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1、一. 动词的过去式:(通常在动词后加”ed”)gowent havehad seesaw arewere am/iswas buybought dodid eatate studystudied flyflew taketook leaveleft writewrote telltold dancedanced shopshopped makemade comecame getgot sitsat loselost winwon singsang speakspoke saysaid swimswam run-ran fall-fell find-found drinkdrank 二.动词的现

2、在分词(通常在动词后加”ing”,以不发音字母”e”结尾的要去”e”再加“ing”)swimswimming shopshopping skipskipping sitsitting runrunning getgetting hithitting putputting skateskating skiskiing makemaking comecoming writewriting taketaking have-having give-giving三.动词的第三人称单数(通常在动词后加”s”当词末是”s /sh/ch/x”结尾时加”es ”)dodoes gogoes watchwatch

3、es washwashes teachteaches havehas brushbrushes crycries catchcatches flyflies studystudies 四.名词复数manmen womanwomen childchildren peoplepeople familyfamilies butterflybutterflies countrycountries babybabies librarylibraries knifeknives boyboys sheepsheep strawberrystrawberries footfeet toothteeth th

4、isthese thatthose dressdresses classclasses glassglasses boxboxes fishfish busbuses leafleaves dish-dishes wife-wives policeman-policemen policewoman-policewomen mouse-mice Chinese-Chinese五.动词变名词(通常在动词后加”er”)teachteacher singsinger workworker drivedriver playplayer writewriter 六.名词变形容词(通常在名词后加”y”)ra

5、inrainy sunsunny snowsnowy windwindy cloudcloudy healthhealthy 七.形容词变副词(通常在形容词后加”ly”)slowslowly quietquietly quickquickly loudloudly sadsadly happyhappily hardhardly safesafely easyeasily 八.形容词的比较级(通常在形容词后加”er”)manymuchmore bigbigger thinthinner goodbetter good(最高级)best funnyfunnier heavyheavier fat

6、fatter 九.同音词totwo/too rightwrite noknow forfour hearhere Ieye sonsuntheretheir bybuy/bye pairpear wherewear/were meetmeat flowerflour weekweak ourhour new-knew aunt-ant meet-meat十.常见反义词oldnew/young shortlong/tall bigsmall openclose rightleftwrong updown thesethose thatthis goodbad gocome dirtyclean

7、beginend samedifferent forgetremember highlow slowquick slowlyquickly quiteloud quietlyloudly standsit arriveleave losewin heavylight strongweak healthysick answerask afterbefore put ontake off hotcold warmcool farnear cheapexpensive earlylate easy-hard easily-hardly good-bad here-there sit-stand th

8、in-fat put on-take off 十一、基数词和序数词(通常序数词在使用时前要加定冠词the)one-first two-second three-third four-fourth five-fifth six-sixth seven-seventh eight-eighth nine-ninth ten-tenth eleven-eleventh twelve-twelfth thirteen-thirteenth fourteen-fourteenth fifteen-fifteenth sixteen-sixteenth seventeen-seventeenth eigh

9、teen-eighteenth nineteen-nineteenth twenty-twentieth十一、星期和月份(一般在星期前用介词“on”,月份前用“in”,具体的日期前用“on” 并且星期和月份的首字母要大字)Monday 星期一 Tuesday星期二 Wednesday星期三Thursday星期四Friday星期五Saterday星期六Sunday星期天January一月 February二月March三月April四月May五月June六月July七月August八月September九月October十月November十一月December十二月十二、表示颜色的词和人体器官

10、的词black黑色 brown棕色 green绿色 orange橙色 pink粉色 purple紫色 white白色 gray灰色 blue蓝色 red红色 yellow 黄色arm胳膊 body身体 ear耳朵 eye眼 finger手指 foot脚 hand手 head头 knee膝盖 leg腿 mouth嘴 nose鼻子 shoulder肩膀 stomach胃 toe脚趾十三、常见的缩写形式和完全形式Whos=who is shes=she is hes=he is whats=what is Im=I am were=we are youre=you are wherere=where

11、 are wheres=where is thats=that is theyre=they are isnt=is not arent=are not theyre=they are dont=do not didnt=did not doesnt=does not lets=let us cant=can not its=it is Ive=I have Id=I would 人称代词表: 单 数复 数第一人称第二人称第三人称第一人称第二人称第三人称主格IYouhesheitweyouThey宾格meYouhimheritusyouthem形物myYourhisheritsouryourt

12、heir名物mineYourshishersitsoursyourstheirs反身代词myselfYourselfhimselfherselfitself十四、特殊疑问词What 什么 what colour什么颜色 what time几点 when 什么时候 what day星期几where 那里who谁 whose谁的 which哪一个 how怎样 how many多少 how much多少、多少钱 how often多久一次 how old多少岁 how far多远 how long多长 how tall 多高 how big 多大 how heavy 多重十五、常用句型:1、How

13、old are you? I am five years old. 2. How are you? I am fine. How is your father/your mother? Hes/Shes fine, thank you.3、How are you feeling? I m fine.4. How do you feel? I feel Im .5. How does shehe feel? HeShe feel. HesShes .6Whats the matter with you?=Whats wrong with you? My throat is sore. My nose hurts.7. What day is it today? Today is Friday.What day is tomorrow? -Its Tuesday.8. What is the date today? Today is May first. 9. Who is on duty today? is on duty today.10. What time is it now? Its 3:00.11. What is your name? My name is LiMing.I am LiMing. Whats his na



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