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1、醫療融資六大方案,Your health,Your life,医疗融资的目的,我们提出改革医疗制度,是要令它能持续发展,并能紧贴医疗科技进步,希望能够为市民提供终身、全面、全人的基层医疗,并特别着重增进健康的预防性护理。为市民提供更多优质、高效率和具成本效益的公私营医疗服务,以供选择。为不幸罹患重病需要昂贵治疗的市民提供更好的医疗保障,让大家安心;以及政府能继续与市民并肩,为增进市民健康共同作出财政承担。,医疗融资的6大方案,医疗融资的6大方案,医疗融资的6大方案,模式1:近似征税的模式,向在职人士征收占入息若干百分比的金额。所有人都获得同等的资助医疗服务。选择私营服务的人可能要支付资助金额以

2、外的费用。按收入供款,无须供款者亦可获益。,方案1:醫療社保,医疗融资的6大方案,模式1:近似征税的模式方案1:医疗社保,医疗融资的6大方案,模式2:用者付费模式 提高公营医疗服务收费。除低收入人士和弱势社群外,用者须分担大部分的医疗费用。,方案2:用者自付,医疗融资的6大方案,模式2:用者付费模式 规定指定组别人士(例如某入息水平以上的在职人士)将部分收入存入个人的医疗储蓄户口,以支付自己未来(特是退休后)的医疗费用。,方案3:醫療儲蓄,医疗融资的6大方案,模式2:用者付费模式方案3:医疗储蓄,医疗融资的6大方案,模式 3:个人保险的模式 鼓励市民自愿购买市场上的私人医疗保险。不购保俭者须自

3、资使用私营服务,或继续由公营资助医疗服务照顾。,方案4:自願醫保,医疗融资的6大方案,模式3:个人保俭的模式 方案4:自愿医保,医疗融资的6大方案,模式3:个人保险的模式 规定指定组别人士(例如某入息水平以上的在职人士)购买由政府规管的个人医疗保俭。投保人不论年龄、病历、收入,均享有划一保费,令高风险人士(如慢性病患者及长者等)及已有病患人士也可获得承保。,方案5:強制醫保,医疗融资的6大方案,模式3:个人保俭的模式 方案5:强制医保,医疗融资的6大方案,模式3:个人保险的模式 规定指定组别人士(例如某入息水平以上的在职人士)将部分收入存入个人健康保险储蓄户口,部份金额用作购买由政府规管的个人

4、健康保险(个人康保)。投保人不论年龄及病历,均享有划一保费,令高风险人士(如慢性病患者及长者等)及已有病患人士也可获得承保。按个人收入水平作出储备,但保费负担均等,余额可以滚存,以备退休后支付个人康保保费及其他医疗开支。,方案6:個人康保儲蓄,模式3:个人保俭的模式 方案6:强制医保,医疗融资的6大方案,你会如何选择呢?,医疗改革对未来社会的医疗服务有莫大影响作为一份子的你们会选择那一个方案呢?,Six different options of the Healthcare reform,Your health,Your life,Why to have the Healthcare refo

5、rm,We want to reform the healthcare system so that it can develop sustainable basis and keep up with medical technology advances to provide you with access to lifelong, comprehensive and holistic primary care, with emphasis on healthimproving preventive care;provide you with more choice of quality,

6、efficient and costeffective healthcare in both the public and private sectors;,Why to have the Healthcare reform,provide you with healthcare protection and peace of mind in case you are struck by illnesses that need costly treatment; andcontinue the partnership between the Government and you in shar

7、ing the financial commitment for your better health.,Six different options of the Healthcare reform,Six different options of the Healthcare reform,Six different options of the Healthcare reform,Major Mode 1:Tax-like ModelSocial health insurance is that all members of the working population are requi

8、red to contribute a certain percentage of their income to finance healthcare protection for the whole population.Access to the same standard subsidized healthcare services for all.Those who choose private services may have to make co-payment for charges beyond the subsidized amount.Contribute accord

9、ing to income level; those who are not required to make contributions may also benefit.,Scheme 1:Social Health Insurance,Six different options of the Healthcare reform,Major Mode 1:Tax-like ModelScheme 1: Social Health Insurance,Six different options of the Healthcare reform,Major Mode 1:User-pays M

10、odelIncrease the user fees for using public healthcare services. With the exception of low-income and under-privileged groups, services users are required to share a large portion of the costs for healthcare.,Scheme 2:Out-of-Pocket Payment,Six different options of the Healthcare reform,Major Mode 2:

11、 User-pays ModelRequires a specified group of the population(e.g. working population with income above a certain level) to deposit part of their income into a personal medical savings account to meet their own future (especially after retirement) healthcare expenses.,Scheme 3:Medical Savings,Six dif

12、ferent options of the Healthcare reform,Major Mode 2: User-pays ModelScheme 3:Medical Savings,Six different options of the Healthcare reform,Major Mode 3:Individual Health Insurance ModelEncourages members of the public to purchase private health insurance in the market voluntarily.The uninsured hav

13、e to either pay their own expenses for using private services or continue to be served by subsidized public healthcare services.,Scheme 4:Voluntary Health Insurance,Six different options of the Healthcare reform,Major Mode 3:Individual Health Insurance ModelScheme 4:Voluntary Health Insurance,Six di

14、fferent options of the Healthcare reform,Major Mode 3:Individual Health Insurance ModelRequires a specified group in the population (e.g. working population with income above a certain level) to purchase individual health insurance regulated by the Government.Same premium for all participants regard

15、less of their age, medical history and income, allowing the high-risk groups (e.g. chronic patients and the elderly) and people with pre-existing medical conditions to get insured.,Scheme 5:Mandatory Health Insurance,Six different options of the Healthcare reform,Major Mode 3:Individual Health Insur

16、ance ModelScheme 5:Mandatory Health Insurance,Six different options of the Healthcare reform,Major Mode 3:Individual Health Insurance ModelRequires a specified group in the population (e.g. working population with income above a certain level) to deposit part of their income into a personal healthca

17、re reserve account. Part of the deposit will be used for subscribing to a government regulated personal healthcare insurance, and meet other medical expenses after retirement.Same premium for all participants regardless of their age and medical history, thereby enabling the high-risk groups (e.g. chronic patients and the elderly) and people with pre-existing medical conditions to get insured.,



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