新视野大学英语读写教程(第二版)第二册 unit 6 section a as his name is, so is he!

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1、1,Text Study,Idea Sharing,Notes to the Text,Words and Expressions,Writing,Summary,Understanding,Reproduction,Structure Analysis,Although names are generally used as signs in social life to distinguish one person from another, they can make a great difference to a person. Life will be different becau

2、se of changing an appealing name. The text shows us some examples. Now make lists of the major points.,I. Understanding,Text StudyUnderstanding,A former waitress. It didnt suit her good looks and elegant manner. It made her think she should be a cook.,1. Whos Debbie? Why didnt she like this name?,Te

3、xt StudyUnderstanding,Part I: The importance of names (Para. 13),Felt more comfortable. Other people started to take her more seriously.,2. According to Debbie, what difference did it make when she changed her name to Lynne?,Text StudyUnderstanding,No use for Debbies professional achievement. Add a

4、bit of self-confidence to her talents.,3. What did the writer think of Debbies name change?,Text StudyUnderstanding,Average Joe; Not qualified to be ,4. Which name bothers the art critic a lot? Jane, Joe, Arthur or Adrian? Why?,Text StudyUnderstanding,Part II. The positive and negative effects of na

5、mes on life. (Para. 47),Ill at ease Turn down a blind date with him because of his name.,5. What did the woman feel when she knew the impressive man was Harry? Why?,Text StudyUnderstanding,Julian active Rory quiet & thoughtful,6. Whats the personality of Julian? What about Rory?,Text StudyUnderstand

6、ing,Boys with less appealing names will be given lower grades. Name prejudices affect classroom achievement.,7. Why do some students do better than others on the same essay?,Text StudyUnderstanding,With some determination, you can change your name.,8. According to the writer, what can you do if your

7、 name doesnt seem to fit you?,Text StudyUnderstanding,Part III. The necessity of changing names. (Para.8),II. Structure Analysis,Example + statement + More Examples+ Restatement + Comparison,What is the general statement?,What are the specific examples?,What is the comparison?,A. The Writing Model o

8、f the Whole Passage:,Text StudyStructure Analysis,The first example:,A woman changed her name and became successful in her career. (Para.12),Text StudyStructure Analysis,The General Statement:,Names can affect peoples life. (Para.3),The Specific Examples:,Example 1 (Para 4): An art critic should hav

9、e a more refined name; Example 2 (Para 5): The most attractive male and female names; Example 3 (Para 5): One woman turned down a blind date because of the mans name.,Text StudyStructure Analysis,Restatement,Though most of us would like to think ourselves free from such prejudiced notions, were all

10、guilty of name stereotyping to some extent.,(Para. 6),Text StudyStructure Analysis,Michael,Hubert,Comparison,Names can affect classroom achievements. Names can bring other classroom differences. (Para.78),Text StudyStructure Analysis,B. The Way to Develop Paragraphs:,To develop a paragraph by compar

11、ison,With comparison, a statement or viewpoint can be well-illustrated.,Text StudyStructure Analysis,Take Para.7 as an example.,Text StudyStructure Analysis,B: Other sources of classroom differences. Comparison: 1) Performance of girls with appealing names and less appealing ones; 2) Popularity of t

12、he girls is related to their names.,A: Affect classroom achievement. Comparison: Grades on the same essays written by boys with good names and bad names.,Text StudyStructure Analysis,III. Summary,This writer describes ways names can make a difference. One woman didnt like her _ name because it didnt

13、 suit her _ or elegant manner and made her think she should be a cook. When she used her _ name for her first, she felt more comfortable with herself, other people started to take her more _ and gave her added _. So some social scientists say that what youre called can affect your life. One _,Text S

14、tudyStructure Analysis,former,appearance,seriously,confidence,middle,prominent,(to be continued),(continued),magazine consistently refused to print the writers name because his name made him more _ to be a baseball player than an art critic. Other names would have been printed completely. At a party

15、, another woman was ill _ because the man whom she wanted the writer to introduce her to was the same person she had _ for a blind date because,Text StudyStructure Analysis,qualified,at ease,turned down,of his name.,IV. Reproduction,Work in groups. Each member chooses a name in Section A and makes a

16、 conversation to tell others how the other people treat you because of your name. Remember to use the words & phrases you learned from the text.,A sample beginning,Text StudyReproduction,A: Do you agree that sometimes people will treat others differently because of their names? B. Yes. I used to be , but now my name is A: Why did you change you


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