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1、最影响睡眠质量的9个小细节1. Learn your sleep positionYour “sleep position” is the position you always move into right before falling asleep. If Im not very tired Ill spend some time on my back, stomach, or other scenario until I feel like sleeping. Then, as soon as I feel like sleeping, I move onto my side and

2、get down to sleeping business. Once you know your sleep position you can move into it immediately once you get into bed. Take a few deep breaths, relax, and your body will assume that its time to sleep and youll be drooling on your pillow in no time.1.弄清楚你的睡姿 你的“睡姿”通常就是你即将入睡之时摆好的姿势。要是不感觉到累,我通常会花些时间平

3、躺着,趴着或者做其他姿势,直到睡意降临。当睡意渐浓,我会侧着身体,开始入睡。要是你晓得自己的睡姿,你就可以在上床时候马上摆好姿势。做几下深呼吸,然后全身放松,你的身体会认为睡觉的时候到了,于你就能迅速坠入梦乡。2. Create a sleep ritualNot unlike your morning ritual, a sleep ritual is a few things you always do before going to sleep. Do you brush your teeth (you should be), listen to a bit of some favori

4、te song, or stretch for a few minutes before bed? Figure out what helps you relax and make a habit of doing those things every time before you plan to sleep. Youll soon find its easier to rest, even in circumstances that otherwise might have kept you awake, because the rhythm of your sleep ritual ha

5、s lulled you into a relaxed state.2.养成睡眠习惯性动作 与你早上的习惯性动作一样,睡眠习惯性动作是在你入睡前经常做的事情。你是否会在睡前刷牙(这个该做),听几首自己喜欢的歌,花几分钟伸伸懒腰呢?思考一下什么事情能让你放松下来,养成在你打算要睡的之前做做这些事情的习惯。3. Build a sleep cocoonPlease dont start spinning silk and wrapping yourself up to sleep. If you can actually do that, your problems are much bigger

6、 than a simple lack of sleep! (Do spiders sleep? Anyone?) What you should try is creating a “cocoon” of silence and cool darkness that makes it easier for you to sleep. Experiment a bit with earplugs or noise-cancelling headphones to counteract the loud neighbors, air conditioning or a fan, and a bl

7、ackout curtain to keep the street lights from keeping you awake at night. You know your situation best. Now optimize it so you can sleep better!3.落足功夫,做好睡眠防护 拜托,我可不是在叫你缝缝补补的弄个东西,然后将自己整个塞进去蒙头大睡啊。要是你真能这么做,那你的问题就不仅仅是失眠这么简单了!(有蜘蛛会睡眠的吗?谁看见过?)你该做的是创造一个安静舒适,一团漆黑有助于你睡眠的“防护“环境。试着用耳塞或者消音耳机来抵消邻居的吵闹声,空调和风扇的嗡嗡声,

8、再找块能挡光的窗帘挡住街灯,以防止晚上路灯的灯光让你失眠。实际情况你比我更加了解,现在就开始着手优化睡眠环境,让自己睡得安稳些吧!4. Experiment with napsYou could take an extreme and try polyphasic sleep (been there, really hard to get started, kinda fun once youve got a groove going) which is only naps. Id recommend something more along the lines of a quick cat

9、nap in the afternoon when youre feeling tired. Napping doesnt work for everybody. In fact, it might make it harder for you to sleep at night! The easiest way to find out if an afternoon nap will work to help you get the best rest is to try napping over a weekend and see how you feel afterward. Keep

10、it under 30 minutes long and you should be able to avoid the bewildering effects of longer naps. Theres always the caffeine nap, but that might conflict with the next tip.4.试试小睡片刻 你可以走极端,试试小睡多睡(这个,一开始比较困难,要是你习惯的话可能会觉得过瘾),也就是仅打几个盹。在建议午后你觉得累小憩片刻前提下,我还要提醒一点,打盹并非人人适用,事实上,这有可能让你晚上更加难以入睡!要看午后打盹对你管不管用最简单的办

11、法是在周末试试打盹并且看看之后的情况如何。打盹时间尽量控制在30分钟以内,这样可以让你能够避免更长时间的打盹引起的头脑昏昏的不良效应。通常我们也会遇到咖啡因睡眠,但这与下一则窍门有冲突。5. Skip the late-afternoon caffeineIf caffeine can affect you for up to 8 hours after consumption, what are you doing sucking down coffee at 8pm? Skip the caffeine in favor of a tall glass of water and a few

12、 minutes of aerobic exercise. You dont need to put on a purple leotard and dance in the hallway. A few flights of stairs in your normal clothes should do the trick.5.消除午后咖啡因症状 假如咖啡因在你服用八个小时后仍起作用,又假如晚上八点你喝了咖啡,那么该怎么办呢?要解掉症状,你该喝一大杯水并且做几分钟的有氧运动。你大可不必穿上紫红色的紧身衣在过道里翩翩起舞,穿着便服跳几下楼梯就可以解决问题了。6. Maintain a slee

13、p schedule“Get up at the same time every morning and go to sleep at the same time every night” says the Mayo Clinic. Seriously? Life rarely allows such a luxury as that! If youre not one of the few who can arrange their schedule around sleep, do your best by keeping your sleep and wake times within

14、an hour at each end. For example, if you can get to bed between 11pm-midnight and wake up between 7am-8am, a few minutes given or taken each day shouldnt be a problem in the long run.6.有计划的安排睡眠 梅奥诊所的医生建议:”保持清晨正点起床,保证晚上正点上床“。果真要这样么?大多时候生活可并不让人得偿所愿。要是你并非属于能够按计划睡眠的那一小部分人,那就尽可能的让入睡和苏醒时间保持在特定时间的一个小时之内吧。例

15、如,要是你能够控制在晚上11点到午夜之间入睡,并且在早上7点到8点之间醒来,每天多睡点或者少睡点长期下来并无多大问题。7. Go to directly to bed when youre tiredYou know what happens when you start to feel tired and decide to stay up for just a few minutes answering emails: you get a second wind and end up watching Youtube videos until 3am and paying for it t

16、he following day. Enough! If youre within an hour of your normal bed time and youre feeling tired, go to bed and try to sleep. Anything else is a waste of your time and future productivity.7.要是困了,直接上床睡吧 在你感到困倦的时候,你知道将要发生的事情,于是决定为回邮件多等几分钟:忙完后刚缓过气来,却为了看Youtube上的视频熬夜至凌晨三点,再打算明天早上补回来。够了!要是在正常休息时间的一个小时内,你要觉得困得慌,那就上床赶紧睡觉吧。其它的任何动作都是在浪费时间和做无用功。 8. Have clean beddin



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