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1、1,一、“信”与“达”的辨证统一,Face to face with a patient, remember only that he is sick, not his station or his wealth. Compare the rich mans handful of gold with the poor mans tear of gratitude. Which will you have?,2,一、“信”与“达”的辨证统一,在患者面前,只应记住对方是个病人,而不是考虑其地位和财富,在富翁的大把金银和穷人的感激泪水之间作选择,你选择什么呢?,3,一、“信”与“达”的辨证统一,Wh

2、en practicing your art, remember that the patient is the target, not the bow or arrow. Do not play with him. Think without prejudice, consider with narrowed eyes.,4,一、“信”与“达”的辨证统一,在从事医学实践时,要记住患者是“的”不是“失”,绝不可愚弄病人,考虑问题不应抱有偏见,而且要审慎周密。,5,一、“信”与“达”的辨证统一,Make the patients illness cost him as little as pos

3、sible. Of what use to save his life when you take away the means of maintenance? 尽可能降低患者治病的费用,如果耗尽了病人维持生活的手段,挽救他的生命还有什么用处呢?,6,二、英语语法是翻译的保证,1. In controlling malaria we consider it most effective to eliminate mosquitoes. 正译 我们认为消灭蚊子对控制疟疾极为重要。,7,二、英语语法是翻译的保证,2. He would have stopped his medication, if

4、 it had not been for your advice. 正译 要不是你的忠告,他早就停止治疗了。,8,二、英语语法是翻译的保证,正译 一位孕妇到医院就诊。,3. A woman with child came to the hospital to seek medical help.,9,二、英语语法是翻译的保证,4. The complaints of the patient did not answer to the proper manifestations of the disease. 正译 病人的主诉不符合此病的应有的表现。,10,二、英语语法是翻译的保证,5. It

5、is time that the doctors began to make ward rounds. 正译这该是医生们查房的时间了。,11,二、英语语法是翻译的保证,3. Regular flu vaccine does not seem to do the trick for older people, but extra-strength flu shots may give them the boost they need to avoid influenza. 正译 常规的流感疫苗对老年人似乎不能达到预期的效果, 但注射强力流感疫苗却有助于使老年人免得流感。,12,1.减少洋腔洋调,

6、1. Illness prevented him from going there. 改译 他因病未去那里。,13,1.减少洋腔洋调,1.Amino acids氨基酸 are, as the name suggests, compounds with the properties of both acids and amines. 改译 顾名思义,氨基酸是具有酸和氨基性质的化合物。 。,14,1.减少洋腔洋调,1.That the adrenal glands肾上腺 play some part in the disease process is suggested by the therap

7、eutic医疗的 benefit in regard to pain and stiffness in joints which follows treatment by cortisone可的松, 改译 用可的松治疗后,关节疼痛和强直得到改善,这就表明肾上腺参与本病的过程。,15,2.避免主语残缺,1. Next morning when the doctor was making his daily round he saw that a new attack was beginning. 误译 次日早晨,当医生查房时,发现病人的病又发作了。 正译 次日早晨查房时,医生发现病人的病又开始发

8、作了。,16,2.避免主语残缺,2. In regard to the operation tomorrow, it is postponed. 误译 关于明天的手术已经推迟。 正译 明天的手术已经推迟。,17,2.避免主语残缺,3. Carcinoma恶性肿瘤 of the male urethra尿道, if discovered early, is a curable one. 误译 如果男性尿道癌发现得早,是一种可以治愈的癌症。 正译 如果男性尿道癌发现得早,它是一种可以治愈的癌症。,18,3.协调主谓关系,1. The appetite generally remains good,

9、 but fear of the pain may prevent adequate intake with loss of weight. 误译 食欲一般尚好,但由于惧怕疼痛,有碍进足量的食物,而造成体重减轻。 正译 食欲尚好,但由于患者惧怕疼痛,不能摄入足量的食物,以致体重减轻。,19,3.协调主谓关系,2. The doctor is examining which ear causes the patient hearing trouble. 误译医生正在检查哪个耳朵使病人听觉困难。 正译医生正在检查病人的哪个耳朵听力减退。,20,3.协调主谓关系,3. Patients who su

10、ffer from disease of the coronary arteries冠状动脉 present with a wide variety of symptoms of every grade of severity. 误译 患有冠状动脉疾病的病人以多种多样和不同程度的症状而出现。 正译 冠状动脉疾病患者表现的症状差别很大,严重程度各异。,21,4. 修辞、逻辑和褒贬,1. If you want to know what our blood consists of, you must examine it under the microscope. 误译 如果要知道我们的血液是由什

11、么组成的,就必须在显微镜下观察它。 正译 如果要知道血液的成分,就必须用显微镜观察它。,22,4. 修辞、逻辑和褒贬,2. The article reviews the medical literature and describes two children with aspirin hepatitis肝炎. 误译文章回顾了医学文献并报告两例阿司匹林肝炎的儿童。 正译文章回顾了有关医学文献并报告两例儿童阿司匹林肝炎。,23,4. 修辞、逻辑和褒贬,3.As already discussed, bactericidal菌血症, if present at all, is usually a

12、 rather steady and continuous process. 误译 已如所述,一旦菌血症发生,其病程通常稳定而持久。 正译 已如所述,一旦菌血症发生,其病程通常顽固而持久。,24,5.恰当使用习语和成语,1. He soon found that the old medical books were full of errors. 原译 不久他发现旧的医学书充满了错误。 改译 不久他发现旧的医学书错误百出。,25,5.恰当使用习语和成语,2. A doctors duty is to make every effort to save the dying and to help

13、 the wounded. 原译 医生的任务就是尽一切力量挽救垂死者和帮助受伤者。 改译 医生的任务就是尽一切力量救死扶伤。,26,5.恰当使用习语和成语,3.With mild symptoms oxygen therapy may be more trouble than it is worth. 原译 有轻微症状时,氧疗可能是麻烦多于值得。 改译 症状轻微时,氧疗可能弊多利少(得不偿失)。,27,5.恰当使用习语和成语,4. The patient was no more than skin and bone and was partly paralyzed. 原译 那病人只剩皮和骨头了

14、,并部分瘫痪。 改译 患者皮包骨头(或骨瘦如柴),并部分瘫痪。,28,5.恰当使用习语和成语,5. Comparatively rare in Britain, tetanus破伤风 is still a common disease and in some parts of the world it is one of chief, if not chief, killing bacterial disease. 原译 破伤风在英国虽然比较罕见,但仍属常见病,在世界某些地区,破伤风的死亡率在致命的细菌性疾病中即使不是首屈一指也是名列前茅。 改译 破伤风在英国虽然比较罕见,但仍属常见病,在世界某些地区,破伤风的死亡率之高在致命的细菌性疾病中是数一数二的。,



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