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1、l People are always talking about “the problem of youth”. If there is onewhich I take leave to doubtthen it is older people who create it, not the young themselves. Let us get down to fundamentals and agree that the young are after all human beingspeople just like their elders. There is only one dif

2、ference between an old man and a young one; the young man has a glorious future before him and the old one has a splendid future behind him: and maybe that is where the rub is.leave 许可, 准许sb. take leave to do sth. 允许某人做某事,冒昧做某事 Id like to read the letter by your leave.如果你同意, 我想看看这封信。He was granted l

3、eave to speak.他得到发言的许可。get down to sth. 认真研究 get down to +动词/动名词rub 难题u 人们总是在谈论“青年问题”。如果这个问题存在的话请允许我持怀疑态度那么这个问题是由老年人提出而不是年轻人提出的。让我们先来认真研究一些基本事实同时承认年轻人和他们的长辈一样都是人。老年人和年轻人只有一个区别:年轻人有光辉灿烂的前景而老年人的辉煌已成过去;而这恐怕就是问题的症结所在。l His face told the tale of one who knew but the law of might.As has been noted, in the

4、 making of Axel Gunderson the gods had remembered their old- time cunning and cast him after the manner of men who were born when the world was young. Full seven feet he towered in his picturesque costume which marked a king of Eldorado. His chest, neck, and limbs were those of a giant. To bear his

5、three hundred pounds of bone and muscle, his snowshoes were greater by a generous yard than those of other men. Rough-hewn, with rugged brow and massive jaw and unflinching eyes of palest blue, his face told the tale of one who knew but the law of might. Of the yellow of ripe corn silk, his frost-in

6、crusted hair swept like day across the night and fell far down his coat of bearskin. Jack London, An Odyssey of the Northu 他的面容诉说着一个u 他的面容告诉我他迫于强权而不能诉说知道的真相。l During his brief career he played no speaking partshe was only an extra.u 在他短暂的职业生涯中,他扮演的是一个从来不用说话的角色他只是一个多余的人。l Her mind returned to her boy

7、friends offences and long, very long, did they occupy her.u 她重新回想起她和她男友之间的种种不快,而这样的思绪占据了她很长很长时间。l She felt creatively and emotionally sterile.u 她感觉自己既缺乏创造力有没有充沛的感情。l 她是2008年全国高考中的文科状元。u She is the top student in arts of the University Entrance Examination in 2008.l 为善最乐,读书最佳。 为善最乐,读书便佳。u Doing good

8、things is the greatest source of happiness. Reading is the best thing to do.l 世事洞明皆学问,人情练达即文章。mundane mnden, mndenadj. 平凡的;平淡的u A grasp of mundane affairs is genuine knowledge; an understanding of worldly wisdom is true learning.l They told me that Professor Liu would have been teaching here for twe

9、nty years by this winter.u 他们告诉我说要是刘教授还在这里教书的话到今年冬天就应该是第二十个年头了。l Oxford is much smaller in numbers, for example, than the State University of Minnesota, and is much poorer. It has, or had till yesterday, fewer students than the University of Toronto.u 牛津大学在校学生少多了,比明尼苏达州立大学都要少,也穷多了。无论现在还是过去,牛津的在校学生都比

10、多伦多大学少。l His being neglected by the host added to his uneasiness.u 主持人/主人对他的忽视使他觉得更加局促不安。l I could have laughed to hear him talk like this.u 他这样讲话我都快要笑出来了。l 近几年网游产业在高科技光环的笼罩下飞速发展。2004年中国网游产业利润高达4.5亿美元,但深埋其中的隐患却没有引起多数人的注意,结果上网成瘾的人数在不断增长。u In recent years, cyber-game industry has developed by leaps an

11、d bounds under the name of “high technology”. The profit from Chinese cyber-game industry reached 450 million US dollars in 2004, while the hidden peril is not paid enough attention resulting in the increasing number of internet addicts.l Water works for weight loss.u 喝水对减肥有帮助。l Bob Newharts popular

12、ity as an actor and stand-up comedian led to his casting in a number of motion pictures, with some of the biggest film stars in Hollywood, and of course, as the cartoon voice of Bernard the mouse.ul 这是一个秋天的下午,细雨淅沥,秋风瑟瑟。他们撑着雨伞,攀沿一条弯弯曲曲的山间小道去拜望一位隐居在深山的朋友。ul The kaleidoscope of shifting interests made

13、it impossible to sort out the “winners” and “losers”.ul What can easily be seen in his poems are his imagery and originality, power and range.ul A conference of developing countries and richer industrialized states was held in Washington attempting to identify priorities for improving life among poo

14、r areas of the world.ul Carelessness caused his failure in this years college entrance examination.ul 他只要听到几句恭维话就会得意忘形l 一星期没洗澡,一身臭汗l The man who is above his business may one day find his business above him.l “We have had a lot of things on you,” the police officer said to the suspect.l 有人轻轻拍了拍我的肩膀。

15、我放下正在批改的作业,抬头一看,原来是一个身材矮小的老太太,她满脸皱纹,慈祥地微笑着。例11 I am much abroad in my guess.例12 In this country, sex between consenting adults is nobody elses business例13他初出茅庐,没什么经验。u Hes still a green hand.例14Jordan can not politely turn down the invitation to an Arab foreign ministers conference. 例15 Basically, the theory proposed, among other things, that the maximum speed possible in the universe is that of light; 例16这听起来好像是童话故事,但它确是真人真事,不相信也无济于事。例1 Translation from English into Chinese is not so easy as that from English into French. 例2 During his visit to


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