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1、The SpartansWhen the boy was born like all Spartons, he was inspected. If hed been small or puny or sickly or misshapen. he would have been discarded .From the time he could stand, he was baptized in the fire of combat. Taught never to retreat, never to surrender. Taught that death on the battlefiel

2、d in service to Sparta was greatest glory he would achieved in his life. At age 7, as is customary in sparda, the boy was taken from his mother and plunged into a world of violence. Manufactured by 300 years of warrior society, to create the finest soldiers the world has even known. The agoge, as is

3、 called , forces them to fight ,starves them, forces them to steal, and if necessary, to kill. By rod and lash the boy was punished taught to show no pain, no mercy. Constantly tested, tossed into the wild. Left to pit his wits and will against natures fury. It was his Initiation his time in the wil

4、d, for he would return to his people a Spartan or not at all. The wolf begins to circle the boy. Claws of black steel., fur as dark night. Eyes glowing red jewels from the pit of hell itself. The giant wolf sniffing savoring the scent of the meat to come. Its not fear that grips him only a heightene

5、d sense of him. The cold air in his lungs Windswept pines moving against the coming night. His hand are steady. His form perfect.News words and expressionsSparta sp:t n.斯巴达(古希腊军事重镇)inspect inspektvt.检查, 检验;视察Spartan sp:tn名词 n.斯巴达人, 斯巴达公民 puny pju:ni:adj. 弱小的,微弱的misshapen miseipn adj.奇形怪状的,畸形的 discar

6、d disk:dvt. 丢弃, 抛弃;不再使用baptize bptaz, bp,tazvt. 给施洗礼 combat kmbtn. 战斗, 格斗, 斗争retreat ritri:tvi. 撤退; 退却;规避, 退 surrender srendvt. & vi. 投降customary kstmriadj. 习惯上的,合乎习俗的 plunge plnd vt. & vi (使)陷入violence vailnsn. 暴力, 强暴;猛烈, 剧烈, plunged into 投身于manufacture ,mnjufktvt. 制造;塑造 warrior wrin. 武士, 勇士, 战士sta

7、rves st:vvt. & vi. (使)挨饿, 饥饿 constantly knstntladv. 不断地;时常地toss tsvt. & vi. 扔; 投; 抛;(使)摇荡; 使颠簸 pit pitvt. 使有麻子; 使有凹陷toss into pit ones witsInitiation .,ni:en开始,创始, 发起, sniff snif vt. & vi.以鼻吸气; 嗅; 闻 savor seiv v.尝到或闻到,尽情享受 scent sentn. 气味, (动物的)臭迹, 遗臭;grip ripvt. & vi. 紧握,吸引, 引起 heighten haitnvt. &

8、vi. (使)变高, (使)加强Windswept windsweptadj.风刮的,被风吹扫 pine painn. 松树;松木in service to in ones lungs achieve greatest glory create the finest soldiersa world of force sb to do sthshow no pain against natures fury参考译文当一个男孩出生后,就像斯巴达所有婴儿一样,会被仔细检视。如果他太小、太弱、多病、畸形,就会被抛弃。从他们能站稳的那一刻,便开始接受战斗的洗礼,被教育从不退缩,从不放弃。开始被灌输一个观

9、念,为斯巴达战死沙场,是人的一生能成就的最大荣耀。男孩七岁就从母亲身边被带走,投入一个残酷的暴力世界。经过斯巴达300年尚武社会的塑造,成为世界最顶尖的战士。正如其名,斯巴达的“酷炼”迫使男孩们去争强好斗,让他们挨饿,迫使他们偷盗,如果必要让他们去杀人。以棍击和鞭打来惩罚孩子,叫他们痛苦不行于色,对敌人不要怜悯。时常接受测试,比如被抛在野外,只能靠他们的智慧和毅力与无情的大自然搏斗。在荒野中生存之是对他们的启蒙测试。他们若不能成为真正的斯巴达人回到族人的身边,便将尸骨无存。 狼开始在他身边游走。钢铁般的乌爪,黑夜般的乌毛。双眼泛着红光,如同地狱深渊来的宝石。巨狼不停的嗅着享受着即将到来的肉香笼

10、罩他的不是恐惧,而是逐渐增强的感觉。冷空气在他的肺里打转。深夜里寒风萧瑟,拍打着松枝。他的双手沉稳,他的架势完美。Key structure1. If hed been small or puny or sickly or misshapen. he would have been discarded。2. Taught that death on the battlefield in service to Sparta was greatest glory he would achieved in his life.3. Manufactured by 300 years of warrio

11、r society, to create the finest soldiers the world has even known.4. It was his initiation his time in the wild, for he would return to his people a Spartan or not at all.5. Its not fear that grips him only a heightened sense of him.6. Windswept pines moving against the coming night.7. Eyes glowing

12、red jewels from the pit of hell itself.Grammar1. Subjunctive Mood 虚拟语气(一) 与过去事实相反的虚拟 She would have gone to the party if she had been invited. If he hadnt called me, I would have overslept this morning.2. 名词从句作真正主语用it 作形式主语的结构主要用于下列句型:It +谓语+名词从句(主语从句、表语从句、同位语从句)It is +名词+从句: 这样的名词有a fact,a surprise

13、,an honor(非常荣幸),a pity,common knowledge(常识)等。It is +形容词+从句:It +动词+从句: It + be + 分词+从句: Summary1. be inspected. 2. be discarded .3. be baptized4. never to retreat, never to surrender. 5. Taught that 6. on the battlefield 7. in service to 8. glory he would achieved9. in his life.10. as is customary in

14、 sparda,11. be taken from 12. plunged into13. a world of violence. 14. Manufactured by15. 300 years of warrior society, 16. to create the finest soldiers17. the world has even known.18. as is called , 19. forces them to fight 20. starves them, 21. forces them to steal, 22. and if necessary, 23. to kill. 24. By rod and lash25. the boy was punished 26. show no pain, no mercy. 27. Constantly tested, 28. tossed into 29. pit his wits



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