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1、英语面试英语面试写作英语面试-美联英语求职信必备的关键要素2014-2-109:00 类别:英语口语 来源:enguo 责编:metenAdvice on covering letters关于求职信的几点建议Use one side of A4 paper, plain white photocopier paper is fine. If you are emailing it put it in the body of the email; dont attach it.使用A4纸的一面、纯白的复印纸就可以了。如果要发邮件,请将内容放正文里, 不要放在附件里。Make sure you u

2、se the same paper as you used for your CV; it demonstrates professionalism.确保你用的纸张与简历用的纸张是一样的。这是专业性的体现。Use no more than four paragraphs.内容请不要超过四段。Make sure your letter is an original and not a copy. Print it with a good quality printer. If you send a copy it reflects badly on you and shows you didnt

3、 care enough to spend the time creating a letter specifically for them.确保内容的原创性,切勿抄袭。请用好的打印机打印。一份非原创的求职信会给人留下不好的印象,显得你不够用重视它,并没有花特别的时间去完成。Address the letter to the correct person and make sure his or her name is spelt correctly. Use their correct title and be sure to get their gender right.将求职信准确地发给

4、对方,收件人的名字务必拼写正确。使用正确的称呼和性别。The spell check on your wordprocessorwill pick up some errors but you need to double check your spelling and grammar. Spell check wouldnt pick up on the difference between “from” and “form” for example. Break down any contractions; that is to say, write “I have” not “Ive”.

5、 An applicant who demonstrates perfect spelling and grammar is much more likely to impress an employer.使用文字编辑器对进行文字拼写一次检查,但有必要对拼写和语法进行二次检查。因为拼写检查是不会查出”from”和”form”这两个词的错误的。展开全部缩写,即书写”I have”而不是”Ive”。一个可以完美展示拼写和语法功底的应聘者会给招聘者留下更深的印象。Use your own words, your letter should sound like you. However dont b

6、e too informal, it is a business proposal you are making, so the letter should be set out like a business letter; use a traditional business letter format.使用自己的语言,让你的求职信文如其人。但是不能太不正式,因为这是一封以商务为出发点的信件,所以求职信至少要像一封商务信件,并使用传统的商务信件格式。Sell yourself but emphasis what you can do for the company, dont talk t

7、oo much about yourself. Generate excitement and be positive.推销自己,但是要强调自己可以为公司做贡献,切不可一直在讲自己,要给人一种活跃、乐观的印象。If you want to explain any gaps in your CV that might concern an employer; dont tell lies, instead reinterpret the missing time as something positive. For example, a year spent travelling can be

8、spun as an opportunity to develop initiative and team working skills through solo and group travel.解释简历中可能涉及雇主不喜欢的一些观点,请不要说谎,而是用乐观的事件解释。例如以一年旅游作为契机,借个体和团体旅游发展自己的主动性和团队合作精神。Keep it simple. Use clear and concise sentences. Use a maximum of seven lines in each paragraph and vary the sentence length.保持简

9、单。使用清新简明的句子。每一段最多7行,并且句子的长度要多变。Make your presentation interesting. Highlight your skills and attributes in bold or indent them with bullets. Underlining isnt as effective or clear, so avoid it.让文字生动有趣。用粗体和缩进等方式突出你的技能和特点。加下划线不怎么清晰有效,因而要避免这样做Demonstrate you have researched the company by including som

10、e information. Dont overdo it, but make it clear you know who they are, what they do and why you have chosen them.证明你对公司有所了解。不用太多,但是你要清楚他们是谁,他们是做什么的以及你为什么要选择他们。Request an interview. This is your primary goal, so dont forget to ask for one at the end of your letter. Let the employer know you will fol

11、low up in a few days to ensure your letter was received.要求面试。这是你的首要目的,所以不要忘了在信的末尾问上一句。在未来几天你会跟进和确认雇主收到信件。Dont enclose a photograph with your letter unless you are looking for work in acting or as a model.请不要在信上附上照片,除非你是是在找表演或者模特一类的工作。Sign the cover letter with a blue or black ink pen.用蓝色或黑色水笔在求职信上签名。Keep a copy of the cover letter for your records. Its a good idea to keep track of the CVs and cover letters you send out, as you never know when you might need to refer to something.自己留一份求职信的副本。将其作为发送出去的求职信和简历的参照,绝对是个好主意。



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