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1、习惯上后接to doing sth的名词根据英语的搭配习惯,有些名词通常要后接to doing sth,而不接to do sth,因为其中的to是介词,而不是不定式符号。这类名词比较常用的有:1. alternative 选择,可供选择的办法,替换用于alternative to doing sth,其意为“代替的选择”。如:Unfortunately, theres no practical alternative to driving. 遗憾的是,除了开车没有其他可行的方案。Amalgamation was the only alternative to going bankrupt. 要

2、想不破产,唯一的选择就是联合起来。说明:have no alternative to doing sth与have no alternative but to do sth大致同义,均表示“除了做某事外没有其他的办法”,但前一结构中的to是介词,后接动词要用动名词,后一结构中的to为不定式符号。如:He had no alternative to staying at home.= He had no alternative but to stay at home. 他没有别的办法,只好呆在家里。另外,the alternative之后有时也接of doing sth,但此时不是表示“选择代替

3、”而是表示同位关系。如:We took the alternative of keeping quiet. 我们选择了保持沉默。You have the alternative of marrying or remaining a bachelor. 你可以结婚也可以仍做单身汉,任你选择。2. aversion 讨厌,憎恶用于aversion to doing sth,表示“讨厌做某事”。如:He had an aversion to getting up early. 他十分讨厌早起。I have an aversion to traveling during the heat of Aug

4、ust. 我讨厌在8月份的热浪中出去旅行。She has an aversion to eating cow liver; it makes her ill. 她对牛肝很反感,这使她恶心。3. dedication 专心致力,献身用于ones dedication to doing sth,表示“专心于做某事”。如:His dedication to teaching gained the respect of his colleagues. 他专心致力于教学的精神赢得了同事们的尊敬。偶尔也接不定式,尤其是用于have the dedication to do sth。如:They had t

5、he dedication to continue their research in spite of the obstacles. 尽管有困难,但他们仍以献身精神继续进行研究。4. dislike不喜爱,厌恶Most of my friends feel a dislike to gambling. 我的大部分朋友都厌恶赌博。I have a strong dislike to wearing such clothes in public. 我非常不喜欢在公共场合穿那样的衣服。5. hindrance 妨碍用于a hindrance to doing sth,表示对于做某事是一个妨碍。如:

6、Noise is a hindrance to studying. 噪音妨碍学习。Poor health is a hindrance to finding a job. 身体不好对于找工作是一个妨碍。6. key 答案,秘诀,关键用于the key to doing sth,表示“做某事的关键”。如:The humble potato may be the key to feeding the worlds population. 这不起眼的土豆有可能是解决全世界人口温饱的关键。但是,若用于具体义表示“钥匙”,则可用a key to do sth。如:Have you got a key t

7、o open this door? 你有开这扇门的钥匙吗? 注意,即使是表示“钥匙”,若是用于引申义,也是用the key to doing sth。如:A chemical has been discovered that may be the key to unlocking the mysteries of Parkinsons disease. 已经发现一种化学物质,可能是揭开帕金森氏病奥秘的钥匙。7. objection 反对,异议用于objection to doing sth,表示“反对做某事”。如:He had no objection to getting up early.

8、 他对早起没有反对意见。I have no objection to hearing your story again. 再听一遍你的故事,我没有异议。Have you any objection to changing your working hours? 你反不反对改变你的工作时间? 有时动名词前可以带逻辑主语。如:Do you have any objection to children reading such books? 你反对孩子们看这类书吗? 8. opposition 反对,抵抗,对抗用于opposition to doing sth,表示“反对做某事”。如:There w

9、ill be considerableopposition to increasing the budget. 对增加预算有大量的反对意见。There continues to be overwhelming opposition to cutting school funding. 削减学校资金一事一直为绝大多数人所反对。有时动名词前可以带逻辑主语。如:He has an opposition to my doing so. 他反对我这样做。My father had keen opposition to my buying a car. 我父亲强烈反对我买汽车。9. priority 优先

10、,优先权主要用于give (top) priority to doing sth,意为“优先考虑做某事”“给予做某事优先权”“将做某事列为重点”。如:The Government gave priority to reforming the legal system. 政府将改革法制列为工作的重点。The government should give top priority to rebuilding the inner cities. 政府应该优先重建城内旧中心区。10. resistance 阻力,抵抗,反抗用于resistance to doing sth,表示“做某事的阻力”。如:There is still much resistance to carrying out this plan. 要执行这一计划仍有很大阻力。3



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