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1、 ModuleModule 1111 _ _ 祈使句的概念及用法 祈使句用来表达叮嘱、劝告、希望、禁止、请求或命令等。 祈使句的特点: 1.祈使句一般没有主语,说话的对象都是第二人称“你”或“你们”,所以也可以理解为省略了主 语 you。 2.以动词原形开头,无时态和数的变化。 3.祈使句的否定形式是在动词原形前加 dont。有时可用 never。 4.在表达请求时,可以加上 please;表达比较强烈的语气时,可以用感叹号。 5.有时为了加强语气,可以在动词之前加上 do,表示“务必,一定”。 例如: Come in! Be quiet! Dont worry. Sit down,pleas

2、e! Do look out! 单项选择 1._carefully,Michael!There is a school ahead. A.DriveB.To driveC.Drove D.Driving 答案:A 解析:考查祈使句的用法,祈使句是以动词原形开头,故答案是 A。 2._wake up your sister.She needs a good sleep. A.DontB.DoesntC.ArentD.Cant 答案:A 解析:考查祈使句否定式的用法,否定式是在动词前加 dont,故选 A。 3._speak loudly in the reading room. A.CantB.

3、DoesntC.ArentD.Dont 答案:D 解析:考查祈使句否定式的用法,句意为“不要在阅览室大声说话”故选 D。 4._me,please! A.HelpsB.HelpC.To help D.Helping 答案:B 解析:考查祈使句表示请求的用法,故选择 B。 5._listen carefully in class. A.DoB.DoesC.Did D.Doing 答案:A 解析:考查祈使句表示加强语气的用法,动词原形前加 do,故选择 A。 基础演练基础演练 单项选择 1.- _up on time next time,Tom. -OK,I will. A.GetB.Gettin

4、gC.gets D.To get 2._say dirty words to others.Its not polite. A.CantB.DoesntC.ArentD.Dont 3._come in! A.PleaseB.Sorry C.Excuse me D.Thank you 4._up or we will be late. A.HurryB.HurriesC.To hurry D.Hurrying 5.Tom,_get close to that dag. A.CantB.DoesntC.ArentD.Dont 答案:ADAAD 巩固提高巩固提高 句式转换 1.Stand outsi

5、de the classroom.(改为否定祈使句) _ 2.Can you push the door? (改为祈使句) _ 3.Remember to close the window. (用 dont 改写并意思不变) _ 4.Be quite.(改为否定祈使句) _ 5.No parking here. (用 dont 改写) _ 答案: 1.Dont stand outside the classroom. 2.Push the door 3.Dont forget to close the window. 4.Dont Be quite. 5.Dont park here. 单项选

6、择 1._laugh at people who are in trouble. A.DidntB.DoesntC.ArentD.Dont 2._ your homework in time. A.FinishB.FinishingC.FinishesD.To finish 3._hard and you will make great progress. A.StudyB.StudiedC.Studies D.Studying 4._ get up early. A.DoesB.DoC.DidD.Done 5.Dont_ worried about me. -She found it in

7、bedroom. A.amB.isC.are D.be 6.Dont_to your parents like that. A.speaksB.speakC.speakingD.to speak 7._at people when you talk. A.LookB.LookingC.LookedD.Looks 8.Please_me more personal space. A.giveB.givesC.gaveD.giving 9.Dont_afraid of making mistakes. A.amB.isC.are D.be 10.Tom,do _ hard. A.workB.wor

8、ksC.worked D.working 完形填空 A woman was having some trouble with her heart, _1_ she went to _2_ the doctor. He was a new doctor, and did not _3_ her, so he first asked some _4_, and one of them was , “_5_ are you?”“Well,” she answered, “I dont _6_, doctor, but I will try to _7_.” She thought for a min

9、ute and then said, “Yes, I remember now, doctor! When I married, I was eighteen years old, and my husband was _8_. Now my husband is sixty, I know; and that is _9_ thirty. So I am twice eighteen. That is _10_, isnt it?” 1. A. so B. if C. since D. because 2. A. see B. beat C. send D. thank 3. A. like

10、 B. know C. find D. answer 4. A. women B. people C. doctors D. questions 5. A. What B. Where C. How old D. How much 6. A. say B. forget C. remember D. understand 7. A. buy B. think C. make D. study 8. A. forty B. thirty C. twenty D. twenty-five 9. A. just B. once C. over D. twice 10.A. twenty B. eig

11、hteen C. forty-two D. thirty-six 答案: 单项选择 1-5DAABD 6-10BAADA 完形填空 1-5AABDC 6-10CBBDD _ _ 丰台区期末 1. Do you know Li Gang? Sure. I know _ very much. A. he B. him C. his D. himself 2. The movie will begin _ half past three. A. on B. in C. for D. at 3. Which sport do you like _, swimming or running? A. go

12、od B. well C. better D. best 4. _ are you talking about? Were talking about a TV play. A. What B. How C. When D. Which 5. I was very tired last night, _ I went to bed early. A. so B. but C. or D. for 答案:BDCAA 单项选择: 1.Here are some ways_English. A.learn B.learnsC.learningD.to learn 2.Dont_him.Nobody

13、is perfect. A.smileB.laughC.smile atD.laugh at 3.You can find some of his novels in many_languages. A.otherB.another C.the otherD.others 4.I am going to_in London with my friends. A.getB.goC.reachD.arrive 5.I think I lost my wallet.I_ it but I couldnt find it. A.looked atB.looked afterC.looked forD.looked up 6.She often smiles at me.I think she is very_. A.politeB.impoliteC.strictD.bored 7.She is 14 years old,but she is_than


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