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1、I chose the amazing day我选择美好的生活。伟大的一天,都来自于一些看似简单,但却令世界不同的事情。你必须按部就班的去做以下这些事情吗?不一定。你可以找到你自己的方法,或者从中选择几点建议。关键的是,采取一些措施让你拥有更美好的生活。I realized: while my mind is elsewhere, Im missing some prime moments with my kids. And not really enjoying my day.And so I changed the moment, and in doing so changed my da

2、y: we began singing some of our favorite childrens songs. Itsy-bitsy spider, twinkle twinkle, wheels on the bus, ABCDs, Ive been working on the railroad, the ants go marching two by two all of the oldies.Instead of thinking about all the things I had to do today, I brought myself into the present mo

3、ment. And when we got to school, I took a few minutes to spend time with them. Be present with them. It was truly lovely.This little incident not only brought warmth and joy into my heart it brought a realization into my mind: I can either have a stressed, difficult day or I can have an amazing, won

4、derful day.I chose the amazing day.The rest of the day, I did things to ensure that my day was the best ever. And it was. I had the greatest day all from simple little things that dont seem like much, but make all the difference in the world.Do you have to follow these things step-by-step? Not at al

5、l. Find your own methods, or pick and choose a few of these. Main thing, though: take steps to make today your best day ever.1. Be present. Instead of having your mind elsewhere, bring yourself back to now, in this moment, focused on where you are and what youre doing and who youre with. We cannot c

6、hange things that have already happened, and obsessing over them does nothing to help us now. We cannot predict the future, so worrying about it does nothing to help you either. Instead, focus on now if something is worrying you, take action but even better, just be in the moment, and live as if now

7、 is all there is. Because it is.2. Do less. Have a full schedule today? Cut it in half. You dont need to do everything on that list. I took a few items on my list and moved them to next week. Do less (but focus on the important not urgent stuff) and youll be less stressed out. If you cut your list d

8、own and do only half the things you want to do for today, youll have a much better day. Youll thank me.3. Get one important thing done. As I said in the previous point, do less but do more important things. When I say important, I mean things that will have a huge impact on your life (personally or

9、career wise) over the long run. Not things that need to be done today or else. Heres why: If you get something important done, something that will help you in the long run (even if its only a step towards a major accomplishment, its important), you will feel great! Youll feel a sense of accomplishme

10、nt. That makes any day a great day.4. Plan your perfect life. What would your life be like if you had no restrictions? Im not talking about living in a McMansion or flying around in jet planes, but what would make you happy. A good step: pick the 4-5 most important things in your life, and build you

11、r perfect life around those things, eliminating most of the rest if possible. Plan that perfect life, and then plan the first few steps you need to take to get there. Now schedule those first steps over the next week, including one today. It feels amazing to start taking action on making your life t

12、he way you want it to be.5. Declutter. Even if its just a little space say a drawer or a shelf decluttering an area of your life can have a wonderful effect on your mood and happiness level. I know it gives my day a boost. When things start to get cluttered (and lets face it, even the best declutter

13、ers among us face clutter creep), I take a few minutes to clear it out. Clearing your desk (at least the surface of it) can be a great way to start.6. Go for a walk. I was going to write “exercise” but Im afraid that many readers will just skip over this one. So instead, just go for a walk. That mov

14、ement, and the fresh outdoor air, will have a great effect on your day. And even better: take a few minutes to enjoy the nature around you as you go for your walk. Clear your head. Calm yourself during a busy time of your day. Think to yourself: “How lucky I am to be alive! How wonderful a world Im

15、in! What opportunities and possibilities lie before me!”7. Focus on 3 projects. I wrote about this recently, but youll probably hear me repeat it a few times just because of the terrific effect it can have on your productivity and your life: choose only your three most important projects, and focus

16、on them exclusively. Focus on getting them to completion, to the exclusion of all other projects. Do that today. Youll be amazed at how much youll accomplish. I only started doing it recently, but Im getting so much done that I feel like I was sitting on my hands before this. It feels wonder-tastic!8. Listen to great music. When I was in the car, after I dropped the kids, an oldie came on the radio: Tommy James and the


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