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1、Sample 1 学生整个论文中不要出现Sample字样Context and Wording in E-C Translation论文题目:三号Times New Roman加粗,居中Written by: X X作者姓名(汉语拼音)、导师姓名(汉语拼音):均为四号Times New Roman体,居中Supervised by: XXX系别、学院、学校、完成时间:均为四号Times New Roman体,居中English DepartmentSchool of Foreign StudiesAnhui Normal UniversityApril 2008本页不标页码5居中,Times

2、New Roman四号加粗Sample 2AcknowledgementsI would like to express my gratitude to all those who helped me during the writing of this thesis. A special acknowledgement should be shown to Professor X, who from whose lectures I benefited greatly. I am particularly indebted to 主要感谢导师和对论文工作有直接贡献及帮助的人士和单位。两端对齐

3、,小四号Times New Roman体; 首行缩进2字符; 行间距22磅。“Acknowledgements, Contents, Abstract, 摘要” 用5号罗马数字单独编码,页码位于页面底端居中题目居中,Times New Roman, 三号加粗Sample 3The Image of the Room in Kate Chopins Works中间空一行居中,Times New Roman 四号加粗中间空一行Abstract 两端对齐,小4号Times New Roman体;首行缩进4字符;行距22磅200单词左右,符合语法,无语言错误,表达流畅Now regarded as a

4、n important forerunner of feminist movements, in her writing Kate Chopin introduced her readers to strong-willed, individualistic, and rebellious heroines, and expressed the feminist view that women should be independent and free in soul and body. This thesis does a detailed study of the repeatedly-

5、used the image of the “room”. It explores the significance of the room in the womens lives in terms of role-fulfillment as a mother and wife, their psychic growth from repression, awakening to rebellion. It illustrates the profound revelation and criticism evoked by the image of the “room” itself in

6、 Chopins works. Chopin condemned the patriarchal society and showed her sympathy with women by depicting what happened in the room. This thesis analyses the symbolic meaning of “the room of a view”, that is, Chopins feminist views that women should break the cage of the present life and go out into

7、a free world Key Words: room; female roles; female psyche; a room with view四号Times New Roman体,加粗,左顶格按外延大小顺序排列;小四号Times New Roman体;分号隔开最后一个关键词后不打标点符号本页和下页中文摘要双面打印居中,三号,宋体,加粗Sample 4中间空一行凯特肖邦作品中的房间意象居中,四号,宋体,加粗;摘要两字之间空2个字符宋体小四号,首行缩进两个汉字,行距22磅。两端对齐中间空一行摘 要中间空一行 凯特肖邦是十九世纪一位重要女性作家。其作品表达了新女性在身体、心灵和灵魂三方面的觉


9、作品中其他多次出现的意象,如女性浓密乌黑的头发亦具有研究价值。300汉字左右,与英文摘要一致,语句通顺,表达流畅。关键词:房间;女性角色;女性心理;窗 和英语关键词一致;小四号宋体;中间以分号隔开。最后一个关键词后不打标点符号左顶格,四号宋体,加粗。Sample 5居中,Times New Roman 四号加粗;不用 “outline”左顶格,Times New Roman 小四号;行距22磅;一级标题加粗空1行ContentsAcknowledgements . IAbstract .II摘 要.IIIChapter 1 Introduction .1各级标题用短语;层次要分明;实词首字母大

10、写1.1 Literature Review . .11.2 The significance of the Research .31.3 Organization of This Paper.4Chapter 2 Style and Several Parameters in Its Conveyance.52.1 Style.5下一级标题序号对齐上一级标题的第一个字母2.1.1 Definition .52.1.2 A Great Variety of Style .6 2.2 Several Parameters in Style Conveyance in Poetry Transla

11、tion .8一般分为5章,各专业、方向可作适当调整Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Conclusion .14Notes .16Works Cited .17Appendix.18目录中页码要与正文中的页码一致 全文自本页至附录均双面打印论文标题:三号Times New Roman体,加粗Sample 6各章标题:居中,四号,Times New Roman体,加粗;前后各空一行The Image of the Room in Kate Chopins WorksChapter 1 Introduction其他各级标题:居中,小四号,Times New Roman体

12、,加粗;前后各空一行文中作者未出现:圆括号内标明作者姓(汉语只注明作者姓的拼音),空格,页码;文末文献要对应Chinese translation theories used to be unsystematic. Various opinions and propositions were hidden in the voluminous historical data, or concealed in the translators fragmentary words and phrases. Many scholars have begun to realize the value of

13、 those ideas, however, few have made full use of the materials available to study the old theoretical statements (Yang 2) 1.1 Literature Review注释一律用尾注:文中采用右上标注的方式It has been proposed that those theories in the past could be modernized for the sake of carrying on the tradition and benefiting Chinese translation studies at present. The modernization is based on discovering something “new” in the “old” theories. And the researchers in this field are responsible.1.1.1 Research Methodologyfor interpreting and converting the old theories to


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