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1、Glossary,academicaffectionaffirmapplycapabilitycontributecounseldistinct,9. endeavor10. Endowment11. evaluate11. excessive12. handle13. inherit14. Interpret15. Inhibition16 involve,17 interact18 observe19 occur20 perceive21 project22 relate23 rebel24 shrink25 stressful26 superior,Word Study,academic

2、a. Of teaching or learning in schools, colleges, etc.学校的,学院的the academic yearacademic freedome.g. So far this academic year, college seniors in most majors are experiencing an increase in starting-salary offers, according to a quarterly survey published by the National Association of College & Emplo

3、yers (NACE).,3,Word Study,1. affection,n. a gentle feeling of love and caringExamples: Every mother has/feels affection toward her children. He is held in great affection.affectionate a. He looks at her with affectionate looks.,cf: affectationn. 矫饰,Word Study,2. affirm,v. to declare (usually again)

4、positively; strengthen beliefs, ideas, or feelings Examples: affirm ones judgment/innocence affirm sth. to sb. affirm that it is trueaffirmative a. affirmative reply/nod/reaction,Word Study,3. apply,v. a. to make a formal and usually written request for a job, position, etc. b. to use a method, law,

5、 principle, etc. in a particular situation c. to affect or concern sb. or sth. d. to bring sth. into nearness or contact with sth.,Examples,Word Study,4. capability,n. the natural ability, skill, or power that makes you able to do sth.,Examples:He has the capabilities of solving/to solve practical p

6、roblems.Its quite above his capabilities.,Cf:abilitycapacityfaculty,Word Study,ability,the power to do sth. well acquired naturally or by learning,More examples,capacity,ability to hold, contain, or learn,faculty,a special ability,Word Study,He has the ability to do the work, but hes too lazy and wo

7、nt do it.,The book is within the reading capacity of young readers.The auditorium has a seating capacity of 300 people.,He has a faculty for painting.,Word Study,5. contribute,v. a. to join with others in giving help, money, etc. b. to help to cause or produce,Examples:contribute food and clothing f

8、or the refugeescontribute to the Red CrossExercises contribute to ones health.Drinking contributed to his ruin.,Cf:distributeattribute,Word Study,distribute v. to give things to a large number of people; spread sth. over an area,distribute pictures among childrendistribute magazines to subscribersdi

9、stribute manure over a field,attribute n. a quality or feature of sb./sth. v. to say or believe that sth. is the result of a particular thing,Politeness is an attribute of a gentleman.He attributes his success to hard work.,Word Study,6. counsel 1 Noun uncount Counsel is advice. (FORMAL) He had alwa

10、ys been able to count on her wise counsel. His parishioners(教区居民) sought his counsel and loved him. 2 VERB V n to-inf, V nIf you counsel someone to take a course of action, or if you counsel a course of action, you advise that course of action. (FORMAL) My advisers counselled me to do nothing. The p

11、rime minister was right to counsel caution about military intervention.,Word Study,3 VERB V n, V n on nIf you counsel people, you give them advice about their problems. .a psychologist who counsels people with eating disorders. Crawford counsels her on all aspects of her career4 N-COUNT Someones cou

12、nsel is the lawyer who gives them advice on a legal case and speaks on their behalf in court. Singletons counsel said after the trial that he would appeal.,13,cf: A counsellor is a person whose job is to give advice to people who need it, especially advice on their personal problems.,Word Study,cont

13、ribute v. to help to cause or produce捐助 同 bestow 反subtract, withholdc.f.contribute (sth.) to/toward sth.捐助contribute to (doing) sth. =help to cause sth.; increase sth/add to sth. e.g. contribute (10P) to a charity collection. contribute aid for refugees Her work has contributecd enormously to our un

14、derstanding of this difficult subject. Drinking contributed to his ruin.,14,Word Study,c.f.distribute = give things to a large number of people; spread over an areaattribute = n. quality regarded as a natural part of sb./sth. attribute sth. to sb. = regard sth. as belonging to, caused by or produced

15、 by sth./ sb. contribute sth. to sth.还可用来指“撰稿、投稿”e.g. distribute pictures among children. distribute magazines to subscribers distribute manure over a field Patience is one of the most important attributes in a teacher. She attributes her success to hard work and a bit of luck. The play is usually attributed to Shakespeare. She has contributed many poems to literary magazines.,



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