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1、The consumer behavior analysis of fan groupWiththeeconomicdevelopment,socialprogress,newscienceandtechnologychangerapidly,andmassmediaarewidelyspread,Chinesesocietyisceaselessemergeinlargenumbersofnewculture.AlongwithavarietyofTVshows,thehotstage,derivedfromanewsocialgroupfans,resultinginanewconsump

2、tionpatternsfanseconomy,butalsograduallyscaletrend.Thisarticlefromtheangleofeconomicsfanconsumptionofthisphenomenontomakeasimpleanalysis.Highly developed in mass media, popular culture prevailed in the post-industrial society, some fashion consumer goods brand, luxury brands, cultural products, spor

3、ts clubs and celebrities have loyal fans. Relative to ordinary consumers, fans adore, admire and even fanatically obsessed with his beloved object, and in the aspect of economy, time and emotion are exceptional investment; They are not passive consumption, but a positive, active and creative through

4、 consumption to construct the meaning of life and existence, and therefore is regarded as the typical representative of consumerism culture. First, produce and characteristics of fans.Fans of the original refers to the food on the table, and English words Fans. This article take the Fans fan, zealot

5、s meaning, it is an import, represents a group of stars, idol centered share a common interest group, the term in 2005, hunan TVs super girl became popular, after the general publics understanding of Fans in its irrational make track for a star above the behavior, with extensive development and appl

6、ication of science and technology, make track for a star worship has Fans from television, newspapers and other media in the network, especially now that the development of the network, sina weibo and tencent weibo as a new carrier of Fans make track for a star, the star is more and more interaction

7、 with Fans at random and flexible, the media is increasingly become Fans to communicate feelings, communicate important platform.Author will fan fan culture economy phenomenon as the cultural phenomenon which cannot be ignored. Fan power is the power of faith and identity of idols. Because of faith,

8、 fans will engage in investment; Because of identity, fans are more willing to together. Network makes fans better, show the strength of the collective, the fans a lot is an independent individual, gathered in the network platform, cross media platform for idol in my heart. And now, fans are chasing

9、 and attention all are not the stars of the screen, there are around us ordinary people. At the same time, the idols of the age, occupation, nationality, the different factors such as personality traits, fans also gradually from the younger generation to older people, different qualities of idol att

10、ract followers of different types, different social classes, such as li yuchun, the main fan is a group of youth, the pursuit of personality of young people (but not a like her elderly group); Chows fans are most is that some of the old.Second, the fan consumption phenomenonMentioned above, the fans

11、 as make track for a star group its power from the belief in an idol and identity, in order to show or to give back to this belief, they will be within the permitted scope of economic capacity have acted in unison with idol of certain consumer activity, such as the idol gift, buy copyrighted works,

12、see idol concert, to become a professional fans, etc. This makes fans this group has been described as a profession, trigger a new consumer behavior. Chinas largest professional website fans, according to the survey at present Chinese fans market is nearly thousands of consumption ability. In the mi

13、ghty fans, the fans are willing to spend money is usually considered to be the most valuable fans, also can produce superiority in belonging to a group. The following are some of the featuresthe fan consumption: (a) Fan consumption three levels:1, Basic consumption: buy idol of music and film and te

14、levision play CD, DVD, MTV and books, illustrated icon text, these costs less, is the most often, the most basic consumption. 2, Middle consumption: visit various scene, and close to meet their idol. Endorsement of a concert, the conference, taping and idol event such as a variety of face to face wi

15、th idols of opportunity cost, and make unified groups such as clothes, is a huge spending. 3, Senior consumption: some limited release and sale of goods, including and idols once I have intimate contact items used things, through the clothes, set limit to issues such as the idols of the text and ico

16、n endorsements of expensive goods, etc. With its fans, is not its use value, is more of a symbolic significance, is a kind of intimacy and unique symbol, is a status symbol and showing off. (2) Fans economy five types 1, The blue-collar fans: to the active site for star posters, cheer. According to the session to calculate compensation, reward 30 to 50 yuan per activity,


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