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1、Adobe Encore 学习笔记一、EN的工作流程:1、计划项目1.1草拟一个场景导航的流程图;1.2项目的预算:需考虑到,视频的质量、文件的大小、及存储媒介,复制方法等。普通资源的大小建议:音频:以使用杜比数字立体声标准:0.192Mbps;每个子图(SubPicture):0.010Mps;动画菜单:对于标准视频定义转码是8Mbps, 高清定义是40Mbps;静止的菜单:平均大小在230KB;幻灯片:其基于是否包含转场效果,随机的平移缩放等效果若无任何效果只是一个静态图片的切换,通常每张图大小230KB若包含转场,如每个静态图片10秒,2秒转场;一般不用算在预算里;如果有随机平移和缩放效

2、果;如5分种的幻灯片展示,必须进行预算;决定光盘媒介:PR可创建25GB的Blu-ray Disc,不同大小DVD Disc,选择光盘的大小要基于视频的数量和复制的方法。使用MPEG-2,Blu-ray Disc可以存储135分钟的高清视频;EN支持H.264编码的Blu-ray项目,其比MPEG-2提供更高的质量和代字节速率。支持Dual-layer Disc:DVD -R DL, DVD +R DL(有些播放器可能不兼容);为保证某种方式刻录的光盘可播放的兼容性需要在不同播放器上进行测试。支持Dual-side Disc:制作这样的光盘必须要求创建两个分离的项目。项目预算示例1:Proce

3、ed as follows for bit budgeting of a 120-minute standard-definition video with three audio tracks, two subtitle tracks, two motion menus, and a 1-minute movie preview to be burned to an 8.54-GB DVD:以下是一个120分钟,带有三个声轨,两个字幕轨道,两个动画菜单和一分钟电影预览的标清视频字节预算编制方案(其在一个8.54G 光盘上烧录计算方法) 1Calculate the total availab

4、le disc space in bits. An 8.54-GB disc contains 8,540,000,000 bytes; each byte contains 8 bits. 8,540,000,000 x 8 = 68,320,000,000 bits = 68,320 Mbits. 2Calculate the disc space available for video. Combine the size of the audio, subtitles, motion menus, movie preview, and 4% of the disc capacity (f

5、or overhead, just to be safe), and then subtract that sum from the total available space you calculated in step 1. Three 120-minute audio streams, two with a data rate of 0.192 Mbps, and one with a rate of 0.448 Mbps: (2 x (120 minutes x 60 seconds per minute x 0.192 Mbps) + (120 minutes x 60 second

6、s per minute x 0.448 Mbps) = 5,990.4 Mbits.Two subtitles with a data rate of 0.010 Mbps: 2 x (120 minutes x 60 seconds per minute) x 0.010 Mbps = 144 Mbits.Two 24-second motion menus with an estimated data rate of 8 Mbps: 2 x (24 seconds x 8 Mbps) = 384 Mbits.One-minute movie preview with a data rat

7、e of 4.5 Mbps: 60 seconds x 4.5 Mbps = 270 Mbits.4% overhead: 0.04 x 68,320,000,000 bits = 2,732,800,000 bits = 2,732.8 Mbits.Total audio, subtitles, motion menus, preview, and overhead sizes: 5,990.4 Mbits + 144 Mbits + 384 Mbits + 270 Mbits + 2,732.8 Mbits = 9,521.2 Mbits.Disc space available for

8、video: 68,320 Mbits - 9,521 Mbits = 58,799 Mbits. 3Calculate the data rate of the video. Divide the disc space available for video that you determined in step 2 by the amount of video (in seconds) the project contains: 58,799 Mbits / (120 minutes x 60 seconds per minute) = 8.16 Mbps. 4Determine the

9、maximum video data rate. Subtract the combined audio and subtitles data rates from the maximum DVD video data rate of 9.8 Mbps: 9.8 Mbps - (0.192 + 0.192 + 0.448 + 0.010 + 0.010) = 8.95 Mbps. The video will fit on the disc using a data rate of 8.16 Mbps, which is below the maximum video data rate of

10、 8.95. Furthermore, because the target video data rate of 8.16 Mbps is above 6 Mbps, you do not need to use VBR. 项目预算示例2Here is an example of a bit budget for a Blu-ray Disc project that contains 2 hours and 7 minutes of high-definition (HD) video and audio, one 30-second HD motion menu with 30 seco

11、nds of audio, and one HD pan-and-zoom slide show containing 50 slides and 8 minutes of audio (total slide show duration is 8 minutes), to be distributed on a 25-GB disc: 1Total available disc space is 24.5 GB (25-GB disc capacity minus a very conservative 2% overhead of 0.5 GB). 2 Space required for

12、 the audio, motion menu, and slide show:127-minute audio stream with a data rate of 0.192 Mbps = 127 minutes x 60 seconds x 0.192 = 1,463.04 Mbits; divided by 8 bits = 182.88 MB, rounded off to 183 MB.30-second menu audio stream = 30 seconds x 0.192 Mbps = 5.76 Mbits; divided by 8 bits = 0.72 MB, ro

13、unded off to 1 MB.8-minute slide show audio stream = 8 minutes x 60 seconds x 0.192 Mbps = 92.16 Mbits; divided by 8 bits = 11.52 MB, rounded off to 12 MB.30-second motion menu at 40 Mbps = 1,200 Mbits; divided by 8 bits = 150 MB.22 USING ADOBE ENCORE CS4 Planning the project 8-minute slide show vid

14、eo (all pan and zoom) at 20 Mbps = 8 minutes x 60 seconds x 20 Mbps = 9,600 Mbits; divided by 8 bits = 1,200 MB or 1.2 GB.Total disc space required = 183 MB + 1 MB + 12 MB + 150 MB + 1,200 MB = 1,546 MB or 1.546 GB. 3Calculate amount of disc space available for video by subtracting the total disc sp

15、ace required in step 2 from the total available disc space in step 1: 24.5 GB available space - 1.546 GB required = 22.954 GB available for video. 4Calculate the data rate of the video by dividing the disc space available for video (in step 3) by the amount of video (in seconds) the project contains

16、. 183,632 Mbits available (22.954 GB x 1,000 MB/GB x 8 bits per byte) divided by 7,620 seconds of video (127 minutes x 60 seconds per minute) = 24.10 Mbps. 127 minutes of video at 24.10 Mbps = 22.96 GB. (127 x 24.10 x 60 seconds = 183,642 Mbits, divided by 8 = 22,955.25 MB, divided by 1,000 = 22.96 GB). 5Determine the maximum video data rate for this projec


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