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1、New Words and Expressions:,1.talk的用法:,talk to/with sb 同某人说话,talk about sb/sth 谈论某人/物,2.look for 寻找(强调过程) find 找到(强调结果),2.ready的用法:,get/be ready to do sth 准备好去做某事。,get/be ready for sth 准备好某事。 I am ready for the exam.,3. a lot的用法,很,非常, 是副词短语,相当于very,Thanks a lot.,We heard a lot about him.,lots of 和a l

2、ot of一组,既可修饰可数名词也可修饰不可数名词;lots of fun,a lot of people等,,There are lots of apples in the basket.,There is a lot of water in this cup.,4. interest的用法:,Vt. 使感兴趣 -sb 使某人感兴趣。,Math doesnt interest him.,n.兴趣,不可数名词。 have interest in。对有兴趣。,interested和interesting: adj.,Sb be interested in 某人对感兴趣,The story is

3、very interesting.,4. make的用法:,1.做,制作,建造,Mary made a paper boat.,2.做出某种决定。,I dont make any promise.,3.使役动词, 使(要)某人做某事(怎样)。,make sb do sth,make sb +adj,make a joke 开玩笑,你的课题计划_ 谈论关于_ 好好休息_ 我们的旅行之后 整整二天_ 旅途愉快_ 学到了很多_ 准备干某事_ 听到关于某人的事情_ 一些名胜古籍_ 到处_历史和文化_ 开玩笑_去图书馆_ 继续工作,学习_,your project,talk about,have a g

4、ood rest,after our trip,two full days,have a good/great trip,learn so much,be ready to do sth,hear about sb,some places of interest/ some interested places,anywhere,history and culture,make a joke,go to the library,work on,1.将下列句子变成一般疑问句: I had a good rest after our trip ._ 做出肯否定回答_;_ 2.写出下列单词的过去式ha

5、ve_ sleep_ hear_go_ see_ look_,根据汉语意思完成句子 从石家庄到我的城市大约有200千米远。 Its about 200 kilometers Shijiazhuang my city. 我们将要参观许多名胜。 We will visit a lot of 我们将会玩得很快乐 We will much 我们将了解中国的历史和文化。 We will Chinese and 我可以在这儿照相吗? May I here?,用所给词的适当形式填空 1.The book is very (interest). I like it very much. 2.The stude

6、nts went to the library and worked on their (project). 3.Our teacher told us something (fun) in class today. We all laughed. 4.Li Ming (see) his friend again last week. 5.His classmates are (make) a joke to make everyone laugh.,1.The story is and all of us are in it . A interest, interesting B inter

7、esting , interest C interested , interesting D interesting, interested 2.Danny can find donuts in Canada , but not on the Silk Road. A somewhere B anywhere C whereany D nowhere 3.Did he well last night? Yes, he did. A sleep B slept C sleeping D sleeps 4.Jennys project is the history and culture of C

8、hina. A at B for C about D to 5.He cant translate jokes into Chinese. A any B some C much D little,New Words and Expressions:,1.age的用法:,对年龄提问,1)How old are you?= Whats your age? =What age are you?,对年龄回答,I am ten years old.= I am ten years of age.,at the age of 的用法:在年龄时,有时可直接写成at+数字、at age+数字。,He got

9、 married at (the age of )25.,3.between的用法:,在之间”,是在两者之间,但如果把三者以上分别看待,指每两者间,也就是把很多种只分为两个整体,也用between,You shouldnt eat between meals.,4. Its time for sth. 例:Its time for school Its time to do sth 例: Its time to go to school Its time for sb to do sth 例:Its time for me to go to bed,4.discover 和invent的用法:

10、,discover指初次看见本来已存在但以前未被发现的食物( to find out something but not yet known), 故作“发现”解;,invent 是指创造前所未有的事物( to create or design something not existing before),故作“发明”解。,Maybe we _ another earth someday. A. discover B. invent C. will discover D. will invent.,5.hope的用法:,hope to do sth: 希望做某事,I hope to write

11、a book like that someday.,wish的用法:,wish to do sth: 希望做某事,wish sb to do sth: 希望做某事,I wish you to have a good time.,I_ to get better soon. A. hope B. wish C. hope to D. wish to 2.他祝愿我有一个愉快暑假。 He _me to have a good summer holiday.,1短语连线 1. at the age of A. 在 和 (两者)之间 2. be new to B. 带回来 3. bring back C

12、. 在 岁时 4. a famous book D. 对 陌生 5. between and E. 一本著名的书,2. 句型展示 在17岁时,他去了中国. _ _ _ _ 17, he went to China. 中国人发现了煤,并发明了纸。 The Chinese _ coal and _ paper. 3. 他们的旅行持续了大约20年! Their journey _ _ twenty years! 我希望有一天写一本那样的书。 I _ _ write a book like that someday.,六,练习巩固: I hope to write a book like that s

13、omeday.(改为同义句) I hope that _ _ write a book like that someday. 2. Marco Polo travelled with his father.(对划线部分提问) _ _ Marco Polo _ with? 3.the, at, 3, age, he, of, could, dress, himself(连词成句) _ 4.He also brought back a lot of silk.(改为同义句) He brought back a lot of silk_ 5.My family travels to Beidaihe

14、.(用 last month 改写) My family _ to Beidaihe last month.,New Words and Expressions:,1.try ones best to do sth 尽某人最大的努力,You must try your best to learn English.,2.try on 试穿,This is a new dress. Please try it on.,3.find out 查出、查明 find sb doing sth 发现某人正在干某事,3.ago和before的用法:,都为副词,意为以前,与时间段连用,放在被修饰词前,但用法不同。,ago 表从现在起某段时间以前,常用于一般过去时。,before表从过去某个时间起的某个时间段以前,常用语完成时。,ago不能单独使用,但before可以。,Danny _(描述) his picture for


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