1、员工关怀活动类型Goals: 希望公司的活动能:1.体现公司的文化和风格时尚和乐趣2.能让员工觉得我们是一个有创意、快乐的团队,我们的办公环境和活动也体现这些。一、娱乐类1、舞会:篝火舞会、假面舞会、烛光舞会等;2、聚会:联谊会、座谈会、茶话会、办公时间聚餐、生日聚餐等。二、竞技类1、棋类:围棋、中国象棋、军棋比赛等;2、球类:篮球、羽毛球等;3、牌类:斗地主,升级,杀人,麻将;4、其他:游泳比赛,智力问答比赛;三、游戏类1、游园活动:2、灯会(如猜谜):3、抽奖活动:四、 休闲类1、观看影片;2、爬山:七娘山 、凤凰山、梧桐山、园山、笔架山、莲花山、大小南山、杜鹃山、塘朗山等。3、参观:展览
2、、纪念地、博物馆等。4、KTV五、文化类 1、征文(命主题征文或自由征文)、征画、书法、漫画、摄影、视频制作比赛、创意类文艺等;(比如拍摄电影海报或者产品海报,让某一员工做电影主角/产品代言人,还可以选择一款产品进行宣传,但不一定真正进行市场宣传,只在员工之间展示) 2、科学制作、工艺品制作、废物利用制作等比赛;3、 利用公司Media摄影器材资源,给有需要的同事拍摄照片,如婚纱照,艺术照,外出采风。六、环境类 1、员工办公环境的改进。比如在办公区、茶水间、会议室贴上小挂饰、工艺品、艺术画等(比如几米漫画,植物类的墙纸)。2、组建员工活动信息展示区,员工活动视频展示备注:使命:做中国电子产品网
3、络批发领域的持续领跑者愿景:用中国价格及品质承诺,给全世界的每个家庭带来时尚和乐趣Sponsor silly contests and have your staff participate. Around the holidays, pass out paper cutouts of gingerbread men and ask everyone to decorate their cutout. Hang the cutouts in a break room, and have everyone vote on their favorites. Award a box of cooki
4、es to the winner. During the summer, have employees post a favorite vacation photograph and award prizes for the pictures of the farthest vacation, the hottest vacation, or the worst vacation. These types of contests help employees learn more about each other on a personal level, and allows them to
5、share talents other than those that are related to work. You can build teamwork by encouraging fun.Offer training to your staff on something that has nothing to do with their employment. For example, sponsor a class about cake decorating or fly fishing to those interested. This type of class could b
6、e a reward for a job well done, or for meeting specific goals.Contract with a dry cleaning company to pick up and drop off clothes at your place of employment. Offer chair massages on a semi-regular basis to help battle physical stress. Ask your employees what services theyd like offered and try to
7、accommodate their needs. This can help your employees focus on their tasks at work.“When fun is a regular part of work, employees get to know each other as real people,” Paul Spiegelman, CEO of Beryl Companies, told Inc. To that end, Spiegelman created a Department of Great People and Fun and instit
8、uted Pajama day and Dress like the 70s day. “While these ideas are not practical for every work environment, the key is to do something fun, no matter how small, on a regular basis,” he says.Eric Ryan, founder of Method, a soap and cleaning products company in San Francisco, thinks adding some “weir
9、dness” to your corporate culture inspires employees to accomplish a lot. In the past, Ryan hasnt hesitated to dress up as a chipmunk, blast Eye of the Tiger in the elevator, or host flash mob dance parties at his offices. “It reminds everybody that, Yeah, Im working somewhere really special,” he tol
10、d Inc.Social Gatherings. Scheduled offsite events enhance bonding which in turn helps team spirit, which ultimately impacts your positive work environment. Halloween costume parties, picnics on July 4th, Memorial Day or Labor Day, and Christmas parties are only some of the ideas that successfully br
11、ing people together for an enjoyable time. Some others that Ive used with equal success are softball games (against other companies or among employees, depending on staff size), groups going putt-putt golfing or movie madness.Casual Dress Day. This will apply more to the Business-to-Business world b
12、ased on the difference in normal dress codes from the Business-to-Consumer arena. For those required to dress business every day a casual day becomes a popular desire. Use holidays to create theme color casual days such as red and green before Christmas or red, white and blue before July 4th, or bla
13、ck and orange prior to Halloween. This will add to the impact youre trying to have by calling a casual day in the first place. Establish pre-vacation casual days for each individual employee to enjoy on the day before his or her vacation.Major sports events are a perfect opportunity for casual days
14、to support your local or favorite team with appropriate colors, buttons, and logo wear. Spontaneous casual days produce a lot or stimulation based on the element of surprise. Announce a casual dress day for the following work day just because. Use individual or team casual dress days as contest priz
15、es or awards for specific accomplishment.Outside Seminars. Outside seminars are a stimulating break. Because outside seminars are not always cost efficient for most people, consider on-site seminars or workshops for your staff. Use outside seminars as a contest prize for one or two people. Then set
16、up a structured plan for those seminar attendees to briefly recreate the seminar to the rest of your people when they return. Now everyone gets educated for the price of one.Theme Contests. Over the years my contests have produced up to 170% increase in performance. But equally as important, theyve helped maintain positive environments that h