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1、【雅思阅读素材】圣诞老人车间-义乌市场(双语)今天雅思阅读素材给大家带来的是趣味双语阅读:圣诞老人车间,制造全球圣诞饰品的义乌小商品市场。以下是雅思阅读素材的全部内容:Theres red on the ceiling and red on the floor, red dripping from the window sills and red globules splattered across the walls. It looks like the artist Anish Kapoor has been let loose with his wax cannon again. But

2、 this, in fact, is what the making of Christmas looks like; this is the very heart of the real Santas workshop thousands of miles from the North Pole, in the Chinese city of Yiwu.天花板是红的,地板是红的,红色从窗台滴落,红色溅满了墙壁。这看上去就像艺术家安尼施卡普尔又把他的蜡塞到炮筒里在房间里放了一炮似的。但这实际上就是圣诞节的制作过程,这是圣诞老人真正的车间的核心它离北极有几千英里远,就在中国义乌。(译注:安尼施卡

3、普尔是当代著名雕塑艺术家,他部分后现代风格作品中大量运用了红色以及红色的蜡,与“圣诞村”厂里的场景颇为相似)Our yuletide myth-making might like to imagine that Christmas is made by rosy-cheeked elves hammering away in a snow-bound log cabin somewhere in the Arctic Circle. But its not. The likelihood is that most of those baubles, tinsel and flashing LE

4、D lights youve draped liberally around your house came from Yiwu, 300km south of Shanghai where theres not a (real) pine tree nor (natural) snowflake in sight.我们的圣诞神话可能更喜欢想象,在北极圈里某个银装素裹的小木屋,里面脸颊红润的小精灵锤锤打打造出了圣诞饰品。但这不是真的。你家的圣诞装饰球、金属箔、你挂满屋的闪闪发亮的LED灯,它们十有八九是从义乌来的。义乌在上海以南300公里,那里既没有真正的松树,也看不到天然雪花。Christe

5、ned “Chinas Christmas village”, Yiwu is home to 600 factories that collectively churn out over 60% of all the worlds Christmas decorations and accessories, from glowing fibre-optic trees to felt Santa hats. The “elves” that staff these factories are mainly migrant labourers, working 12 hours a day f

6、or a maximum of 200 to 300 a month and it turns out theyre not entirely sure what Christmas is.义乌被称作“中国圣诞村”,有600家工厂,它们共同生产出了全世界60%的圣诞装饰品,从发光的光纤圣诞树,到毛毡圣诞帽,不一而足。在这些工厂里工作的“精灵”们大部分都是外来工,一天工作12小时,每个月最多拿到200-300英镑我们发现他们并不完全了解什么是圣诞节。Wei gets through at least 10 face masks each day, trying not to breathe in

7、 the cloud of red dust. Photograph: Imaginechina/Rex.魏每天至少要带十个口罩,以防吸入红色的尘雾“Maybe its like Chinese New Year for foreigners,” says 19-year-old Wei, a worker who came to Yiwu from rural Guizhou province this year, speaking to Chinese news agency Sina. Together with his father, he works long days in the

8、 red-splattered lair, taking polystyrene snowflakes, dipping them in a bath of glue, then putting them in a powder-coating machine until they turn red and making 5,000 of the things every day.“可能就像(中国的)新年吧,就是外国人过的节。”19岁的魏这么对中国的新浪新闻说。他今年从贵州农村到义乌工作,和他的父亲一起,在溅满了红色的洞穴里每天工作很长时间。拿起泡沫雪花,把它们泡在胶水里,然后把它们放进涂粉末

9、的机器里,直到它们变成红色他就是这样每天生产出5000件产品。In the process, the two of them end up dusted from head to toe in fine crimson powder. His dad wears a Santa hat (not for the festive spirit, he says, but to stop his hair from turning red) and they both get through at least 10 face masks a day, trying not to breathe i

10、n the dust. Its a tiring job and they probably wont do it again next year: once theyve earned enough money for Wei to get married, they plan on returning home to Guizhou and hopefully never seeing a vat of red powder again.在这个过程中,父子俩最后都会从头到脚沾满红色的细小粉末。他的父亲戴着一顶圣诞帽(他说,不是为了应节,只是为了不让头发变红),为了不吸入粉尘,父子俩每天都分

11、别用掉至少10个口罩。这份工作很累人,他们明年可能不会再干了:只要他们挣到了魏结婚用的钱,他们就打算会贵州老家,就有希望再也不用见到成桶的红色粉末了。Packaged up in plastic bags, their gleaming red snowflakes hang alongside a wealth of other festive paraphernalia across town in the Yiwu International Trade Market, aka China Commodity City, a 4m sq m wonder-world of plastic

12、 tat. It is a pound shop paradise, a sprawling trade show of everything in the world that you dont need and yet may, at some irrational moment, feel compelled to buy. There are whole streets in the labyrinthine complex devoted to artificial flowers and inflatable toys, then come umbrellas and anorak

13、s, plastic buckets and clocks. It is a heaving multistorey monument to global consumption, as if the contents of all the worlds landfill sites had been dug-up, re-formed and meticulously catalogued back into 62,000 booths.他们闪着微光的红色雪花会用塑料袋包起来,和一大堆其他的圣诞装饰品一起挂满义乌国际商贸市场。这里又称中国小商品城,是塑料廉价制品构成的一个4百万平方米的神奇世

14、界。这儿是两元店天堂,巨大的贸易展,里面有世界上全部你虽然不必买但在某些时候又不得不买的东西。迷宫般的建筑里面一条条的街卖的都是假花、充气玩具,还有雨伞、雨衣、塑料桶和时钟等。这就像一座巨大的、好几层的全球消费品纪念碑,好像全世界的垃圾填埋场里的东西都被挖了出来,重组之后又仔细地划归到这6万2千个小摊里。The two men produce 5,000 red snowflakes a day, and get paid around 300 a month. Photograph: China Daily/Reuters这两个人一天能生产5000个红色雪花,每个月拿折合300英镑的工资Th

15、e complex was declared by the UN to be the “largest small commodity wholesale market in the world” and the scale of the operation necessitates a kind of urban plan, with this festival of commerce organised into five different districts. District Two is where Christmas can be found.这座复杂的建筑被联合国宣布为“世界上

16、最大的小商品批发市场”,它的运作规模比得上城市规划,被划分为五个不同的区域。第二区就是圣诞饰品所在的地方。There are corridors lined with nothing but tinsel, streets throbbing with competing LED light shows, stockings of every size, plastic Christmas trees in blue and yellow and fluorescent pink, plastic pine cones in gold and silver. Some of it seems lost in translation: there are sheep in Santa hats and tartan-embroidered reind


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