新视野大学英语读写教程(第二版)第一册 unit 8 section a birth of bright ideas

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1、1,1,Text Study,Idea Sharing,Notes to the Text,Words and Expressions,Writing,Summary,Understanding,Reproduction,Structure Analysis,Read through the text, and fill in the blanks with the missing information.,I. Understanding,In text A, the author argues that inspirations come from the unconscious. To

2、make his argument convincing, he cited several examples.,Text StudyUnderstanding,Part One (Paras.13) : Introduction,According to the author, good ideas come from _, a _ term used to describe _ that remain unknown to the individual. Many great creative personalities in different field experienced _ i

3、n an intensified form.,the unconscious,psychological,mental processes,the sudden arrival of a new idea,Text StudyUnderstanding,Part Two (Paras.46) : Examples of how bright ideas come from the unconscious,Example 1 Richard Wagner, the great German _, had been occupied with the idea of composing the o

4、pening to “Rhinegold” for several years.,composer,Text StudyUnderstanding,When at last the orchestral opening, for which his _ mind had been seeking for so long, took shape within him, his _ mind at the moment of creation knew _ of the actual process by which the solution was found. A new idea may _

5、into the conscious mind.,unconscious,conscious,nothing,flash,Text StudyUnderstanding,Example 2 The discovery of Fuchsian Functions by Henri Poincare shows that the _ mind may _ the _ mind at work.,conscious,observe,unconscious,Text StudyUnderstanding,Example 3 It was _ that Descartes, the famous Fre

6、nch philosopher, discovered the key point in his _ cogito ergo sum, which means _ in English.,in a dream,philosophy,I think; therefore, I exist,Text StudyUnderstanding,Part Three (Para.7) : Conclusion,The unconscious is the _ of the instinctive thinking and it is _ for new _ concepts.,source,respons

7、ible,organized,Text StudyUnderstanding,II. Structure Analysis,Subject:_,Example 1,Example 2,Example 3,Richard Wagner,Henri Poincare,Descartes,Inspirations come from the unconscious.,1. Structure Analysis of Section A:,Text StudyStructure Analysis,2. The way to develop paragraphs:,contrast,Using comp

8、arison or contrast is a common way in writing paragraphs.,The phrases like “as a contrast”, “ by/in contrast”, “by/in comparison” , “on the contrary”, “while”, “however”, “nevertheless” or “unlike” are often used to make the paragraphs coherent and smooth.,Text StudyStructure Analysis,Analyze how co

9、ntrast is used by the author to describe the forming of Wagners and Henri Poincars bright ideas.,Text StudyStructure Analysis,The subject:,The subject:,A story about Richard Wagner, a composer.,A story about Henri Poincare as a contrast to that of Wagner.,Text StudyStructure Analysis,Text StudyStruc

10、ture Analysis,The process of forming big ideas:,The process of forming big ideas:, could not sleep at last the miracle happened, but he arrived at no result contrary to his many ideas,The result:,The result:,The conscious mind knew nothing of the actual processes by which the solution was found.,The

11、 conscious mind observed the new combinations being formed in the unconscious.,Text StudyStructure Analysis,III. Summary,Creative thinking depends _ what was unknown becoming _. Unconscious _ unknown to us are the source of the instinctive thinking that is responsible for new _ concepts. All of us h

12、ave experienced the sudden _into consciousness of a new concept when we _ thinking about it. _we can find examples of _ among famous personalities in every field. For the _ Descartes, for example, a dream determined his,on,clear,progresses,organized,explosion,werent,Elsewhere,invention,philosopher,T

13、ext StudySummary,_ life path and provided a central concept about existence. The conscious mind of the mathematical genius Poincare actually _ his unconscious _work. For Wagner, by _, his conscious mind at the moment of _ knew nothing of the actual processes _ which the sound of the water became an

14、_ score. All of these examples of creative thinking depend _ some degree on signals from the unconscious. The more _ insightful the person, _ and _ dramatic the signals become.,potential,watched,at,contrast,creation,by,orchestral,in,highly,the sharper,more,Text StudySummary,IV. Reproduction,A sample

15、 beginning,Suppose the three great creative personalities in Section A were still alive at present. As a host of a TV program called Tell Your Story, you are going to interview them to find out how they obtain their bright ideas. Work with your group mates to make the interview logical and coherent.,Text StudyReproduction,Good evening, everyone. Welcome to our studio. Im Mary. Maybe most of


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