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1、二一二届学生毕业论文(设计) 存档编号: 江汉大学毕业论文(设计)论 文 题 目 齿轮传动系统结构设计及方案优化(英 文) Gear transmission system parameter design and optimization scheme 学 院 机电与建筑工程学院 专 业 机械设计制造及其自动化姓 名 学 号 指导老师 2012年 05 月 31日基于有限元的齿轮传动有限元分析和优化摘要Patran是随着电子计算机的发展而迅速发展起来的一种在计算数学,计算力学和计算工程科学领域最有效的通用有限元分析软件。它是融结构,热,流体,电磁,声学于一体的大型通用有限元商用分析软件。利于


3、一。据统计,在各种机械故障中,齿轮失效就占故障总数的60%以上。其中轮齿的折断又是齿轮失效的主要原因之一。齿轮啮合过程作为一种接触行为, 因涉及接触状态的改变而成为一个复杂的非线性问题。传统的齿轮理论分析是建立在弹性力学基础上的, 对于齿轮的接触强度计算均以两平行圆柱体对压的赫兹公式为基础,在计算过程中存在许多假设,不能准确反映齿轮啮合过程中的应力以及应变分布与变化。相对于理论分析,有限元法则具有直观、准确、快速方便等优点。齿廓曲面是渐开线曲面,所以建模的难点和关键在于如何确定精确的渐开线。通过从外部导入直接在Patran中创建标准斜齿圆柱齿轮,学习应用Patran软件进行零件的几何建模和网格

4、划分,并进行静力分析关键词 有限元 齿轮 CAE Patran Gear Transmission Of Finite Element Patran And OptimizationAbstractPatran is along with the rapid development of electronic computers and developed a computational mathematics, computational mechanics and engineering science, the most effective general finite element

5、analysis software. It is hot, the fluid, structure, electromagnetic, acoustics integration in the universal finite element analysis software for commercial. Using the Patran finite element analysis, all kinds of machine parts, can carry out stress, strain and structural deformation, fatigue analysis

6、 of some complex system, and the simulation, the design and realization of virtual human, to save money and material. Due to its convenience, practicability and validity, Patran software, especially in the field of mechanical engineering has been widely used.Gear is commonly used in machinery, a par

7、t of the work in process of stress, strain and can produce deformation, so as to ensure the normal working of gear teeth and to overall analysis, ensure the stiffness and strength. This thesis of Patran software of gear static analysis and optimization of virtual design of gear.Gear is one of the mo

8、st important parts. It has big power range, high transmission efficiency and transmission ratio correctly, long using life, etc, but from the failure parts, gear is the most vulnerable parts of the fault. According to statistics, in all kinds of mechanical failure, gear failure is accounted for 60%

9、of the total failure. One of the broken tooth gear is one of the main reasons.Gear meshing process as a contact, because involves contact state changes a complex nonlinear problems. The traditional theory of gear analysis was based on the basis of elastic mechanics, the contact strength for gear wit

10、h two parallel computation formula of the cylinder pressure, based in Hertz calculation process in many assumptions, was not accurate in reflecting gear meshing process of stress and strain distribution and change. Relative to the theoretical analysis, finite element method, the principle is conveni

11、ent and fast accurate, etc.Involute tooth profile surface is curved, so the difficulties and modeling key lies in how to determine the precise involute. Through PDL coupler, single mode WDMS directly in order to create Patran flow standard spur gears, study on parts of Patran software, and the meshi

12、ng geometric modeling and static load and the solving of solving the check, analysis and optimization.Key words: Finite element; Gear; CAE Patran 目 录1 绪论11.1 有限元概述11.2 课题的意义与及目的31.2.1 研究目的和意义31.2.2 研究背景41.3 国内外研究现状51.3.1 有限元仿真及多体系统动力学仿真51.3.2 变速器齿轮动力学仿真72 软件选取82.1 MSC.Patran简介及优势82.2 MSC.Nastran简介及优

13、势92.3 MSC.Patran 和MSC.Nastran做齿轮结构分析的优势113 有限元分析初步123.1 分析目的与意义123.2 减速器相关参数123.2.1 减速器参数123.2.2 齿轮相关参数143.3 画齿轮与修改文件类型143.4大齿轮建模过程153.4.1 新建一个数据库文件 153.4.2 创建几何模型163.4.3 划分有限元网格163.4.4 施加边界约束193.4.5设置材料特性203.4.6 定义单元属性213.4.7提交分析213.4.8查看分析结果223.4.9 模态分析243.4.10 查看模态分析结果253.5 小齿轮静力模态分析283.5.1 小齿轮应力

14、位移云图283.5.2 小齿轮模态分析294 计算数据分析和技术讨论324.1 分析数据324.2 设计方案技术讨论324.3 工作展望324.4 有限元发展趋势32全文总结35参考文献36致谢37 第一章 绪论1.1有限元概述有限元是随着计算机的发展而迅速发展起来的一种现代计算方法。1960年,克拉夫(Clough)在他的一篇论文“平面分析的有限元法(The Finite Element Method in Plane Stress Analysis)”中最先引入了有限元(Finite Element)这一术语。这种方法是结构分析专家把杆件结构力学中的位移法推广到求解连续体介质力学问题(当时




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