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1、A:Hello,everyone.Welcome to our sunshine radio at Fm.86.8 Movie Fan. Im your good friend B:打开广播听电影 欢迎大家收听今天的阳光放映室 我是你们的好朋友A:*,We have talked about Steve Jobs last time, today lets talk about PixarB:Great,you know I love cartoons, and Pixar Animation is the best.A:皮克斯动画工作室(Pixar Animation Studios),于1

2、986年正式成立,至今已经出品十一部动画长片和十九部动画短片。虽然作品不多,但是部部经典,给影迷留下非常深刻的印象,对动画电影历史影响也很深远,实现了动画电影票房、技术上的完美飞越,硕果累累。Pixar Animation Studios is an Academy Award -winning computer animation studio with the technical, creative and production capabilities to create a new generation of animated feature films, merchandise an

3、d other related products. Pixars objective is to combine proprietary technology and world-class creative talent to develop computer-animated feature films with memorable characters and heartwarming stories that appeal to audiences of all ages.B:聊到皮克斯还得再说一说乔布斯。如果没有乔布斯,世上也许仍会有皮克斯,但更大的可能是它成为一个仅仅在专业图形图像


5、令人联想诸多含义:孜孜不倦的工作、勇于实践的风格、左右逢源的灵感以及不墨守成规的个性2006年,迪士尼以74亿美元的天价买下皮克斯。乔布斯从此成为手握迪士尼7%股份的第一个大个人股东。自1986年起,皮克斯动画王国出产了11部动画长片和19部动画短片,不仅给全球影迷带来无数欢乐与感动,更实现了动画电影票房、技术上的完美飞越。B:Since its incorporation, Pixar has been responsible for many important breakthroughs in the application of computer graphics (CG) for f

6、ilmmaking. Consequently, the company has attracted some of the worlds finest talent in this area. Pixars technical and creative teams have collaborated since 1986 to develop a wealth of production software used in-house to create its movies and further the state of the art in CG movie making. This p

7、roprietary technology allows the production of animated images of a quality, richness and vibrancy that are unique in the industry, and above all, allows the director to precisely control the end results in a way that is exactly right for the story. Pixar continues to invest heavily in its software

8、systems and believes that further advancements will lead to additional productivity and quality improvements in the making of its computer animated films.A:Pixar also has a long standing tradition of sharing its advances within the broader CG community, through technical papers, technology partnersh

9、ips, and most notably through its publicly available RenderMan product for the highest-quality, photo-realistic images currently available. RenderMan remains the standard in CG film visual effects and feature animation and has been honored with an Academy Award for technical achievement.In 2001, the

10、 Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences Board of Governors honored Ed Catmull, president of Pixar and Disney Animation Studios, Loren Carpenter, senior scientist, and Rob Cook, vice president of software engineering, with an Academy Award of Merit (Oscar) for significant advancements to the field

11、 of motion picture rendering as exemplified in Pixars RenderMan. In 2002, the Producers Guild of America honored Pixar with the Guilds inaugural Vanguard Award, which recognizes outstanding achievement in new media and technology.B:“除了皮克斯,再没有哪一家工作室能输出如此之多的创造天才,培养如此之多的伟大艺术家和动画师。”前福克斯动画部制片人Meledandri对

12、皮克斯景仰无比,“它简直是动画奇才的摇篮。”品质源于专注,皮克斯对故事的苛刻程度举世闻名。在脚本已经敲定后,真正的工作其实才刚刚开始。脚本中的每一个情节,角色发展的每一种可能,在执行时都会不断地涌现出现新的思路。皮克斯人总是对不确定的新东西充满信心。为了获得更好的创意,他们可以随时放弃已经完成的工作。尤其是故事,他们反复检查脚本,偏执地在接近完美的故事中寻找瑕疵。“故事为王。这是我在皮克斯学到的。”吉米说。A:Pixars creative department is led by Chief Creative Officer John Lasseter, an Academy Award-w

13、inning director and animator. Under the guidance of Lasseter, Pixar has built a creative team that includes a department of highly skilled animators, a story department and an art department. This team is responsible for creating, writing and animating all of Pixars films. Pixar strives to hire anim

14、ators who have superior acting ability - those able to bring characters and inanimate objects to life, as though they have their own thought processes. In order to attract and retain quality animators, the company founded Pixar University, which conducts three-month long courses for new and existing

15、 animators. Pixar also has a complete production team that gives the company the capability to control all elements of production of its films. Pixar has successfully expanded the production team so projects may be worked on simultaneously.B:3D动画的霸主:皮克斯(Pixar Animation Studios) 不容置疑,绝佳的创意与完美的技术使皮克斯成

16、为了电脑动画领域的领头羊。皮克斯一向坚持创造属于自己的故事和人物,而不是照搬老旧的童话或畅销的书籍,正如海底总动员的导演安德鲁-斯坦顿所说:”原创故事是制作动画电影过程中最困难的事情,至少我们这样认为。但是你一旦完成了这一项,那种满足感也是其它工作所无法企及的。从1984年皮克斯成立到2003年第五部卖座动画长片的诞生,皮克斯走过了不平凡的19年,它的出现让电脑动画逐渐成为电影中不可缺少的重要元素之一,高科技的加盟不仅仅提升了影片的可看性,也为动画影片本身提供了更为宽广的选材空间。 A:接下来让我们重温皮克斯的两部经典 虫虫特工队 和 料理鼠王Every year, a bunch of grasshoppers come to the anthill and eat what the ants have gathered for them. The offering, as the ants call the ritual, is a part


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