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1、市高中英语基础年级备课交流会,一、界定好课的标准 (优质课),二、备课注意事项,三、省优质课的具体做法,1. 教学目标是否达成 2. 课堂流程是否环环相扣 3. 学生活动是否充分 4. 教师的基本素质是否过硬 5. 语言的交际功能是否体现 6. 课堂效果有无浅层、深层的 输出或新的生成,一、界定一堂好(优质)课的标准 (个人观点),二、备课注意事项 6,1. 斟酌并设定教学目标。教学目标要源于课标、要具体、可测量。旨在实现语言知识目标、能力目标和情感态度目标的过程中,培养并提高学生的语言技能。,2. 关注课堂流程的连贯性。注意每个教学环节的连贯和流畅性。做到步步铺垫,环环相扣。预设出各环节的用

2、时和学生可能在课堂中提出的疑问。,(1) 阅读课型基本框架 Pre-reading (Lead-in, 导入要贴合学生实际,抓住学生兴趣点, 与课时有很强的相关度,简短但引人入胜) While-reading (fast-reading主旨;careful-reading细节;再读复述;简略涉及语法) Post-reading (学生活动展示, interview /dialogue/story-sharing) Homework 设定要起到巩固所学知识,深化文章主题的作用;将课堂口头表达形式转化为课下书面形式。,(2) 写作课型基本框架 Pre-writing 导入并搜集写作素材(学生可通过

3、讨论、填表、问答等形式丰富其写作素材) While-writing 根据写作任务,设定时限。写作要求展示与否视(学习阶段)情况而定 Post-writing 亮点体现在对任务型写作段落的点评:投影展示师生共评,小组活动推优展示,以达到兵交兵、资源共享的目的。 Homework 结合课堂分享的精美表达,学生复写文章。,在读中和读后环节,可采用自主学习、合作探究、小组竞学等活动形式。以post-reading为例,此环节的输出力求厚重,体现出学生对课堂所学知识的灵活运用,从而体现语言的交际功能。,评价教师的教学,并不是指教师讲的好不好,多不多或教的认真不认真,而是指学生有没有学到什么或学的好不好。

4、,3. 预设并突显学生活动。,4. 教师要熟悉文本, 组织并精炼课堂用语,对预设的活动要有较强的执行力, 最好具备一定的处理课堂突发事件的应变能力。真心建议大家日常课堂上尽可能多的使用英语教学。待到优质课时,临时抱佛脚的滋味真的不好受。,5. 板书设计:要有条理,重难点一目了然。 6. 有效并充分计划好课前准备活动:与学生寒暄、分组、教学目标的展示等等。,课堂设计 授课内容 Book1 Module 3 Reading My First Ride on a Train (一) 课前准备活动 与学生寒暄; 做好分组; 大屏幕展示教学目标- 要源于课标、 要具体、可测量,三、省优质课的具体做法,滕

5、州一中 周欣欣,My First Ride on a Train,Learning Aims To understand the passage completely by learning new words and using reading skills To describe an unforgettable train ride using what we will learn in this period To get to know the -ed form used as attributes(定语),(二) 课堂流程 Pre-reading 通过图片和教师的实际旅行经历导入本

6、文话题, 调动学生积极性,使学生对本文话题感兴趣,并 处理单词,扫除阅读障碍。 具体操作:上课信号一发出,我简单的做了自我 介绍, 展示了自己首次乘坐高铁到达泰安的照片, 拉近了与学生的距离,同时引出了这堂阅读课的 标题My First Ride on a Train. 通过欣赏课件图 片,接触到本节课要掌握的新词汇,借助幻灯 片,学生跟读新单词,扫除阅读障碍。,high-speed train 高铁,137km,distance,137kilometres,scenery 风景,field 田地 soil 土壤,abandoned houses,cassette录音带 MP3,meals c

7、ooked by experts,1,distance scenery field soil abandoned cassette expert,n. 距离 n. 风景 n. 田野 n. 土壤 adj. 被遗弃的 n. 录音带 n. 专家,While-reading 利用各种阅读技巧充分阅读课文,获得相关的信息. (1)Fast reading 统领全文,把握并选出文章主题。本题出自课本,所以建议大家在平时的教学中精选并利用好课本中的阅读题目。学生自主探究、作答。教师核对答案,提供小贴士tip.,What is the passage about?,a child visiting her g

8、randmother,a train ride to Sydney,taking the train to Australia,traveling to the central part of Australia,Go through the passage,(2)Careful reading 仔细阅读课文,获得大量有关这次旅 行的细节信息 A. 教师把握文章主线,设置三个问题: What did Alice see? What did she do on the train? Why did Australians use camels instead of horses? 学生精读课文、

9、捕捉细节并两两讨论作答,加深对“Alice的火车之旅及Ghan train 由来”的理解。 BRead the passage again and fill in the blanks. 此环节的设计是把火车之旅缩写成一个小段落,通过再读和上一环节的问答,几乎所有学生都能通过小组合作填空的形式体验到学有所获的喜悦。同时,学生进一步熟悉了课文,为下一步复述做好了准备。 CRetelling Alices travelling story. 学生借助导学案上的关键词复述课文,浅层次的输出,为下一步的阅读后活动铺垫。(此环节学生参与度挺高) DGrammar focus 语法聚焦,理解本文的语法点。

10、 再现课文中的meals cooked by experts, abandoned farms, 教师引导学生体会动词-ed 形式表达passive (被动)和finished(完成)的意义,简单的附带两道典型的试题,学生也能做到举一反三。,1. What did Alice see? 2. What did she do on the train? 3. Why did Australians use camels instead of horses?,Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions.,Colorfu

11、l scenery : fields, desert,and abandoned farms.,1. What did Alice see?,During the day, .talkedreadlistened to At midnight, . watched,2.What did she do on the train?,Because the horses didnt like the hot weather and sand.,3.Why did Australians use camels instead of horses?,The origin (由来) of the Ghan

12、 train,horses,a new railway,camels,Afghanistan阿富汗,Ghan,be short for,ways to travel:,be brought from,Read the passage again and fill in the blanks,Alice made her first long-_ train ride recently. She _ in Sydney and got off in the middle of Australia. She ate great meals _ by experts. The _ was color

13、ful! She saw dark red soil, desert and _farms.,distance,got on,scenery,abandoned,cooked,1,During the day, Alice talked to other passengers and listen to Chinese cassettes. At midnight, she _ the night sky. She travelled on the famous Ghan train. It is_ Afghanistan. Before a new railway line was buil

14、t, camels carried food and other supplies.,watched,short for,Retelling by key words,I am Alice .made a .ride. got on / got off ate saw on the train talked listened watched,Grammar Focus,1.We ate great meals cooked by experts. 2.We saw abandoned farms which were built more than one hundred years ago.

15、 3.Trained camel carried food and other supplies.,train: to teach or practise (训练),1.passive (被动) 2. finished(完成),Read the following sentences and pay attention to the underlined words. 1. There is a _(break) cup on the table. 2. The famous novel _(write) by Moyan is worth reading.,broken,written,3.

16、 Post-reading - Story sharing 结合本文词汇和句型,借助导学案内容,学生通过小组对话,展现一次旅行李华的泰安-新疆之旅。培养学生的语言组织能力、口头表达及合作探究能力,学以致用。 (由于时间关系,只展示了两组对话,有点意犹未尽。),1,Work in groups and make up a dialogue using information in our passage.,Story sharing,A trip from Tengzhou to Xinjiang,1,1,desert yellow soil fields,1,4. Homework 学生巩固所学内容,深化文章主 题,将口头表达转化为书面形式。,Write a pas


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