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1、4 克服孩子厌学情绪的六大高招孩子逃学前一般会出现以下症状:第一,课堂上听不懂老师的教学,课外不会做作业;第二,经常受到老师的批评,偶尔同学会告状;第三,家长经常指 责,由于学习成绩不好偶尔受到同学嘲讽。在这样的一些情况下,孩子就会厌学、学习压力大,许多孩子为了可以让自己的内心轻松一点,往往选择逃学来躲避一 时。孩子出现厌学进而导致逃学,冰冻三尺非一日之寒,孩子小时候没有养成良好的学习习惯或者获得良好的学习基础是导致孩子厌学主要原 因。所以,在孩子厌学进而逃学的问题上,家长和学校都有责任,解决孩子逃学问题,必须学校和家长双管齐下,才可以对孩子厌学进而逃学的问题进行综合“治 理”。专家提醒:职场

2、妈妈克服孩子厌学情绪的六个方法:第一妈妈要从小就养成和孩子交心孩子厌学进而逃学并不是一时之举,往往会经历漫长的学习“失败”过程,在这个过程中,孩子也会反思妈妈对他的教育方式,并且会对妈妈的教育方式保留一些 意见。所以,当孩子出现厌学情绪的时候,妈妈要先解除孩子对自己教育方式的意见,通常可以通过倾听和交谈的方式,而交谈的方式上,妈妈应该建立在自我反思 的基础上,进行多次交流,多听孩子的想法,并用探讨的方式告诉孩子学习的重要性。让孩子的厌学情绪发生转变,往往妈妈的诚恳的重要的因素。 第二妈妈要和孩子的老师经常联系妈妈应该经常主动和孩子的老师联系,和老师一起来分析孩子近阶段的学习情况和存在的问题,找

3、出孩子身上的不足之处,多沟通可以准确的找出孩子身上的问 题,这样才可以更有针对性的来改变孩子的厌学情绪。如果孩子已经出现了旷课和逃学的厌学现象,那么更加要经常的和孩子的班主任保持联系。通过沟通交流,妈 妈可以请老师在课堂上给孩子安排一些孩子可以完成的任务,对孩子进行肯定,可以很好的改变孩子的不利角色地位;为了加强孩子对家长和老师的信任,也可建立 一个孩子、妈妈和老师共同写联系内容的家校联系本。有的时候,当孩子出现比较严重的逃学现象的时候,学校为了正校纪会对经常逃学的孩子进行必要处理,这个 时候,家长要配合学校抓好孩子的思想教育工作,鼓励孩子下定决心有一个全新的开始。第三鼓励孩子多和学习好、懂事

4、的孩子交朋友针对孩子厌学情况和老师进行全面沟通后,可以建议老师给自己孩子安排一个可以在学习上帮助孩子的孩子来当自己孩子的“老师”,当然,为了郑重起见,最好双方孩子的家长也可以认识一下,多沟通。第四给孩子请一个家庭教师孩子的学习成绩如果落下了并且有了厌学情绪,可以在周末给孩子请一个家庭教师来不可,但是要在请家庭教师之前让孩子做好思想准备,不能因为有了家庭教师 而放弃课堂。孩子一般都会有几个科目没学好,可以先请比较有经验的老师来给孩子补这些科目。家庭教师给孩子补课前要先提醒家庭教师给孩子养成“自己先看, 不懂再问”、“课前预习找难点,课上认真听讲”的好习惯,培养孩子的积极性和主动性,而不要让孩子对

5、家庭教师造成依赖。第五妈妈可以多陪孩子一起学习妈妈的身教很重要,妈妈没有求知欲望也是导致孩子出现厌学情绪的一个原因。这个时候,妈妈可以转变思想认识,多学习东西,可以多学习孩子的功课或者学习其他知识,与孩子一起共同安排学习并且互相监督检查,可以很好的鼓励孩子改掉厌学的坏习惯。 第六和孩子的其他厌学同学的妈妈们结成联盟刚刚提到的多和学校的老师保持沟通的问题,也可以让班主任召集班上几个经常厌学、逃学的孩子家长共同联合起来商讨对策,可以一起请家教、制定互相督促计划一起来调动孩子的学习积极性。厌学孩子的妈妈们结成联盟对于克服孩子厌学情绪的效果是非常明朗的。对于厌学的孩子,克服孩子厌学情绪不可能让孩子的成

6、绩一下子就上去。所以,妈妈们要对孩子有耐心,并且对自己的孩子信心十足,才可以根本上克服孩子的厌 学情绪。对于已经有厌学情绪的孩子,“批”、“罚”字当头的教育方式是错误的。妈妈们要及时肯定孩子在克服厌学情绪中的优点和微小进步,培养孩子的自信 心,享受成功的喜悦,慢慢的孩子就会从“厌学”变“喜学”,同时可以解决孩子的逃学问题。Children play truant tend to appear before the following symptoms: first, dont understand the teacher in class teaching, extracurricular w

7、ont do the homework; Second, often criticized by the teacher, occasionally reunion very fact; Third, parents often refers to the responsibility, once in a while because of poor grades students ridicule. In such cases, children will be disgusted with, the study pressure big, many children in order t

8、o can let my mind easy, often choose to avoid a when playing hooky.Disgusted with the children, in turn, lead to play truant, Rome is not build in a day, the child did not develop good study habits or obtain the good study is based on the learning in children is mainly the original cause. So, on the

9、 issue of child learning and playing truant, parents and schools have a responsibility to solve the problem of children play truant, must the school and parents both, to the child learning to play truant for integrated governance problem.The expert reminds: working mothers children overcome wearines

10、s of six methods:The first mother reach out to develop and children at an early ageDisgusted with children, in turn, play truant is not temporary, tend to experience a long process of learning failure, in this process, children will reflect on mother to his way of education, and will keep some view

11、s of mothers education mode. So, when the children weariness, mother need to remove the child with respect to the manner of their own education, usually can through the way of listening and talking, and talk on the way, mom should be established on the basis of self-reflection, many times communicat

12、ion, listen to the childs ideas, and to explore the way to tell their children the importance of study. Let the children learning mood change, often mother sincere important factors.The second mother to contact your childs teacher oftenMom should often take the initiative to contact your childs teac

13、her, and teacher together to analyze children nearly stage of learning situation and the existing problems, and find out the deficiency of children, more communication can accurately find out the problem children, so that can be more targeted to change a childs weariness. If a child has been disgust

14、ed with absenteeism and truant phenomenon, so more often keep in touch with the childs teacher in charge. Through communication, mom mom can ask the teacher in the classroom for children to arrange some children can complete the task, certainly to children, can be a good change a childs character di

15、sadvantage; In order to strengthen the trust of the children of parents and teachers, also can build a child, mother and teacher write contact home school with your content. Sometimes, when the children appear more serious truancy phenomenon, to are the rules for school children often play truant ne

16、cessary processing, this time, the parents should cooperate with school pays special attention to the childs ideological education work, encourage the children to make up his mind to have a new start.Third encourage kids to make friends and study well, more sensible childAgainst children after learning situa


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