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1、http:/ 2018 年可锐考研英语复习阅读文章推荐(五) Book Review;Queen Elizabeth II 书评 ;伊丽莎白二世 Royal bow;Why the queen has to be seen to bebelieved? 向女王致敬 ;女王为什么要与众不同 ? The Real Elizabeth: An Intimate Portrait of QueenElizabeth II. By Andrew Marr. 真实的伊丽莎白:近观伊丽莎白二世安德鲁马尔著。 Queen Elizabeth II: Her Life in Our Times. By Sara

2、hBradford. 伊丽莎白二世:她生活在我们这一代莎拉布莱德福德著。 A Brief Life of the Queen. By Robert Lacey. 女王一生简观罗伯特拉西著。 Our Queen. By Robert Hardman. 我们的女王罗伯特哈德曼著。 Elizabeth the Queen: The Life of a Modern Monarch. By Sally Bedell Smith. 伊丽莎白女王:一位现代君主的一生莎莉贝德尔史密斯著。 Being on show is a serious business for Queen Elizabeth II w

3、ho acceded to the throne 60years ago next month. On royal tours and walkabouts, she is careful to choose bright coloursand small-brimmed hats, glides through crowds “ like a liner” and seemingly never tires. “ Ohlook! She s keeled over again,” the queen once noted at a stifling-hot palace reception,

4、spotting her then prime minister, Margaret Thatcher, pale and slumped in a chair. 对于伊丽莎白二世来说,出席公众场合是一项非常重要的任务,下个月就是她登基六十周年的纪念了。在参加皇室的出访和视察时 ,她小心翼翼地选择明亮色调的衣服和窄檐礼帽,优雅地走过人群,像“一艘远洋油轮”静静驶过,看上去永远都不知疲倦。“哦 ! 看,她又跌倒了”在一次皇宫的招待宴会上,室内的温度令人窒息,女王眼尖地发现了当时的首相撒切尔夫人脸色惨白,跌落于椅子中。 On several occasions she has been urged

5、 to retreat behind more obtrusive layers ofsecurity. Each time she has refused with something between a joke and a motto for her sixdecades on the http:/ throne, telling aides: “ I have to be seen to be believed.” 有许多次,女王被劝说退居二线,每一次,她都以一个介于玩笑和座右铭似的话来描述她在位的六十 年,她如此告诉副官:“我是如此与众不同”。 Yet for the 85-year

6、-old monarch, pictured above with Prince Charles shortly before hercoronation, belief requires distance, too. Younger generations of royals have kissed and told.But the queen has never given an interview. Though some of her 12 British prime ministerswere convinced they forged a special bond during w

7、eekly audiences with their sovereign,her personal politics remain unknown. 上面图片中和查尔斯王子的合照拍摄于女王加冕后不久。然而,对于八十五岁的女王来说,信仰也是需要距离的。皇室里年轻的一代受到宠爱,都被如此教育着。但是女王自己从来都不接受任何采访。英国 的十二任首相都认为自己是民众和女王之间的特殊纽带,女王对政治的看法仍不为大众所知。 Over the years, various aristocrats, cousins and horse-racing grandees have been more orless

8、 plausibly identified as her friends. Even among such intimates, boundaries areobserved, for fear of crossing an unseen line and triggering a stare of blank, silent rebuke. “ She is neveryou know not the Queen,” advises an unnamed friend, quoted in the openinglines of a new biography by the BBC s se

9、nior political interviewer, Andrew Marr. 许多年来,各种贵族,皇亲国戚,参加赛马的显贵们都或多或少地证实 了哪些为女王的朋友。即使在和这些密友相处的过程中,也有界线需要遵守,朋友们害怕越过无形的界线会使女王受惊,从而招致无声的指责。“她从来都不是 -你知道的 -不是女王”一位不愿透漏姓名的朋友说道,这句话被 BBC 资深政治记者安德鲁 马尔所引用,写在了关于伊丽莎白二世的一本新传记的首页几行。 Yet as a constitutional monarch, ruling with the tacit consent of the majority, s

10、he is notthe only judge of the trade-off between necessary display and indispensable discretion.The public have a say as well. Some of the queen s closest brushes with disaster haveinvolved a lack of visibility, most painfully in 1997 when she remained in Scotland with theroyal family after the deat

11、h of Diana, Princess of Wales. She only returned to London afterpleas from her new, young prime minister, Tony Blair . 作为一名立宪制君主,女王和大众保持着一致。她不仅仅要为自己在公众面前必要的露面负责,也要不失谨慎小心。因为公众也有发言权。在一些事情上,女王对灾祸的处理还缺乏透明度,最为深痛的是在 1997 年,当戴安娜 -威尔士王妃去世时,女王仍留在苏格兰 和皇室成员们在一起。在当时新上任的年轻的首相托尼布莱尔的恳请下,女王才回到了伦敦。 The double nature

12、 of the queen an unusually private woman with extraordinary publicduties poses a test for all who try to write about her. Including Mr Marr s book, five newbiographies have been prepared for 2012, the queen s diamond jubilee year. The authorsboast of watching the queen at work, interviewing official

13、s from the royal household and http:/ oftrawling through archives. They quote family members, friends and people with a claim toknow the queen. 女王的双重特性 一个非常低调的女子肩负着重大的公共责任 对于所有想描写她的人都是一个难题。 2012 年,在女王登基 60 周年之际,纪念包括马尔这本书在内的五本新传记都将出版。作者们吹嘘曾看过女王办公的样子,采访了皇室家族的成员们,翻阅无数文献资料。他们引用了皇室家族成员,朋友和一些自称认识女王的人的话。 I

14、n the process, all five biographers wrestle with the question neatly framed by their subjectherself: if to see the queen is to believe in her, what vantage point allows the mostauthentic experience of faith? Which queen is the most “ real” , the private woman or thepublic figure? Each offers a diffe

15、rent answer. 在此过程中,五本传记都在试图回答一个问题,这个问题都和女王有关:如果要信任我们所看到的女王,那么我们 应站在什么角度来获得这些最为真实的信任 ?哪一个女王是最“真实”的 ?那个低调的女子还是那个公共人物 ?每个人心中都有不同的答案。 Two of the authors, Sarah Bradford and Robert Lacey, are veteran royal historians, whose2012 biographies draw on previously published work. With the frankness of an old p

16、ro, atone point Ms Bradford names different schools of royal-watching. There is the “ work of theQueen” genre, as pioneered by the 1969 television film “ Royal Family” , which showed themonarch working through boxes of state papers, preparing state visits or relaxing with herfamily. Alas, she explains, once the public had seen inside royal drawing rooms, they soonwanted to peer into t


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