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1、Advertising Appeals Image & Personality 广告诉求形象和性格,Unit 6, Learning objectives,In this unit students will learn words and expressions related to advertising. Students will be able to discuss different types of advertising appeals and the importance of image and personality to a product., Background r

2、eading,Notes: mix 组合,混合 mix mixture or combination of things or people publicity (向新闻界散发的)宣传材料;广告 publicity (business of) providing information in order to attract public attention; advertising fade 逐渐消失 fade (away) disappear gradually (from sight, hearing, memory, etc); become instinct As evening c

3、ame, the coastline faded into darkness. upkeep 保养;养护;维修 upkeep (cost or means of) keeping sth in good condition and repair; maintenance word of mouth 口头推荐, 口碑,Pompeii 庞贝 Ancient city of Campania, Italy, 14 miles (23 km) southeast of Naples, at the southeastern base of Mount Vesuvius. Pompeii was not

4、 only a flourishing port but a prosperous resort with many villas. The habits and manners of life in Roman times have been revealed in great detail at Pompeii by the plan of the streets and footpaths, the statue-decorated public buildings, and the simple shops and homes of the artisans. agency 代办;经销

5、处 agency business or place of business providing a service broker 经纪人;中间人 broker person who buys and sells things (eg shares in a business) for others take over 接收,控制,管理 take sth over gain control of or acquire,The firm has been taken over by an American conglomerate. street furniture 街头特有的景物,如电线杆、路

6、灯柱、书报摊、公共 电话亭、长椅、巴士候车亭、垃圾箱等 flier 小张广告传单 flier small advertising leaflet that is widely distributed web banner 网上横额广告 skywriting 飞机放烟组成的空中文字(通常为宣传) town crier (旧时)街头公告员(受雇在公共场所宣读公告的人) diaper (婴儿)尿布 streaming 网络串流 covert 隐蔽的;不公开的,covert concealed; not open product placement 产品置入 Super Bowl 美式橄榄球决赛 Su

7、per Bowl is the championship game of the major professional football league in the US with 28 teams, played between the champions of the American Football Conference and National Football Conference at a neutral site each January; it is the culmination of the National Football League playoffs. 23 sp

8、ot (插入电视、电台或戏剧节目中的)节目档(尤指短小、固定的) spot place for an individual item of entertainment, esp a short regular one, in a television, radio or theatre show,24 unsolicited 主动提供或送出的;未经请求的 unsolicited - given or sent voluntarily; not asked for 25 in bulk 大量 in bulk - in large amount 26 spam 垃圾邮件,Answer to com

9、prehension questions,Generally speaking, advertising is the paid promotion of goods, services, companies and ideas by an identified sponsor. Marketers see advertising as part of an overall promotional strategy. In ancient times- word of mouth; in Pompeii- commercial messages and election campaign di

10、splays; in the 15th and 16th century- beginning of modern advertising; in the 17th century- advertisements in weekly newspapers in England, popularity of advertising; the 19th century- the first advertising agency for ad space in newspapers; in the 20th century- advertising agencies for the content;

11、 in the early-20th century- a ghost ad such as advertisements painted on the side of buildings.,proscustomers can now the information about the products and services at a low cost; ads in newspapers and magazines can reach a larger group of people than other media; conssometimes, too much space in n

12、ewspapers and magazines is taken up by ads No. Radio is not a good choice since many people dont listen to the radio nowadays. TV is most effective as the majority of people are TV viewers. The effectiveness of Web is between those of radio and TV, since more and more people are Web surfers.,Part A

13、First listening: listen for the gist,What was the theme at the Athens Olympic Games? Whether Athens should have hosted the games at all given how pressed the city seemed to be to finish stadiums and arenas. What is the main idea of this news item? Advertisers did much better during the Beijing Olymp

14、ic games than they did in previous games and reaped abundant benefits.,Second listening: listen for specific information,In this part the teacher has great freedom and flexibility to ask students questions, to clarify any difficult language points, to add in supplementary materials as background kno

15、wledge or in-depth understanding of the listening materials.,NBC The National Broadcasting Company (NBC) is an American commercial broadcasting television network and former radio network headquartered in the GE Building in New York Citys Rockefeller Center with additional major offices near Los Ang

16、eles and in Chicago. NBC is sometimes referred to as the “Peacock Network“ due to its stylized peacock logo, created originally for color broadcasts. Formed in 1926 by the Radio Corporation of America (RCA), NBC was the first major broadcast network in the United States. In 1986, control of NBC passed to General Electric (GE), with GEs $6.4 billion purchase of RCA. NBC has 10 owned-and-operated stations and nearly 200 affiliates in the United States and its territ



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