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1、A:一个有不到1000名居民的袖珍小镇,被称为“奥地利最美乡村”“ 欧洲最美丽的小镇” “世界上最美丽的湖泊”,被联合国教科文组织列为世界文化遗产。有哪个小村会获得这样的美誉?这就是处于阿尔卑斯群山环抱中的奥地利湖边古老小镇哈尔斯塔特。哈尔斯塔特(Hallstatt)一个美丽的湖边小镇,一个风光秀丽的村庄,这里坐拥湖光山色,有优雅的教堂、古老的旅馆和美丽的村舍。因为景致得天独厚,现在小镇已经成为热门旅游目的地。B:哈尔施塔特(Hallstatt)是奥地利上奥地利州萨尔茨卡默古特地区的一个村庄,位于哈尔施塔特湖湖畔,海拔高度511米。哈尔施塔特的“Hall”可能源自于古克尔特语的“盐”,得名于村

2、庄附近的盐矿,历史上这一地区就因盐而致富。因此这里又被称作“世界上最美的小镇”或“世界最古老的盐都”。它是奥地利最古老的小镇,也是奥地利八个世界文化遗产之一。1997年该村被列为世界文化遗产。这个小小的村庄见证了历史长河中的无数变迁,在这里可以找到从哥特式, 文艺复兴式, 巴洛克式到现代建筑的踪影,环球旅行家Alexander von Humboldt 更称赞这里为“世界上最美丽的湖泊”。A:哈尔施塔特湖(LakeofHallstatt)是萨尔茨卡默古特地区所有湖泊中最富灵性的观光胜地。清晨的湖面不时笼罩着一层薄雾,偶然撑来一叶扁舟,激起的波澜在平静的湖面划出无数涟漪;傍晚的湖岸更是迷人,红树

3、黄叶漫山遍野,天鹅水鸭浮游觅食,还有岸边花团锦蔟的咖啡屋,都成为哈尔施塔特最靓丽的一道风景线。B:哈尔斯塔特湖清澈透底,在高山峡谷之中,像一条宽阔的绿色绸带。一排排临湖而建的木屋,在阳光的照耀下显得格外引人注目。散布着建于山坡斜面色彩斑斓的住宅、庭院以及花团锦蔟的露天咖啡厅。海拔3000多米的壮美山峦和清澈透底的高山湖泊,将这里装点成一个风景如画的仙境,这些木屋的墙壁、窗户、阳台等都采用木头做材料。为了不同于别家,每家每户还会在屋形、色彩上表现自己的风格。由于处于湖边,每户人家还在临岸的水中建有木船屋,专门停靠自家小木船或游艇,作为交通工具。A: 走在狭长的小镇上,还能时不时看到各种各样的木头

4、或铁艺路标。在一个路口,这个标牌上刻有三个箭头,估计上面写着路或住户主人名称;一家旅馆在附近的墙上挂着一个男人在床上呼呼大睡的木牌作为路标;一家饭店索性在外墙装饰着木头做的鱼头,告诉游人千万别错过美味;而学校、公司等也都有各种木头标牌,别有一番风味。B: 哈尔斯塔特小镇除了美景之外,还有一座世界上最古老的盐矿,有7000年的历史。正是盐矿的开掘使得哈尔施塔特开始有人居住。 古老的凯尔特人在此开采生活的白金山盐。令人吃惊的是目前还在作业。奥地利是内陆国,没有海盐,食盐只能靠盐矿,当年萨尔斯堡主教致富靠的就是制造食盐,盐在当时可与白金媲美,不过,现今盐矿坑已成旅游观光点。A: 哈尔施塔特人有一个奇

5、特的风俗, 由于小镇依山傍湖,土贵如金,所以埋葬方式很是特别。据当地人说,逝去的人在埋葬10年后骸骨都将被移出坟墓,放到山上洞穴中的骸骨教堂,日久天长,这里堆积了骸骨,到骸骨教堂可以亲见这些独特的场景 。为了区别,有的头骨上绘有标签,包括年份,家族名称,各种装饰纹样。据了解,这样的做法已有1600余年历史。,距离现在最近的一个头骨为1995年存放于此。现在由于大部分人都改为火葬,暂时没有新的骸骨进入该教堂。B: 韩剧春天华尔兹(Spring Waltz)曾在这里取景拍摄。第一次知道Hallstatt是看春天华尔兹男女主角长大后再次相遇的地方。那时Hallstatt正值冬季,小镇的屋顶、道路、湖

6、边的围栏和座椅,到处都覆盖着厚厚的白雪。A: 清晨,水面波光粼粼,木屋的倒影在水中时隐时现,一群群野鸭游过,泛起层层的波澜。沿湖而坐,点上1升奥地利啤酒,静静地欣赏着这美妙的一切。Hallstatt是那么的自然无暇,不矫揉造作。Hallstatt的寂静是那么的惬意。是心一直想落脚的地方A: Hallstatth:lstt is an ancient city, dating back to 800 BCE or earlier. It was a very important economic center throughout most of its history because of i

7、ts lucrativelukrtv salt mines.B: Nestled at the foot of a mountain, tucked away at the edge of a lake, is the secludedskludd and beautiful Hallstatt. The tiny village and its surrounds are World Heritage listed, with evidence of salt mining dating back as early as the Bronze Age and further archaeol

8、ogical,rkldkl evidence showing a flourishing and highly organised Iron Age society with wide trade links across Europe.A: Hallstatt is a tiny picturesque village buried deep in the Austrian Alps on the shores of the Hallsttter See. Originally famous for its salt mines, Hallstatt was accessible solel

9、y by boat for a long time. Today Hallstatt can be reached via a narrow tunnel built primarily through rock blasting. For a small village of merely 946 inhabitants, Hallstatt certainly gets visited a lot. It is a place with stunningstn nature, beautifully decorated housing, friendly people and delici

10、ous food.B: There are 6 reasons for why you cant miss Hallstatt:No.1 is this is a Picturesque,pktresk town Hugging the lake and clinging to the mountain, the town is quite narrow and takes only about 30 minutes to traverse its length.A: No.2 is the Catholic Church and Bone House The Church dates bac

11、k to the 12th century, while the famous Bone House exists because the cemetery is so small that the remains of older dead were dug up to make room for the newly dead. The older dead ended up in the Bone House after their bones were carefully cleaned.B: No.3 is the Boat Trip for a small fee, I went o

12、n a trip around the entire lake. The day was perfect, a few white puffy clouds in the otherwise deep blue sky. The views from the boat were spectacular.A: No.4 is Walking Tour of the town Beautiful pastel buildings down on the square or perched up on the mountainside. Lots of people enjoying the bea

13、uty the day I spent in Hallstatt. B : No.5 is the St Michaels Church in Mondsee Perhaps most famous as the scene where Maria and the Captain are married in “The Sound of Music”. The church was actually part of a monastery far older, with roots going back to the 8th century. The existing church dates

14、 back to the 15th century.A: No.6 is the Lake Wolfgangwulf beautiful small lake with a couple of lovely towns (St. Wolfgang and St. Gilgen) and gorgeous views of the mountains, meadows, forests and of course the lake.B: Wouldnt it be lovely to spend a few weeks here! Many of the towns are quiet at n

15、ight when the day tourists until mid-morning Im told, leaving the pristine lakes and charming towns to be enjoyed. There is a bus that connects many locations around Lake Wolfgang, and there is a train and a bus that takes you to Hallstatt as well.A: Hallstatt has traditionally been rich because of

16、the salt mines just up the hill. he mine site lies on the hilltop high above the town and is best visited if you bypass the funicular and hike up the hill, enjoying the lush forests, views of the lake and village, and historic mine sites as you walk. B: However, even if you never ventured up the mountain, Hallstatt itself is a world-class



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