陕旅版三年级英语下册Unit6 Where Is My Eraser课件

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1、课时 1,课时 2,课时 3,课时 4,Unit 6 Where Is My Eraser?,Part A Draw yourself Lets learn Part B Play a game,6.1,Warm-up/Revision,Free talk,Hello, boys and girls !How are you?,What can you see in our classroom?,How many ?,chair (名词)椅子,Presentation,【复数形式】chairs,This is a chair. 这是一把椅子。,desk,(名词)课桌;桌子,【复数形式】desk

2、s,【短语】teachers desk 讲台,The desk is new. 这张桌子是新的。,window,(名词)窗户,【复数形式】windows,Open the window, please! 请打开窗户!,door,(名词)门,【复数形式】doors,Open the door, please! 请打开门!,floor,(名词)地板,【短语】clean the floor打扫地板,The floor is so clean. 地板很干净。,classroom,(名词)教室,【单词巧记】class(班,班级)+ room(房间) = classroom(教室),This is my

3、classroom. 这是我的教室。,How many chairs and desks are there in our classroom?,chair,desk,window,door,floor,classroom,Lets learn,Game,我来说你来做,Look and write,1. two _ 2. three_ 3. four _ 4. five _ 5. ten _ and _,doors,windows,boys,girls,desks,chairs,Questions,1. What can you see?,2. How many can you see in

4、the classroom?,Test,根据汉语意思写单词。 1. 椅子_ 2. 教室_ 3. 门_ 4. 书桌_ 5. 窗户_ 6. 地板_,chair,classroom,door,desk,window,floor,Sum-up,重点词汇,chair椅子,desk课桌,window 窗户,door门,floor地板,classroom 教室,Homework 将本节课学习的新单词在四线三格内抄三遍,并背写。,Homework,Thank you!,Part A Look and say Look and think Lets talk Part B Do and say,Unit 6 W

5、here Is My Eraser?,6.2,Warm-up/Revision,Look and say, Whats this?, Its a ball.,Do you like balls? Where is my ball?,can,Presentation,【用法】can是情态动词,后接动词原形。,He can play basketball. 他会打篮球。,(情态动词)能;可以,find,(动词)发现;找到,【短语】find out 找出;查明,I cant find my book. 我找不到我的书了。,excuse me,打扰一下,【用法】用于事情发生之前,为自己将要打扰到 别人

6、或提出请求之前。,Excuse me, where is the post office? 打扰一下, 邮局在哪里?,on,(介词)在上面,【短语】on the bed 在床上 on the desk 在书桌上,My toy car is on the table. 我的玩具小汽车在桌子上。,thanks,(感叹词)谢谢,【详解】这是表示感谢的常用语,相当于thank you。, Thanks! 谢谢你! You are welcome! 不客气!,Where is the cat?,Look and think,Lets talk,“Lets talk”,跟我一起读吧!,Lets talk,

7、Where is my book?,Its on the desk.,Do and say,1. Put your pencil in your pencil box.,3. Put the chair near the desk.,2. Put your pen on your book.,重点句型一,【详解】这是由can引导的一般疑问句,用来询问“某人是否能找到某物”。其中can是情态动词,后面的find要用原形。,Can you find the? 你能找到吗?,重点句型二,【详解】此句是询问某人或某物在哪里的句型,和前面我们学过的“Where is my mom? ”用法一样。,Whe

8、re is the cat? 猫在哪里?,重点句型三,Excuse me. 打扰一下。,【详解】excuse me常用在向他人问路、离席、请人让路的情况下,是在打扰别人之前说的话。,重点句型四,Its there, on the floor. 它在那里,在地板上。,【详解】这是描述某物在那里的句型,后面的介词短语用来补充说明具体的位置。there意为“那里”,是副词,on the floor意为“在地板上”。,重点句型五,Thank you. 谢谢。,【详解】thank you相当于thanks,都表示“感谢;谢谢”,是常用的道谢用语。当别人帮助我们、关心我们或送我们礼物时,我们要及时表达谢意

9、。,Test,情景交际。 ( )1. 你要问妈妈“我的书包在哪儿?”时,你会说:_ A. Mom, where is my bag? B. Mom, my bag is where? ( )2. 妈妈回答“在你的书桌上吗?”应说:_ A. In your desk? B. On your desk? ( )3. 原来是淘气猫把你的书包捡到盒子里了,这时你会说:_ A. Look! Its on the box. B. Look! Its in the box. ( )4. 当即将要打扰到别人时,你会说:_ A. Excuse me. B. Im sorry.,A,B,B,A,Sum-up,重点

10、词汇,can 能,find发现; 找到,excuse me 打扰一下,on在上面,thanks 谢谢,重点句型,用Excuse me, where is the ? Its on 仿写三个句子。,Homework,Thank you!,Unit 6 Where Is My Eraser?,Part B Lets learn more Look and choose Part C Listen and put them in the right places,6.3,Warm-up/Revision,Review,Where is the ?,Its on/in the ?,under (介词)

11、在下面,Presentation,【短语】under the desk 在书桌下面,There is a ball under the chair. 椅子下面有一个球。,near,(介词)在附近,【单词巧记】n + ear(耳朵) = near(在附近),The school is near the post office. 学校在邮局附近。,Read and answer,Where are the boys shoes?,Where are the boys trousers?,Lets learn more,“Lets learn more”,跟我一起读吧!,Lets learn mor

12、e,Lets role play “Lets talk”,in,on,on,near,under,Look and choose,Where is the cat?,Its in the box.,Where is the ? Where are the ?,给下列句子排序。 ( )Sorry, I dont know. But where is my ruler? ( )You are welcome! ( )Excuse me! Whose ruler is under the book? ( )Look! Its in the pencil-box. ( )Thank you.,Test

13、,1,2,3,4,5,Sum-up,重点词汇,under 在下面,near 在附近,用Excuse me, where is/are the ? Its on/in/under/near ask and answer with your parents.,Homework,Thank you!,Unit 6 Where Is My Eraser?,Part B Lets sing Part C Ask and answer Read and tick or cross,6.4,Warm-up/Revision,Ask and answer,Where is/are the ?,Its/They

14、 are ,Lets sing!,Where Is Charlie? Where,where,where is Charlie? He is in the school,in the school, In the school. Lets go to the school. Where,where,where is Kitty? She is in the classroom, In the classroom,in the classroom. Lets go to the classroom. Where,where,where is my Mommy? She is at home,at

15、 home,at home. Lets go home.,Presentation,Ask and answer,Excuse me, where is/are my ?,Its/They are on/in the desk.,Read and tick or cross,Questions,1. Where is the dog?,2. Where is the cat?,3. Where is the rabbit?,4. Where is the elephant?,情景交际。 ( )1. 将要打扰他人时,我们需要先说:_ A. Im sorry. B. Excuse me. ( )2. 一大早起床发现袜子不见了,你会说:_ A. Where are my shoes? B. I cant find my socks? ( )3. 爷爷找不到鞋子,你发现鞋子就在椅子下面,你会说:_ A. Its there, under the chair. B. They are there, under the chair. ( )4. 你发现你的尺子不见了,你会问:_ A. Is this my ruler? B. Where is my ruler? ( )5. 你想告诉对方把铅笔放在盒子里,你应该说:_ A. Put th



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