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1、1. 凡是值得做的事情都应做好。 whatever/be well worth doing Whatever is well worth doing should be done well. 2. 你今天最得意的可能会成为你明天最后悔的。 at the top of ones pride/turn out/at the top of ones regret What is at the top of your pride today may turn out to be at the top of your regret tomorrow.3. 一个接一个的失败使他失去了继续此项研究的欲望。

2、one after another/go on with One failure after another made him lose the eagerness to go on with the research. 4. 生活中不尽人意的事很多,关键是我们怎么看待。 in life/far from perfect/ the key point / how to view sth. There are many things far from perfect in life, but the key point is how to view them. 5. 对于一个民族而言,停滞不前就

3、是落后。stay at the same level/be equal to/fall behind For a nation, staying at the same level is equal to falling behind. 6. 那些经常接触国家机密的人一定得守口如瓶。get constant access to sth./state secrets/keep ones mouth shut Those who get constant access to state secrets must be the ones who keep their mouths shut. 7.

4、你要赶上别人就得比别人更加努力。 to keep up with/work harder To keep up with others, you have to work harder than others. 8. 她从网络游戏中获得了很多的乐趣, 根本不想上学了。 online games/get fun out of sth./feel like She got so much fun out of online games that she did not feel like going to school at all.9. 一个人可倾其所有与其所求进行交易,但不可用尊严而为之。 a

5、ll one has/what one wants/dignity One can trade all one has but dignity for what one wants. 10. 我正津津有味地看精彩的足球赛,突然楼上爆响起摇滚乐。 enjoy a wonderful football game/from upstairs/blast forth/rock music I was enjoying a wonderful football game when rock music blasted forth from upstairs. 11. 什么机会你都可能会遇到,关键是怎样去

6、抓住它。 any opportunity/come ones way Any opportunity may come your way, but the point is how you reach (out) for it.12. 网恋不论从理论上来说还是实际结果显示都远不尽人意。cyber romance/ in theory/ in practice/ far from perfect In theory as well as in practice, cyber romance is far from perfect. 13. 她和往常一样静静地躺着,回想着一天来自己做的事情。 in

7、 peace and quiet/go over in ones mind As usual, she lay in peace and quiet, going over in her mind what she had done for the day.14. 木已成舟(生米做成熟饭)。 not be undone Whats done cannot be undone.15. 听到考试被取消的消息后,他冲出教室玩去了。 at the news that /be canceled/seek fun At the news that the exam had been canceled, h

8、e bolted out of the classroom to seek fun.16. 她有几门考试没通过,使她心烦意乱。 fail in sth./make ones stomach filled with knots She failed in quite a few exams, which made her stomach filled with knots. 17. 他生活的坏习惯使她如此恼火以致提出了离婚。 bad habits of living/so that/ come up with/divorce His bad habits of living made her b

9、lood boil so much that she came up with divorce.18. 分享幽默短信对女孩子和男孩子同样具有吸引力。 share sth. with each other/humorous messages/as much as Sharing humorous messages with each other appeals as much to girls as to boys.19. 人越想摆脱某个想法,越难如愿 。 be eager to do sth. / to make itThe more eager one is to get rid of so

10、me idea, the harder it is for one to make it. 20.他最欣慰的是在自己遇到困难的时候还有几个朋友可以依靠。 to ones greatest relief / in the face of difficulties To his greatest relief, he has a few friends to lean on in the face of difficulties.21. 从她甜甜的微笑可以看出, 她已经适应了这里的生活。 as can be seen from sth. / sweet smileAs can be seen fr

11、om her sweet smile, she has adjusted to life here. 22. 她学习非常刻苦,希望能在班里名列前茅。 in the hope of / make it to the top of the class She worked very hard in the hope of making it to the top of the class.23.她依然抱定希望:她跑丢的宠物狗会回来的。 ones missing pet dog / come back She still clings to the hope that her missing pet

12、 dog will come back.24. 人们希望生活在一个完全没有战争和暴力的世界里。 long to / a world entirely free of / war and violence People long to live in a world entirely free of war and violence. 25. 她在求职面试中镇定自若,这令我大为惊讶。 in the job interview / ones calmness I was greatly amazed at her calmness in the job interview. 26. 高考落榜使他遭

13、受了巨大的心灵创伤。 failure in the College Entrance Examination / subject sb. to sth. / mental pain His failure in the College Entrance Examination subjected him to great mental pain. 27. 令他高兴的是,参加网络学习使他受益匪浅。 to ones delight / ones engagement in sth. / bring sb. great benefits To his delight, his engagement

14、in online learning has brought him great benefits.28. 截止日期在临近,请务必如期寄出订货单。 the deadline / draw nearer / see to it that / as scheduled / the order for the goods With the deadline drawing nearer, please see to it that the order for the goods is sent out as scheduled.29. 学生向老师抱怨图书馆里可用的资料太少。 complain to

15、sb. about / lack of The students complained to their teacher about the lack of useful materials in the library.30. 一般说来,你给周围人留下的印象正是你整体形象的反映。 in general / the impression one leaves on sb. / ones whole being / a mirror of In general, the impression you have left on people around is just a mirror of your whole being.31. 只凭外表看人过于草率。 merely through sb.s looks / It is too hasty to do sth. It



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