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1、Wild China(Tasting Notes),Land of Panda Part Two,I. Warming up Activities,Discussion: 1.Do you have any interesting stories with animals? Can you share it with us? 2.Do you like Chinese kung fu? Who is your favourite action movie star?,II. Cultural Tips,1. Mandarin Ducks(鸳鸯) 2. Cantonese Cuisine(广东菜

2、) 3. Traditional Chinese Medicine 4. Kung Fu 5. Dragon,Mandarin Ducks(鸳鸯),Mandarin Ducks are often taken by Chinese people as the symbol of loyalty to love, couples being together for a whole life.,Some people think that once a couple of Mandarin Ducks get together, they will accompany with each oth

3、er all their life, even one of them dies, the other one will spend its rest life all alone.,back,Cantonese Cuisine(广东菜),Cantonese Cuisine, one of Chinese eight major cuisines, has a long history and is popular all around the world. It originates in Guangdong and Guangxi, and is famous for its variou

4、s ingredients and diverse cooking techniques. It is said that Cantonese will eat anything on 4 legs, except a table and anything with wings, except a flight.,back,Traditional Chinese Medicine,Traditional Chinese medicine is a broad range of medicine practices sharing common concepts which have been

5、developed in China and are based on a tradition of more than 2,000 years, including various forms of herbal medicine, acupuncture(针灸), massage (推拿), exercise (气功), and dietary therapy(食疗).,TCMs view of the body places little emphasis on anatomical(解剖的) structures, but is mainly concerned with the id

6、entification of functional entities (which regulate digestion, breathing, aging etc.). While health is perceived as harmonious interaction of these entities and the outside world, disease is interpreted as a disharmony in interaction. TCM diagnosis aims to trace symptoms to patterns of an underlying

7、 disharmony, by measuring the pulse, inspecting the tongue, skin, and eyes, and looking at the eating and sleeping habits of the patient as well as many other things. In traditional Chinese herbal medicine, plant elements are by far the most commonly, but not solely, used substances; animal, human,

8、and mineral products are also utilized.,back,Kung Fu,Kung fu can be translated into Chinese martial arts, also called gung fu or wushu, are a number of fighting styles that have developed over the centuries in China. These fighting styles are often classified according to common traits, identified a

9、s “families“ (家), “sects“ (派) or “schools“ (门) of martial arts. Examples of such traits include physical exercises involving animal mimicry(模仿), or training methods inspired by Chinese philosophies, religions and legends. Styles that focus on qi manipulation(运气) are called internal (内家拳), while othe

10、rs that concentrate on improving muscle and cardiovascular(心血管的) fitness are called external (外家拳). Geographical association, as in northern (北拳) and southern (南拳), is another popular classification method.,back,Dragon,The last picture is a western dragon. Dragon has been a symbol of China. Its a an

11、 auspicious(吉祥的) creature which is far different from the Western dragons. Chinese dragon symbolizes strength, wisdom, good luck and power over the elements of wind and water. As such, Chinese people proudly claim theyre the descendants of the dragon. While in western culture, the dragon is said to

12、be a large fierce animal with huge unguis(爪), wings and a long tail, whose whole body is covered by squamae (鳞片)and whose face just like crocodile(鳄鱼)s. It is always considered as an evil symbol, and it can swim, fly as well as breathe out fire. At ancient times, the dragon was a symbol of evil, a s

13、inister(阴险的), hellish and ferocious(残忍的) monster that destroyed the life of human and therefore must be destroyed. The western people always consider the dragon as an evil symbol, and consider the hero who kills, destroys the dragon as a saint, and who is worshiped by human beings.,IV. Now Words & E

14、xpressions,Proper Nouns: mandarin ducks 鸳鸯 the Yellow Weasel 黄鼠狼 Cantonese 广东人;广东话 Shaolin Mountain 少林山 Chinese alligator 扬子鳄 the Muddy Dragon 土龙,文中指扬子鳄 Wolong Reserve 卧龙保护区,Expressions,be subjected to受到;经受 be out of balance失去平衡 keep a close watch over密切监视 a symbol of 的象征 as a result结果,因此 turn a bli

15、nd eye to熟视无睹;对视而不见 couple with加上,外加;与相结合 specialize in专门研究 lost count of the number of记不清的数量 herbal remedy草本治疗,contribute to有助于;捐献 is rooted in深植于 benefit from得益于;得利于;因而得到好处 buddhist monk和尚 incorporate into并入 more.rather than.更而不是 in ones realm在统治下,统治期间 down to 直到;下至;平息;处于低落状态;是的责任 breeding center

16、繁育中心 scent glands气味腺 be entrusted to被委托给,OK, now lets watch the video.,V. Key Points,1. be subjected to受到;经受 In the last 50 years, Chinas heartland has been subjected to desertification, drying rivers and deforestation, affecting not only people, but wildlife, too.在过去的50年里,中国的中心地带受到沙漠化,干涸的河流和被伐的森林的影响,不仅影响了人类,还影响了野生动物。 2. out of balance 失去平衡 The relationship between the Chinese people and their environment appears bo be out of balance, but if we dig a little bit deeper, t



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