenn

4、is is not known. 5 we do know is that it began in England 6 the 1890s. Many people played table tennis 7 it did not require players to go outdoors. It was considered a version of tennis. The game was popular 8 foreign visitors too and soon the game spread to much of Europe and Asia.Many players beli

5、eve table tennis is not only a 9 game but a psychological game as well. A lot of successful players use a staring technique to make 10 opponents uncomfortable. Today, player from China, South Korea and Germany among others play leading roles in the international table tennis competition.四、单项选择1. _ t

6、hink of their plan, they will carry it out. Your opinions will not affect their decision. A. No matter how you may B. How you mayC. What you may D. Whatever you may2. A _ candle _ the faces of everybody in the room. They all looked tired.A. lit, lit up B. lit up, lit C. lighted, lit up D. lighted, l

7、it3. She published her novels _ a mans name, which she thought was easier to gain popularity.A. in B. by C. under D. at4. It was in the hotel _ Mr. Smith stayed _ we found him.A. that, that B. where , that C. where , where D. that, where5. The tourists _ the map on the floor to see where they were g

8、oing.A. hung B hanged C. spread D. roll6. By this time tomorrow we _ this machine.A. have repaired B. shall have repaired C. will repair D. are going to repair7. _ do you think fits him, the position of the sales manager or the general executive here? A. Whom B. Who C. What D. Which8. Weve decided t

9、o hold a football match next week. Will you _?A. take part in B. attend us C. join D. play a part9. She never goes home until all her newspapers _ out.A. sell B. will be sold C. will sell D. are sold10. To _ the patients quick recovery, the doctor gave him the most effective medicine.A. make sure B.

10、 be sure that C. insure D. ensure11. _ fresh air, people may start to feel sick. So make sure you open the windows while working.A. For the absence of B. In the absence of C. In the honour of D. In the short of12. He needs one more stamp before his collection _.A. has completed B. will complete C. h

11、as been completed D. is completed13. Its well known to us all _ Beijing _ the 2008 Olympic Games.A. that, held B. whether, hosted C. when, held D. that, hosted14. - Has John arrived yet? - No, she _ an hour ago.A. was supposed to come B. must have comeC. should come D. ought to have come15. I feel much better now; _, I would have called the doc


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