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1、Unit 5,Sales Letters,1,Objectives,To learn some samples To master some guidelines for writing sales letters To learn some useful expressions,2,Introduction,Sales letters play an important part in the sales process. A sales letter is a marketing tool that promotes goods or service. Its objective is t

2、o persuade the reader to buy what the letter offers. All winning sales letters succeed by following the AIDA formula. AIDA stands for “Attention, Interest, Desire and Action.“,3,1) To get the readers attention with a hard-hitting lead paragraph 2) To hook the readers interest 3) To create a desire 4

3、) To call to action,AIDA Formular,4,Attention The letter must get the readers attention with a hard-hitting lead paragraph that goes straight to the point or offers an element of intrigue. A sales letter must capture the readers attention immediately or it wont get read.,AIDA Formular,5,Interest You

4、 want to hook the readers interest. This is usually a clear statement of the readers problems, needs or wants. Whats new? Whats in it for the reader? Remember, the reader isnt interested in you or your products. They are interested in what you can do for them.,AIDA Formular,6,Desire The letter shoul

5、d create a desire. The desire to eliminate or minimize the potential for future loss or the desire to gain something (prestige, more time, more profits, etc.). Provide a compelling reason to buy from you instead of your competition. This is called your “USP“ or “Unique Selling Proposition“. Its a un

6、ique advantage that customers get only if they buy from you.,AIDA Formular,7,Action Your sales piece must have a call to action. You must ask your customer to do the action that you want, whether it is to buy or to click on a web site. Explain how and make it so easy for them to do so (as many payme

7、nt methods as possible) that they will feel left out or disappointed if they dont.,AIDA Formular,8,Guidelines for Writing, Create a short, powerful headline. Write an effective opening to capture the readers attention. Be specific in praising your product. Emphasize strong points. Offer special term

8、s to encourage the reader to take action. Keep it personal and conversational. Include testimonials from customers. Keep it to one page. Make it easy for the reader to respond,9,Useful Expressions,1. For 30 years, Vortex has been a leading manufacturer of office equipment in East Asia. 2. VoiceTech

9、would like to offer you a new product that would help you improve your work efficiency. 3. Mercury 808 digital telephone is a high performance instrument for an easily affordable price. 4. We will send you a free sample to use as a test.,10,Useful Expressions,5. Our representatives are professionall

10、y trained to offer you the best technical assistance. 6. You will be pleased to find that GreenMart gives you 15% off the normal retail price. 7. The enclosed coupons will enable you to sample a wide range of our products at a 20% discount. 8. Please give me a call as soon as possible if you think a

11、ny of our products can meet your needs .,11,Review,To learn some samples To master some guidelines for writing sales letters To learn some useful expressions,12,Keys to Practice,Practice 1 A 1. weed-free 2. well-trained 3. strengthens 4. sunny 5. effective 6. safe 7. season 8. excellently 9. discoun

12、t 10. paradise B 1. trouble 2. correctly 3. produce 4. specialist 5. experience 6. impression 7. estimate 8. documents 9. call 10. appointment,13,Practice 2,Dear Mr. Welling, We have just bought a large quantity of high-quality rugs and carpets from the bankrupt stock of one of our competitors. As y

13、ou are one of our most regular and long-standing customers, we would like you to share in the excellent opportunities which our purchase provides. We can offer you mohair rugs in a variety of colours at prices ranging from 55 to 1500; also premier quality Wilton and Axminster carpeting in a wide ran

14、ge of patterns at 20% below current wholesale prices. This is an exceptional opportunity for you to buy a stock of high-quality products at prices we cannot repeat. We hope you will take full advantage of it. If you are interested please call at our warehouse to see the stock , not later than next F

15、riday 14 October. Or alternatively call our Sales Department on 0114-453 2567 to place an immediate order. Yours sincerely,14,Practice 3,1. We are pleased to send you with this letter a copy of our catalogue 2. is well known and universally acknowleged 3. are excellent value for money 4. we will all

16、ow you a special discount of 20% during this month only 5. we are looking forward to your earliest orders,15,Writing Task,Dear Sirs, We at W&Z Systems, Inc. would like to acquaint you with a new line of products that we are offering to make your office more secure. For 10 years W&Z Systems has been a leading innovator in the security industry and a major supplier of electronic alarm equipment in Europe. We are now extending that


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