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1、Inner peace may seem like a mythical peak. Almost unachievable, far away, maybe even unreal for many. In fact, for almost every single one of us. Indeed, very few can rightly claim “I feel calm right now” in a midst of stressful situations, worries or problems requiring immediate attention. 内心的平和好像神

2、话中的巅峰之境,几乎难以企及,对很多人来说可能子虚乌有。实际上,对于每一个个体而言,鲜有人做到在紧张、烦恼、有问题急需解决的情况下依然可以说“我现在觉得很平静”。However, there is a secret. The only way to achieve the fabled inner peace is to embrace the fact that it is only marginally defined by outer circumstances. Mainly, it is a choice you must make for yourself. You can be

3、calm and peaceful in any situation by surprisingly, simply choosing to. This requires constant practice, but with practice your inner peace can become a habit, and then, a reality. 不过,这也是有秘诀的。唯一一个达到传说的内心平和的方法就是去接受那些仅仅由外界环境塑造的事实。首先,这是你为自己做的一个选择。你可以出乎意料地在任何情境下保持平和,只要你选择这么做。这就需要持续的练习,只要通过练习,内心的平和会成为一种习

4、惯,然后,成为你的常态。So, these are the steps you may start with. Even by following these few suggestions, and constantly reminding yourself about them, you can make, eventually, inner peace your normal state of mind. 所以呢,有一些方法你可以尝试一下。事实上,通过不断遵循这些建议,持续提醒自己,最终,你也可以保持平和的常态!1. Simplify 1简单化Simplicity contributes

5、 to inner peace because it allows you to direct your energy and effort into one single point. Get rid of everything that hinders you, including acquaintances and friends who may only drain you while giving you nothing in return. Remember that the key is always quality over quantity. Throw out or giv

6、e away everything that you dont really need. Every time you buy something new, ask yourself whether you can do without it, whether its really necessary to you. Dont let unnecessary information like TV news or gossip into your life. Keep it simple and at all times stay focused on one or two tasks tha

7、t matter. 简单化,可以帮助追寻内心的平和,因为它帮助你将精力和时间集中在同一个点上。丢弃那些阻碍你的一切,包括那些只会消耗你却不予回报的泛泛之交以及朋友。记住,秘诀就是质量永远胜于数量。每一次你想买新东西的时候,问问自己你是不是没有也可以,它是不是真是必需品。不要让电视新闻、流言蜚语等一些无关信息干扰你的生活。保持简单化并且始终只关注一两个重要的任务。2. Direct your mind on the present moment 2关注当下The only time that truly exists is this present moment. Past was, once,

8、 the present and future will once too, become the present. For all that matters, you should not obsess yourself by things gone. Or by the unpredictable future, which is in fact nothing more than your fantasy. So be focused on the present. Give all your best to it, and simply live. Dont let the real,

9、 present moment go by because you live in the past or in the future. 过去的已经过去,未来藏于现在。只有现在真实存在。最重要的是,永远不要沉浸在过去的事情中。或者是不可预测的未来,那只不过是你的幻想而已。所以关注当下吧。倾尽所有,简单生活。不要因为你活在过去、活在未来而让真实存在的今天流逝。3. Express gratitude 3表达感恩Stop and think about how fortunate you really are. Your mind may constantly wander off in the

10、future, and desire something new. Yet if you are reading this article, you probably are relatively well off. Just think about the fact that 80% of the world population lives on less than $10 a day. Or that 20% can not even read or write. 停下来想想自己有多么幸运。你的思绪可能会常常天马行空思索未来,渴望新生活。不过,如果你在读这篇文章,你可能相对来说生活宽裕。

11、想想,世界上还有80%的人每一天只靠10美元度日。还有20%的人不会读书写字。Try to think about all the things you have, there sure are plenty. Then realize that your mind is, at times, your worst enemy. Remember that even if you get what you hope for at this instant, your mind will very soon find some new object of desire. This is a vi

12、cious circle you can only break by expressing gratitude for what you already have or achieved, more and often. Even for the simplest things we otherwise take for granted. 尝试着想想你所拥有的东西,肯定也是数之不尽的。那么请意识到你的大脑有时可能是你最大的敌人。记住即使你现在能拿到你想要的东西,你的大脑也会很快找到新欢。这就是一个恶性循坏,只有通过经常地表达感恩,对你所拥有的东西和实现的事情满怀感恩之情,你才能打破这个循环。4

13、. Try it someone elses way 4. 接受新观点Your point of view should not be a law. Do not hold to it and be quick to let it go whenever it gets shaken by a better logic or opinion. When you find yourself in an argument, do not make a battle out of it. Remember that argument should be a synonym to discussion

14、. If you find yourself on a losing side, be strong enough to accept a flaw in your opinion and thank a person for enriching your perspective. At all costs, keep your mind open. Life is a constant growth and motion, and whoever clings to his fixed ways, is eventually left alone behind. 你的观点并非真理。当一种更好

15、的思想颠覆你的观点的时候,不要固执己见,让那些不快快速逝去。当你发现自己身陷争论之中时,不要将其变成战争。记住争辩是讨论的同义词。如果你意识到自己站在失败的一方,勇敢地接受你观点中的漏洞,并去感谢那些让你的思想更丰满的人。无论如何,保持开放的心态。人生是一个不断成长不断变化地过程,那些墨守成规的人最终会与社会脱节。5. Remember that everything will pass 5. 记住时间会治愈一切Look around yourself and ponder for a while about the fact that everything EVERYTHING will o

16、nce pass. Time can be generous, but ultimately, it is indifferent. However dark it may sound, everything and everybody will eventually perish. Nothing is forever, so how senseless it is to wage little personal wars with people you happen to dislike, or to give into sorrow over a break-up? Time will heal even the deepest wounds, but it will work faster if you dont scratch them So, quite often, the best


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