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1、2014/10/20 17:17:35在暑期班的时候我和大家分享过一首诗,我很喜欢送给大家。我曾经七次鄙视我的灵魂 卡里 .纪伯伦第一次,当它本可进取时,却故作谦卑;第二次,当它在空虚时,用爱欲来填充;第三次,在困难和容易之间,它选择了容易;第四次,它犯了错,却借由别人也会犯错来宽慰自己;第五次,它自由软弱,却把它认为是生命的坚韧;第六次,当它鄙夷一张丑恶的嘴脸时,却不知那正是自己面具中的一副;第七次,它侧身于生活的污泥中,虽不甘心,却又畏首畏尾。绝对必考词之:eligible (常作 eligible for/to do something)有资格做(或得到)的;合格的,符合条件的;Many

2、 Americans are eligible for federal subsidies to help pay for insurance, but dont know it. (试着翻一下哦)再送大家一句写作素材:Proficiency in anything requires a great deal of determination and self discipline. In addition, a persons ability to cope with frustrationis also a critical factor in ones life career.要精通任何

3、事情都需要极大的决心和自律精神。此外,一个人应对挫折的能力也是影响他一生事业的一个重要因素。2014/10/22 18:50:36今天晚上夜班火车就先发句子了: 复习到这个时候会突然觉得自己什么都不会了,看了一天书却感觉什么都装不进去,甚至想放弃了,觉得别人肯定复习的更好,这就是涅槃期,是成功的必经之路,一定挺住!不要放弃!不要害怕! Be Brave: When something scares you, dont forget: everyone else is just as scared as you are. 勇敢一点:当你害怕的时候,不要忘了,其他人也跟你一样害怕。别怂!(而且千万

4、别被周围别有用心的人利用了,一切分散你注意力的人和事都是别有用心的! 你是成年人了,你要为自己负责,学会自己挺住!没有谁有义务为你做什么。我们都一样!)The behavioral sciences have been slow to change partly because the explanatory items often seem to be directly observed and partly because other kinds of explanations have been hard to find.主干识别: The behavioral sciences hav

5、e been slow to change其他成分: 状语一: partly because the explanatory items often seem to be directly observed 状语二: partly because other kinds of explanations have been hard to find. (记住:状语一定要剥离!)翻译点拨: the explanatory items 用以解释的要素(内容,项目) other kinds of explanations 其他解释方式参考译文:行为科学之所以发展缓慢,部分原因是用来解释行为的依据似乎往

6、往是直接观察到的,部分原因是其他的解释方式一直难以找到。2014/10/24 16:44:51The only thing we have to fear is fear itself - nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror, which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.早上好!感谢所有支持我的人!何凯文加油!继续奔跑!2014/10/24 16:47:12爽爽的贵阳,只能待上一个白天,晚上就要去其他地方了,只能现在发句子了。越来越觉得,真正的安全感不是外部物质所赋

7、予的,而是来自于内心的平静和充实;这些都需要经历,慢慢积累,需要吃点生活的苦头,更重要的是加上自己的修养和悟性,才能平和冲淡,不忧不惧;处于考研这个环境中的所有人都应该是这样的,一场没有硝烟的战争,更加需要我们对自己自信和对人生笃定。解决问题句式加粗,加黑,加下划线的句子就是所谓的套话。不能完全依靠但是也必不可少!To solve this burning problem, it is imperative for people to combine efforts to raise safety standards at all industrial facilities, to set u

8、p international cooperated laboratory, to monitor the state of environment and set up an internationalcentre for emergency environmental assistance. All these measures will help us in solving these important problems and prevent us fromdangerous illnesses and diseases. Wed better bear the following

9、sentence in the mind “Dont blow it good planets are hard to find.”2014/10/26 11:37:01USSR 2014/10/26 11:37:01今天终于可以在这个时间点坐在电脑前给同学们发句子了,昨天一天驱车1000多公里,晚上3点多到的宾馆,今天和武汉和咸宁的2000名同学见面。身处考研中的人,无论是学生,老师还是机构的工作人员都很累,但是又都各自坚持着,无关乎高尚和正义,有这份执着其实也挺难得,这种情愫可能只有真正经历过考研的人才能体会的到,所以我常常在想等老了的一天,再来看这样的一段的人生的时候一定特别有感触,这份

10、专注,这份在乎是会让我们怀念的。同学们,好好享受吧!等明年的这个时候再来看就真的是完全不一样的心境了。加油!Of all the catastrophes that could befall American in coming years,a big terrorist attack, perhaps even bigger than those on September 11th2001, may be more likely than others. Who would pay for the millions inproperty damage, business losses and

11、 other claims from such an attack? This is the question with which Americas Congress is currently wrestling.这三句话组成了一个非常典型的议论文的开头.接下来的文章就会讨论,国会是如何来解决这个问题的。而国会解决问题的办法就是提出议案,对于议案当然会有不同的看法,争论也就开始了,作者也会有自己的看法。这样文章就有的写了,不过就应试来讲,其实读到这里文章的主题就已经和明确了:就是谁应该为恐怖袭击的损失负责。词汇突破:befall 降临 Catastrophe 灾难 Wrestling wit

12、h争论主干识别:第一句: A big terrorist attack may be more likely than others. 第一句其他成分: Of all the catastrophes that could befallAmerican in coming years, 状语:在未来今年内所有可能降临美国的灾难中, (大家可以看看2010年考研英语第一篇文章的开头,也是of all.句式,很经典) perhaps even bigger than those on September 11th 2001, 定语:解释说明terroristattack 第三句: This is

13、the question Americans Congress is currentlywrestling with this question.参考译文:在未来几年内可能降临美国的灾难中,大型恐怖袭击(规模甚至超过2011年的“9.11”事件)依然是最可能发生的。那么,谁来为恐怖袭击造成的数以百万亿计的房产破坏,商业损失以及其他的损失进行赔偿呢? 这正是眼下美国国会争论不休的热门议题。2014/10/28 9:26:28USSR 2014/10/28 9:26:28不要指望你自己每一天的状态都会很好,哪怕是在冲刺的时候;人总会有低潮的时候,保持正常的作息,不要在低潮的时候再用情绪的波动来雪上

14、加霜,对自己好一点,照照镜子,笑一笑!一切都会好的!The Environmental Revolution will be judged by whether it can shift the world economy into an environmentally sustainable development path, one that leads to greater economic security, healthier lifestyles, and a worldwide improvement in the human condition.主干识别:The Environ

15、mental Revolution will be judged其他成分: by whether it can shift the world economy into an environmentally sustainable development path, 状语 one that leads to greater economic security, healthier lifestyles, and a worldwide improvement in the human condition. 名词 path的同位语翻译点拨:这个句子虽然长,但是不难翻译,只是注意主句的翻译: The Environmental Revolution will be judged 直接翻译:环境革命被.评判 被动转为主动就可以转译为: 判断(评价)环境革命的标准是. 记住增词不增意。2+1=2 对同位语单独成句即可。 参考译文:评价环



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