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1、2016年广东听说高考D卷,Beside many a tropical river, there hangs the biggest of all seed pods, the sea bean. These huge containers house one of the most successful of all vegetable travelers. One by one, the sea beans start on their voyages. This one is setting off down a small river in Africa. After a few m

2、iles, even, perhaps, a few hundred miles, the seed arrives at the mouth of its river. It can voyage through groups of islands and out into the open sea to ride the great ocean currents for as much as a year and still remain alive. (57”),Part B: 情景介绍(30”) 角 色:你是Mary。 任 务: (1)与Tom谈论喜剧表演的话题; (2)根据谈话内容回

3、答另一同学的提问。 生 词:comedian 喜剧演员;update 更新,Tapescript: W: Hello, Tom! That was a perfect show! M: Thanks, Mary. Im glad that people liked it. W: You did a wonderful job. You must have done a lot to give us such a show. M: Yes. I practiced many times in front of the mirror. I needed to make sure my body l

4、anguage and facial expressions were really amusing. W: Yeah. The audience burst into laughter many times during your one-hour show. They were indeed amused. M: I like to see people laughing. Laughter is good for your health. It reduces stress. W: But we really laugh when we are on our own, do we? M:

5、 No. Thats why people need us comedians to make them laugh.,1.你做什么让观众大笑? Question 1: What do you do to let the audience laugh?/ What do you do to make the audience laugh? Answer 1: Usually, I tell jokes. To get close to my audience, I catch up with the latest news in society and I put them in my jok

6、es. I think the audience loves this kind of jokes most. Sometimes I make fun of some famous people and pop stars.,2.你是怎么成为一个喜剧演员的? Question 2: How did you become a comedian? Answer 2: Well, my father was once a comedian. I watched to show since I was a little boy. I learned some skills from him and

7、then I took a two-year course in comedian training center when I was sixteen. After that, I began to perform everywhere in the country.,有什么成功的秘诀吗? Question 3: Do you have any secrets to success?/ What secrets to success do you have?/ Are there any secrets to success? Answer 3: There are no secrets t

8、o success. It takes a lot of effort. You have to work harder than anyone else. It doesnt happen by itself. A good comedian should read a lot so as to create more jokes. If you dont update your jokes, youll soon lose your audience.,五答部分: Question 1: How long was Toms show? Answer 1: One hour. Questio

9、n 2: Why is laughter good for our health? Answer 2: It reduces stress./ Because it reduces stress. Question 3: What kind of jokes do audiences like most? Answer 3: Jokes about the latest news in society./ They like jokes about the latest news in society most. Question 4: How long did Tom study in th

10、e comedian training center? Answer 4: Two years./ He studied two years. Question 5: Why should a comedian read a lot? Answer 5: To create more jokes./ In order to create more jokes.,Part C: 梗 概:圣诞前夜,一位老太太在餐馆卖花,就餐的Tom买了花并送上祝福。 关键词:Christmas(圣诞节),restaurant(餐馆),flower(花),50-dollar note (五十美元钞票),gift(礼

11、物),A Shoe for Help Tom was happily traveling down to town in his expensive new car. Attracted by the scenery, he slowed down. Suddenly, something hit the side door of the car. Tom stopped the car, stepped out, and found it was a shoe. He looked around and saw a little girl with one bare foot. He bel

12、ieved it was the girl who threw the shoe at his car. He was angry, walked to her and shouted, “Why did you do it? It is a new car. Dont you know it is expensive?” The girl tried to explain but was unable to speak. With tears in her eyes, she tried her best to make gestures. It seemed that she wanted

13、 to take Tom somewhere. In the direction she was pointing to, Tom saw a big boy lying on the ground, a wheelchair beside him. Tom realized the girl was asking for help. She could not put the boy back into the wheelchair, because he was too heavy for her. Tom ran to the boy, lifted him back up into t

14、he wheelchair, wiped the dirt off his face with a handkerchief and sent him to a nearby hospital.,Tom went to travel in his new car. When he was seeing the scenery, suddenly something hit the door of his car. Tom stopped, stepped out and found it was a shoe. He saw a girl standing without a shoe in

15、her foot. He believed the girl threw the shoe at his car. He shouted to the girl to ask why the girl did that. The girl tried to make gestures to explain. Tom knew that she wanted to take him to some place. Then Tom saw a boy lying on the ground, a wheelchair beside him. He realized that the girl was asking for help. He immediately put the boy back in the wheelchair, wiped the dirt off his face and sent him to a hospital.,



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