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1、Chapter 12 Claim Letters,Reasons for Claims,Wrong delivery Late delivery Short delivery Inferior quality of goods Damage or loss of goods,Claim Adjustments,compensation for the losses Replacement of goods Repair Price reduction in future deals Refund,Pattern of Claim Letters,详尽陈述事实,说明出了什么问题。在这部分里应给出

2、具体的日期、货物的品名、和数量、合同号及任何其他详尽的信息,以便对方进行查询;(Detailed information to explain the problem. This explanation should give dates, name and quantity of goods, contract number or any other specific information that will make a recheck easier for the reader) We have just received.evidencing.(我们刚收到证明) We regret

3、having to inform you that .arrived in.(很遗憾通知你方到达) 20% of the packages had been broken.(20%的包装破损),说明此差错带来的不便或损失,以使你的投诉或索赔更有力;(A statement of the inconvenience or loss that hs resulted from this error. This strengthens your argument) The materials are quite unsuited to.(货物很不适合) These goods are entirel

4、y useless to us.(这些货物对我们毫无用处) This has caused us much inconvenience.(这给我们带来了很大不便),说明希望对方如何解决问题。如何不知道那种解决方式为宜,可敦促对方采取必要的行动。(A statement of how you wish the reader to act. The writer who doesnt know what adjustment is proper should try to stimulate prompt investigation and action) We wish to get your

5、early reply.(希望收到你方早日答复) We look forward to your settlement at an early date.(盼早日收到你方解决办法),Pattern of Granting Claims,对给对方带来不便表示歉意;(Regret for the inconvenience caused to the reader) - We wish to express our deepest regret over the unfortunate incident.(对这个不幸事件我们希望表达我们深深的遗憾) -We are extremely sorry

6、for the late delivery of.(我们为迟交感到非常遗憾) - We regret the inconvenience you have experienced.(我们对你方经历的不便表示遗憾),解释问题出现的原因并表示同意索赔;(Explaining the reasons of the problem and expressing the wish to grant the claim) It happened that.(事情是) Another thorough check-up reveals that.(再次彻底检查发现) The wrong pieces may

7、 be returned.(发错的货可以退回) We are prepared to make you a reasonable compensation.(我们准备给你方合理的赔偿),表示希望继续与对方的合作关系。(Wishing to cooperate with the reader again) We hope this will not affect our friendly relationship.(我们希望这不会影响我们的友好关系) We wish to be able to serve you in future businesses.(我们希望能够在将来的生意上为你方提供服

8、务) In view of the .(鉴于我们之间的友好关系),Pattern of Refusing Claims,对给对方带来不便表示歉意;(Regret for the inconvenience caused to the reader) We wish to express our deepest regret over the unfortunate incident.(对这个不幸事件我们希望表达我们深深的遗憾) We regret the inconvenience you have experienced.(我们对你方经历的不便表示遗憾),解释问题出现的原因并表明自己的立场;

9、(Explaining the reasons for the problem and making clear your position) After a check-up we found that.(检查后我们发现) The shipment you complained.(你方抱怨的货物) We are of the opinion that.(我们的意见是),直接拒绝或建议可能的解决办法; We regret being unable to accept your suggestion to.(很遗憾不能接受你方的建议) We can not but.(我们只能),希望表示希望继续

10、与对方的合作关系。(Wishing to cooperate with the reader again) We hope this will not affect our friendly relationship.(我们希望这不会影响我们的友好关系) We wish to be able to serve you in future businesses.(我们希望能够在将来的生意上为你方提供服务) In view of the .(鉴于我们之间的友好关系),Sample Letter 1: Complaint on Defective Goods,Dear Mr. Smith: We h

11、ave recently received a number of complaints from customers about your clocks. The clocks are clearly not giving satisfaction and in some cases we have had to refund the purchase price.(说明自己的实际情况),The clocks complained about are part of the batch of five hundred supplied to our order No 908 of April

12、 2. This order was placed on the basis of a sample clock left by your representative. We have ourselves compared the performance of this sample with that of a number of the clocks complained about and there is little doubt that many of them do not tell the right time.(详细解释状况),The complaints received

13、 relate only to clocks from the batch referred to. Clocks supplied before these have always been satisfactory. We are therefore writing to ask you to accept return of the unsold balance, amounting to 503 clocks in all, and to replace them by clocks of the quality our earlier dealings with you have l

14、ed us to expect.(具体索赔要求) Sincerely,Sample Letter 2: Buyer Lodging a Claim for Inferior Quality,Dear Mr Lu, Our order No.098 of 9 March for plastics has now been delivered. We have examined the shipment carefully and, to our great disappointment, find that they are not of the quality we ordered.,The

15、materials do not match the samples you sent us. The quality of some of them is so poor that we feel that a mistake has been made in making up the order. The goods do not match the requirements of our company. We have, therefore, no choice but to ask you to take the materials back and replace them wi

16、th materials of the quality we ordered.,We are very keen to resolve this matter amicably. If you can replace the materials, we are prepared to allow the agreed delivery time to run from the date you confirm that you can supply the correct materials. We look forward to your early reply. Yours sincerely,Sample Letter 3: Seller Agrees to Replace the Goods,Dear Ms. Turner: We have received your letter of July 12, and we were very sorry to hear about the problem you experienced with our


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