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1、An Integrated Course in International Business English,国际商务英语综合教程,Chapter 1 A Brief Introduction to International Business 国际商务简介,. Explanatory Notes on Technical Terms 1. economic surplus 经济盈余 2. portfolio pt n. 有价证券(清单) 3. a parent company 母公司 (又称控股公司,总公司,即通过参入制来控制其他公司活动的大公司,受 母公司控制的公司大致分为branch.

2、Subsidiary) 4. turnkey project 由承包商一手承包办理的工程 5. expropriation n. 征收(私人财产)或剥夺(某人之地产等),6. contemplate v. 在心中打算,企图 7. extraterritorial 治外法权的 8. collection 收款,托收 9. correspondent bank 代理银行,往来银行 10. insurance policy 保险单 11. insurance certificate 保险凭证 12. weight memo (note) 重量单,磅码单 13. institutional 惯例的,团

3、体的 14. multilateral 多边的,多方的 15. implement 实行,实施 16. legislation 立法 17. adjudication 审判官,裁判员,.Language Points (语言要点) (Teachers should note that here we only give you some of the language points, you may add some by yourself.),1. but today it has a more technical definition, which is the production, d

4、istribution, and sale of goods and service for a profit. 但是,今天商业有更为科学的定义,它是指为了利润而进行货物和劳务的生产、分配和销售的一种活动。 2. For example, a machine tool is sold to someone in exchange for money or a mechanic offers a service by repairing a machine tool for money, which we call sales. 例如,将一台机床卖给某人成交得钱,或者一个机修工提供修理机床的服务

5、而得钱,我们都称之为销售。,Which引导的定语从句为修饰主句的定语从句,which代表主句意义,注意译文。在科技英语与商务英语中,经常有由代表整个主句意义的关系代词which引出一个定语,翻译时和主句译成排比句。 E.g. The sun gives us light and heat, which makes us live on the earth possibly. 太阳给了我们光和热,这就使得我们有可能生活在地球上。 3. give rise to使产生,引起,导致 E.g. (以下例句由任课老师给出) 4. different sovereign political units 不

6、同的主权政治团体,5. cover a wide range of 包括的广大范围 6. International transactions in physical goods involve products from mining, petroleum, agriculture, and manufacturing activities. 物质商品中的国际交易涉及矿产品、石油产品、农产品和生产活动。 7. Transactions in services are extensive in the construction, hotel, tourism, business consult

7、ing, and retailing and wholesaling sectors; 服务行业中的交易扩大到建筑、旅馆、旅游、商业洽谈以及零售和批发部门;,8. Transactions in intangibles occur in fields such as technology, trademarks, and cross-border data transmission. 无形商品交易发生在技术、商标、跨国界资料的传递这样一些领域里。 9. Foreign direct investments are defined as investments that give the inv

8、estor effective control and are accompanied by managerial participation. 所谓国外直接投资被人们解释为使投资者有效地控制企业并参与管理的投资。 10. Direct investment may be financed in a number of ways other than through capital movements abroad. 直接投资可以用许多方式来提供资金,而不是通过国外资金的运动。,11. Without making foreign direct investment commitments,

9、firms can engage in international business through exporting and importing, licensing of nonaffiliated foreign firms, sale of technology, foreign management contracts, and selling turnkey projects. 没有进行国外直接投资交托的公司,也可以从事国际商务活动。通过出口和进口、非分支机构的国外公司的许可,销售技术,国外管理合同以及销售由承包商完全包办的工程来进行。 12. The special risk

10、elements confronted in international business activity include financial, political, regulatory, and tax risks. 国际商务活动面对的特别风险因素包括金融、政治、规章和税务的风险。,13. The need has become recognized for a continuing business intelligence activity of considerable complexity to identify and predict international risks.

11、人们逐渐认识到继续进行相当复杂的商务情报活动来辨认和预计国际风险是必要的。(pay attention to the translation.) 14. Therefore, the world businessperson, unlike the wholly domestic businessperson, has to take into account complex and diverse legal constraints. 因此,世界商人完全不像国内商人,必须重视复杂的和各种法律约束。 has to take into account (consideration) 必须考虑 1

12、5. Each international transaction raises the possibility of the extraterritorial extension of the domestic laws of the home and host states, which may result in potential conflicts. 每宗国际贸易都增加了本国和东道国内部法律延伸到境外实行的可能性,这可能引起潜在的争端。,16. When remittance is adopted in international trade, the buyer on his ow

13、n initiative remits money to the seller through a bank according to the terms and time stipulated in the contract. 对外贸易的货款如采用汇付,由买方按合同约定的条件和时间,将货款通过银行主动汇给卖方。 17. The seller issues a draft, to which the shipping documents are attached, forwards the draft to a bank in his place (i.e., the remitting ba

14、nk), makes an application for collection and entrusts the remitting bank to collect the purchase price from the buyer through its correspondent bank abroad (i.e., the collecting bank). 由卖方开具汇票并随附单据,把它交给当地银行(托收银行或受托银行)并提出托收申请,委托该银行通过它在进口地的代理行(代收银行),代向进口人收款。,18. Because the remitting bank instructs th

15、e collecting bank not to part the documents with the latter until the draft is accepted or paid, many of the difficulties mentioned in “Shipment at first and Settlement later” are removed by this method. 因为托收银行指示代收银行直到买方承兑或支付汇票后才向他交单,这种方法排除了“先出后结”的许多弊病。 19. It is composed of a team of managers who h

16、ave charge of the organization at all levels. 管理班子由负责各级组织的经理们组成,他们的任务是确保公司目标的执行和追求企业有效经营。 Be composed of 由组成,20. In order to adequately and efficiently perform these management functions, managers need interpersonal, organizational, and technical skills. 为了能确切有效地执行管理的这些功能,经理们须要具有交际能力、组织能力和懂得一定的技术 21. The structure of the WTO is dominated by its highest authority, the Ministeri


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