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1、巴朗词表速记(16)前缀exmis 愿达语言培训中心 Mr GREfrom bbs.yuanda.orgex, ef, e=away, outeffeminate ADJ. having womanly traits. His voice was high-pitched and effeminate.构词:ef (out) + femin (female) + ate (a)efface v. rub out. The coin had been handled so many times that its date had been effaced.构词:ef (out) + faceef

2、fete ADJ. worn out; exhausted; barren. The literature of the age reflected the effete condition of the writers; no new ideas were forthcoming.构词:ef (out) + fete (do)effigy N. dummy. The mob showed its irritation by hanging the judge in effigy构词:ef (out) + fig (figure) + y (n)=表面的figureeffrontery N.

3、shameless boldness. She had the effrontery to insult the guest.构词:ef (out) + front + ery (n)ejaculation N. exclamation. He could not repress an ejaculation of surprise when he heard the news.构词:ef (out) + jac (jet) + ul (补音) + tion (n)elicit v. draw out by discussion. The detectives tried to elicit

4、where he had hidden his loot.构词:e (out) + licit (draw)elixir N. cure-all; something invigorating. The news of her chance to go abroad acted on her like an elixir.构词:e (out) + lix (life) + ir (n)ellipsis n. omission of words from a text. Sometimes an ellipsis can lead to a dangling modifier, as in th

5、e sentence “Once dressed, you should refrigerate the potato salad.”构词:el (out) + lipsis (leave)emaciated ADJ. thin and wasted. His long period of starvation had left him emaciated.构词:e (out) + mac (weaken) + ate (a)emetic N. substance causing vomiting. The use of an emetic like mustard is useful in

6、cases of poisoning.构词:e (out) + met (send out) +ic (a)emulate v. imitate; rival. In a brief essay, describe a person you admire, someone whose virtues you would like to emulate.构词:e (out) + mul (imitate) + ate (v) em, en + n = v (put in; get on; make)em, en + a = v (put in; get on; make)enclave N. t

7、erritory enclosed within an alien land. The Vatican is an independent enclave in Italy.构词:en (v) + clave (close)embark v. commence; go on board a boat; begin a journey. In devoting herself to the study of gorillas, Dian Fossey embarked on a course of action that was to cost her her life.构词:em (v, ge

8、t on) + bark (ship)embed v. enclose; place in something. Tales of actual historical figures like King Alfred have become embedded in legends.构词:em (put in) + bedembellish v. adorn; ornament; enhance, as a story. The costume designer embellished the leading ladys ball gown with yards and yards of rib

9、bon and lace.构词:em (make) + bell (beauty) + ish (v)embezzlement N. stealing. The bank teller confessed his embezzlement of the funds.构词:em (v) + bezzle (ravage掠夺) + ment (n)emboss v. produce a design in raised relief. The secretary of the corporation uses a special stamp to emboss the corporate seal

10、 on all official documents.构词:构词:em (v) + boss (raised design)embrace v. hug; adopt or espouse; accept readily; encircle; include. Clasping Maid Marian in his arms, Robin Hood embraced her lovingly. In joining the outlaws in Sherwood Forest, she had openly embraced their cause. also N.构词:em (put in)

11、 + brace (two arms)embroil v. throw into confusion; involve in strife; entangle. He became embroiled in the heated discussion when he tried to arbitrate the dispute.构词:em (put in) + broil (confuse)encompass v. surround. Although we were encompassed by enemy forces, we were cheerful for we were well

12、stocked and could withstand a siege until our allies joined us.构词:en (put in) + compass(罗盘)encroachment N. gradual intrusion. The encroachment of the factories upon the neighborhood lowered the value of the real estate.构词:en (put in) + croach (钩子) + ment (n)endearment N. fond word or act. Your gifts

13、 and endearments cannot make me forget your earlier insolence.构词:en (make) + dear + ment (n)endue v. provide with some quality; endow. He was endued with a lions courage.构词:en (v) + due (give)engross v. occupy fully. John was so engrossed in his studies that he did not hear his mother call.构词:en (pu

14、t in) + gross (large)enhance v. increase; improve. You can enhance your chances of being admitted to the college of your choice by learning to write well; an excellent essay will enhance any application.构词:en (make) + hance (high)enrapture v. please intensely. The audience was enraptured by the fres

15、hness of the voices and the excellent orchestration.构词:en (put in) + rapt (狂喜) + ure (n)ensue v. follow. The evils that ensued were the direct result of the miscalculations of the leaders.构词:en (v) + sue (seek)entail v. require; necessitate; involve. Building a college-level vocabulary will entail some work on your part.构词:en (v) + tail = make as tailentrance v. put under a spell; carry away with emotion. Shafts of sunlight on a wall could entrance her and leave her spellbound.


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