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1、英汉修辞对比研究 第二讲 含而不露的隐喻 Metaphor,恐怖的汉语,1. During a baseball game, a woman kept shouting threats at the umpire No matter what happened on the field, she continually yelled, “Kill the umpire!” This went on for an hour. “Lady,” another fan called out, “ the umpire hasnt done anything wrong.” “Hes my husba

2、nd,” she replied, “ Last night he came home with lipstick on his collar. Kill the umpire!”,2. Frank, a friend of mine, often entertained clients at a local eatery, but he could never remember the name of the hostess, who always treated him wonderfully. One day, exasperated by his horrible recall, sh

3、e said, “My name is Janet, and Im from another planet,” hoping the mnemonic device would help him retain the information. The next time Frank went to the restaurant, he walked up to the hostess and told his guest, “ I want to introduce you to my friend Venus.”,Simile and Metaphor,Life is like an ist

4、hmus between two eternities. 生活像永恒的生死两端之间的峡道。 Life is an isthmus between two eternities. 生活是永恒的生死两端之间的峡道。 Happiness is like sunshine: it is made up of very little beams. 幸福像阳光,皆由细小的光束构成。 The sunshine of happiness is made of very little beams. 幸福的阳光由非常细小的光束构成。 He is as stubborn as a mule. 他犟得像头骡子。 He

5、 is a mule. 他是头犟骡,第二讲: 隐喻(metaphor),Questions: 1. What is metaphor? 2. What features dose it have? 3. How to appreciate metaphor in English and Chinese? 4. Can you find more examples of this figure of speech?,定义(definition)(1),亦称“暗喻”。也是一种比喻,这种辞格不用比喻词,而直接把甲事物(喻体)当做 作乙事物(本体)来描述,其比喻关系隐含在句意中。隐喻的形式是“A是B”

6、,不是“A像B”。 本体和喻体之间用是连接,语气上更肯定。这种比喻没有用像这类词(像的意思隐晗在句子里),所以叫做隐喻。 其目的是更深刻地说明事理,增强语言的表现能力。 由于它常常把本体直接说成喻体,所以其修辞效果比明喻更加肯定、更加有力,所强调的相似点也更加鲜明和突出。,定义(definition)(2),A figure of speech containing an implied comparison, in which a word or phrase ordinarily and primarily used of one thing is applied to another.

7、-Websters New World Dictionary A figure of speech in which one thing is described in terms of another. The basic figure in poetry. A comparison is usually implicit; whereas in simile it is explicit. -A Dictionary of Literary Terms Metaphor, perhaps the most important figure of speech, points out res

8、emblance but with no acknowledging word. -Britannica Book of English Usage a compressed or condensed simile.,Examples(1),The thought was fire in him.(他的想法是一团烈火。) Failure is the mother of success.(失败乃成功之母) He still has a ray of hope.(他仍抱有一线希望) His mind swept easily over the world.(他对世上各方面的情况都了如指掌。) T

9、his country has rosy prospects.(这个国家前途光明。) A heavy purse makes a light heart.(有钱一身轻。) There was a stormy debate at the meeting.(会上辩论激烈) He could not bridle his anger.(他怒不可遏。) A bright idea suddenly struck him.(他计上心来。) He needled his way through.(他穿过 人群。) The train steamed the station.(火车吐着蒸气开进车站。),E

10、xamples(2),Waves thundered against the rocks.(海浪猛烈地拍打着礁石。) The hill was veiled in mist.(小山笼罩在云雾中。) She wormed the secret out of him.(她设法窥探他的秘密。) Ill chew over your suggestion.(我会仔细考虑你的意见的。) Lets dig deeper into the text.(我们来进一步研读一下文本。) We stopped to drink in the beautiful scenery.(我们停下来观赏美景。) She me

11、lted into tears.(她感动得流下泪来。) The airplane was swallowed up in the clouds.(飞机消失在云雾中。) The wind was whispering in the pines.(风儿轻轻吹过松林。),Examples(3),The ugly scar runs right across his left cheek.(他左脸颊上横着一道难看的伤疤。) The trees stood greener after the rain. 雨后的林木更加葱翠。 Above us hung a sullen sky.(天色阴沉沉的。) He

12、 was left outside in the pitiless cold. ( 他被拒诸门外,在寒风中茕茕孑立) What a lame excuse you have!(多么蹩脚的借口啊!) He ate with a wolfish appetite.(他狼吞虎咽。) You have undertaken an uphill task.(你接受了一项艰巨的任务。) Her hostility melted.(她的敌意消解了。) Life is but an empty dream.(人生如梦。),More examples(1),Police work on inner city s

13、treets is a domestic Vietnam, a dangerous no-win struggle fought by confused, misdirected and unappreciated troops. 市中心贫民区的治安工作是一场在国内进行的越南战争, 由一只思想混乱,指挥失灵,且无人赏识的部队进行的一场危险 的,只输不赢的斗争。 For years her cries of “fish for sale”were in vain. She had no home, no family, no friendsand her life was a basket of

14、 unsold fish. 多年来,她“卖鱼啦”的叫声全然白费。她无家可归,无 夫无子,无亲无友她的生活就是一蓝没卖出去的鱼。,This centuryman has started to look into the working of that other universe which is inside himself-the human brain. 本世纪人类已经开始研究自身内部的另外一个“宇宙”的 活动了, 这另外一个宇宙就是人脑。 While most of us are only too ready to apply to others the cold wind of cri

15、ticism, we are somewhat reluctant to give our fellows the warm sunshine of praise. 我们大多数人动不动就对别人刮起批评的寒风,不知为什么 却不愿意把褒扬的温暖阳光洒向我们的同伴。 Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed and some few to be chewed and digested 一些书浅尝即可,另一些书却要囫囵吞下,只有少数的书 才值得嚼和消化。,Metaphor 的结构(1),To me the pageant of season

16、 is a thrilling and unending drama. 对我来说,四季的奇丽变幻犹如一出动人心弦、永无完结的戏剧。 Macbeth: Out, out, brief candle! Life is but a walking shadow 麦克白:熄灭了吧,熄灭了吧,短促的烛光! 人生不过是一个行走的影子 All the worlds a stage, And all the men and women merely players. 人生不过是个舞台,芸芸众生,演员而已! Money is a bottomless sea, in which honor, conscience, and truth may be drowned. 金钱是无底的海洋-荣誉、良心和真理尽可淹没其中.,Metaphor 的结构(2),Habit is a cable, every day we weave thread, and soon we cannot break



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